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ExpertShitposter ago

That might have been for doxxing, but this one is for "Doxxing". Aka reporting their own info from other sites like voat. Cant fuck with "builders".

TheBuddha ago

Why lie? What's your motivation?

I see that someone else told you this was wrong before I posted it.

ExpertShitposter ago

I see that someone else told you this was wrong before I posted it.


TheBuddha ago

Now your starting to disappoint me.

ExpertShitposter ago

As i have said, the issue is not if someone got banned for doxing, that was always a well known rule. The issue is that today's ban for doxing is unjustified, as no doxing took place.

I have no way of knowing what went down with that person 7 months ago. But i know very well what triggs posted today.

TheBuddha ago

Yet it clearly isn't the first time someone has been banned for doxxing. That's pretty fucking clear. Putting quotes around it doesn't change the meaning.

ExpertShitposter ago

Putting quotes around it doesn't change the meaning.

Ok, English teacher, but that's exactly why i put them there.

TheBuddha ago

No, you just wanted to write inflammatory material and feign outrage.

I'm on to you.

I'd be really disappointed, but it is your MO and you are upfront about it with your username. So, I guess I can't be too mad,

ExpertShitposter ago

Thanks for venturing into my brian and knowing exactly what i think. Do i need to put the reddit /s here?

feign outrage

There is plenty to be outraged about. Well.....maybe not, Voat is a self dug hole known as social media, and a lot of us would probably be better off banned, just as triggs probably is.


Nah, this is the 1 out of 4 posts i make that is serious internet business.

TheBuddha ago

I'm not falling for it.

I can pretend?


Seriously, what the hell did she think was gonna be the outcome?

Secondly, what the fuck was putt thinking? He has to have known the outcome.