if you make the arrows italics or bold then they don't trigger the quote function


Dortex ago

That's a lot more work than I'm willing to do on a mobile platform just for a shitpost.

Shizy ago

They took her pictures from other sources and posted them on voat. That's doxxing.

Your name and address are public information. If someone on voat finds that is it ok for them to post it here? No!

Dortex ago

Aren't you that srazie alt? Sneaky kike, astroturfing for yourself. If you don't want something online, don't post it to several public sites then link it back to a third. Retard.

Shizy ago

Aren't you a pedo?

Dortex ago

No. I like how you resort to random accusations when you realize I know.

Shizy ago

Everyone who isn't a zyklon ass kissing troll knows I'm not a "Srayzie alt".

I like how you resort to random accusations

Is it really random though? It's a pretty established accusation, but nice try.

Dortex ago

Everyone who isn't a zyklon ass kissing troll knows I'm not a "Srayzie alt".


Is it really random though?


Shizy ago

Ok pedo

NotHereForPizza ago

Dude, quit being so fucking smart. You're going to piss them off.

Morbo ago

Nice summary there. Thanks!