Tallest_Skil ago

Imagine how much easier it is now.

PlexusBlock ago


Zoldam ago

The internet has this nasty habbit of bringing the truth to light faster then it usually would.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

Sometimes you guys are the dumbest people on earth.

partnparcel ago

I agree. The fellow white people meme is just them messing around.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

Exactly. People here need to understand the harsh reality that Jews aren't stupid people, as much as wed like them to be.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Those fucking slavs. Why do they keep impersonating human beings online?

Hotbootyboi ago

Ah the not so rare nigger jew

facepaint ago

It wouldn't be so ruined if he was willing to add a little cheese to that grinder or Ruben. Throw a couple of bacon strips on a cheese burger. Hell, has he even tried New England Clam Chowder? How about a nice lobster.

JunOS ago

Friendly reminder that Jews are not white, never have been, never will be.

slwsnowman40 ago

How did whites ruin sports and food?

FridayJones ago

By inventing basketball, football, soccer, baseball, hockey, and virtually every other sport that doesn't involve either headless goat carcasses or nets on sticks?

Neggarplease2000 ago

cheeseroll running is cool too

Hebrew-Virus ago

...he claims Whiteness in one tweet then disclaims it in another...


englishwebster ago

they own the internet where it matters - twitter and facebook. they will simply memory hole the bad bits while what they want to push reaches more and more people.

in fact, I would suggest they are even better at it now because while everyone would see the first post, very few would see that post with the one below it like you just did.

the bad news got out first, and the correction is never read. thats the trick, and its as old as the first newspaper.

partnparcel ago

The internet can’t be controlled. The harder they try the more people they wake up. The jig is up. The genie is out of the bottle and it’s never going back in.

englishwebster ago

i dunno about that - the same argument used to be made with the newspaper once the printing press came out, then the radio, then television.

all used to be publicly accessible now they are all owned by a small handful of people over a few decades. same with the internet. the days of everyone having their own webpage is over and now its a facebook profile.

history repeats, partly because those who desire freedom come here instead of actually fighting. I admit im guilty of the same.

Goys-R-Us ago

He's not trying to hide being jewish until he can denigrate white people while claiming he's white. It's called shapeshifting.

Goys-R-Us ago

They can't help themselves. They've been taught this since they were mini kikes.


cursedcrusader ago

Whenever people claim I'm white I always correct them and say, "don't be ignorant I'm an ethnic jew." If they say something stupid like "jewish is a religion" then I clarify "you can't dna test a religion, seriously look it up and don't be ignorant."

Sosacms ago

Hahaha white people ruined dancing too right? The truest form of dancing is twerking, not ballet, not swing, not ballroom... Nope. Twerking.

White people ruined food.... Like the food white people created so Africans could actually grow food?

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Swing dancing started with niggers.

vtusr2 ago

That's why they are trying to take control of the internet. Hopefully they fail miserably.

RebelJohnny ago

That's not very untruthful, because there isn't a consensus on the mutual exclusion of being White and being Jewish.

You suck at this. So what if they say Jews are white? Just say they aren’t. You still draw attention to the fact that it’s yet another Jew being anti-white which is what matters.

partnparcel ago

Yes. Exactly. Because they aren’t white.

holaymackal ago

Most Jews that grow up in solid middle-class households relate to whiteness - the shared culture is largely the same.

Unlike whites, however, they can culture-switch when it is to their advantage.

I'm not white, I'm Jewish!

lexsird ago

Hmm..the title of this post cuts to a relevant subject.

Some of us older goats were around long before the internet. Look at what we had for information. I recall the red pills I had to get from Soldier of Fortune. You couldn't subscribe to it or you'd be on a list, so you had to find it on a magazine rack.

SoF was about the western merc and the work you could get killing commies about the world. I remember when they sounded the alarm about Carter/Mondale and how they stopped the CIA from tracking foriegn nationals once they got to American soil. Yeah, if you want to time travel and save America, go kill Carter and Mondale back then. I digress.

They were alarmed at how the fucking commie russians were now sending agents to bribe journalists and to fund commie ratfuck shit here on our soil. Well, that went obviously unheeded and look where we are now.

The point is, you only had the MSM. It was controlled. There was NO PLACE to find out anything but the bullshit (((they))) were pumping out. Imagine trying to find your way through all of that? Jews have to look back on those days wistfully.

Pump the brakes on blame. People didn't have the benefit of the potential to liberate themselves with information.

CobraStallone ago

It's so easy to get informed today. I mean, of course there's tons of disinfo and propaganda and what have you; but compare sitting on your chair and typing a few words to get all sorts of results, versus having to drive over to a library and check out a book on the subject, or get the one paragraph on it form your tome encyclopedia.

I often think that had I grown up comparatively very recently, say, in the 80s with 80s information technology I wouldn't know a fraction of what I know and I'd be less intellectually curious, because it's so absurdly easy to feed said curiosity nowadays. I like it a lot, propaganda, tailored results from politically minded search engines, and mis/disinfo aside.

WordCorrector ago

White and jew are distinctly different races characterized by unique genetic markers. So the whole thing is actually untruthful, which is the whole point.

Brawndosaurus ago


PMmeforStalagEdition ago

The bear jew

Tarantino's Inglorious Bastards (not to be mistaken for award-winning director Brenton Tarrantino with his 17 minute age-defining masterpiece) made a typical jewish fetish immortal on the white screen. A strong jew that hits blonde, blue-eyed, honour-bound white men with a baseball bat. Kikes cant ever act like normal human beings.

Brawndosaurus ago

Right. Its murder porn. They're ill.

WordCorrector ago

I ran into someone recently in real life who claimed to be jewish and then several sentences later claimed to be white. They often do this without even really giving it a lot of thought. As far as I know there are hundreds of documented instances of this kind of thing. It's quite common.

NosebergShekelman ago

oy vey white people are ruining Voat.

pimplepeter ago

noseberg strikes again!

CantDentTheBrent ago

HellO Shekelberg,

1488 you kikes did 9/11

race war now

Fuzzychickens1 ago

We need more goy gaslighting like noseberg

glassuser ago

He's my favorite rabbi ever.

NosebergShekelman ago

Goys did USS Liberty and King David Hotel. oy vey

carlip ago

Don't forget when the goy bombed their own rail lines and bridges in Palestine!

NosebergShekelman ago

It was a shoah I tall ya!

CantDentTheBrent ago

the goys destroyed Israel, too Shekelberg,

tell your fellow white people to remember Hadrian. shaloms

NosebergShekelman ago

Hadrian? Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I'll see your Hadrian(Benyamin Netenyahu) and raise you a Barbra Spectre

CantDentTheBrent ago

I see you Barbara, and would like you to know that the Pharaoh taught us long ago how to deal with your evil Jewish supremacy

NosebergShekelman ago

Its too late. We win. Bow down, goy fegit. Israel is bestest ally and Trump is our savior. Shaloms™✡️

SearchVoatBot ago

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Gopherurself ago

If I had I a dime for every fat fuckin kike that called himself bear Jew , instant death sentence in my mind

Jaegerjaques ago

Everytime I see it, I can't help but wonder how so many of them are capable of being such blatantly unrepentant liars and agitators. I guess it's just in their nature.

Fish swim

Birds fly

Moles dig

Jews lie