thewebofslime ago

This is way bigger than all that. If you look at who they target, there have been dozens of examples of people like @Jem777, @EsotericShade, etc where they systematically harass users who don't believe in Q for over a year. So, when they finally made their shittiness public enough, there were plenty of people ready to dog pile in confirming what assholes they were being. They called me a sleeper shill, among other things.

Sure, the @zyklon_b and friends participation was the most obvious, but that is only because @srayzie & co were willing to repeatedly go back and forth with constant nonsense... which, was entertaining for plenty of people, but is antithetical to what a lot of people feel like "truth movements" are trying to accomplish. Obviously, it is healthy for everyone to make fun of themselves a little bit and it is clear that people like @Crensch have zero sense of humor.

But the relentless shill hunt means that most people interpret these people to be shills, use "concern trolling shill accusations" to play gatekeepers over the Q movement and Pizzagate. All of their behavior is counterproductive to the extreme and the easiest way to sort it all out is a call for them to do what they volunteered to do and stop acting like middle school children who have no concept of how the Internet really works.

I spent last night reading hundreds of responses to their behavior and anyone who politely tried to reason with them was harassed, insulted and called a shill. 2 years of this behavior means these people have made a lot of enemies and it was only a matter of time before they aligned themselves against nearly everyone on Voat. It is basic math. If you make one enemy per day, the day will come when you have only enemies.

ESOTERICshade ago

This is way bigger than all that. If you look at who they target, there have been dozens of examples of people like @Jem777, @EsotericShade, etc where they systematically harass users who don't believe in Q for over a year.

Yep. v/pizzagate was peaceful and productive, for the most part, until @vindicator demanded that we all become or accept Qtardia. I KNEW it would destroy pizzagate if v/pizzagate became the new home base of Q so I fought LIKE HELL to keep it from happening. @vindicator says I never contributed anything to v/pizzagate but this proves otherwise.

My posting history.

That is a lot of damn posts for somebody that contributed "nothing" of value to pedogate. And no telling how many comments of esoteric value and arcane knowledge that I pumped into v/pizzagate in other people's posts.

The big fight started when the Qanon Israeli Psyop moved in and it ran off pretty much ALL of the old time original pizzagate investigators, Including me eventually. I held out until the last, until Qanon's ass was run out of v/pizzagate.

The most ironic part is that ISRAEL IS THE DEEP STATE and Trump is Bibi Netanyahoo's bitch. Its so fucking obvious a blind man can see it.

I think Qanon started out as being a succession of grifters that sell merchandise and has finally ended up in the hands of Coleman Rogers of Patriot 24 Hour Soap Box Fame. Taking a good look at Isaac Green's Youtube channel is enough to prove that to a smart person's satisfaction. Isaac Green got caught up in the Q, realize he got duped, and became a whistle blower. Surf his youtube channel for Q related posts and you can see Coleman Rogers getting caught more than once.

Qanon has been the most destructive thing that has happened to Voat since I have been a member, for sure. The Rabbi seeks to cause infighting, and boy oh boy, it has been effective on Voat.

When the Qtardia first started, people were literally going to the store to buy bread, milk, and batteries, and candles, because they were convinced that Martial Law was coming and that the Rothschilds, Hillary, Obama, were going to Gitmo for a military tribunal to be shot for treason.

When none of that shit happened they became more, and more, and more vicious to the people that could see through the ruse. Those fuckers ruined my v/pizzagate experience, and thus my Voat experience, because I came here specifically for pizzagate.

Now, as far as i'm concerned, it has become a wasteland of those with MOD POWER acting bitterly towards the Q non believers. Its a damn shame too.

thewebofslime ago

I traced someone who visited my site from /v/Pizzagate using a computer on a CACI network with the login name "abramah." They were trying to search for George Tenet. Naturally, I ran the name through the database I have of email and password combinations. You can find this, yourself, at haveibeenpwned, but I downloaded the whole database, so I could access both username and their corresponding passwords. This is what came back:

[email protected] goatblower

QinetiQ was contracted by CACI, the Defense Intelligence Agency contractor, to run unspecified Internet operations and founded QNAO (QinetiQ North American Operations). George Tenet was on their board. It seems one of his employees was searching for him and they are, most likely, a Voat shill, since they came from Voat and also chose the password "goatblower."

George Tenet now runs Allen & Co, which is the top of the media pyramid for FOX, Disney, Sports, Video Games, Health Insurance comapnies, etc. It is a "Proprietary" as managed by a Proprietary Management Group within the Deep State.

My opinion is that the Holy Alliance, as investigated by a young CIA where you can find the files in the FOIA reading room, shifted into the Unholy Alliance, where a secret society has nested itself inside the leadership of the Zionists, Jesuits and Wahhabists. Lev Tahor, Mormons, etc are managed compartments where this same secret society has control of their reigns as well, all the way down to the series of smaller cults like Santa Muerta, Voodoo, NXIVM, SNCTM, OneTaste and on and on. This is consistent with the behavior of cult research on Sigmund Freud's baby, The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, where they created the "Process Church of the Final Judgment" to infiltrate Scientology, the Manson Cult and others.

In fact, FOIA documents exist that prove the NSA and CIA were running Scientology as a "Political Action Group" and even includes the names of the embedded agents.

It is also my opinion that QinetiQ has been in charge of managing the "Q" operation.

The recent activity is consistent with what I described in my "Mockinbird X.0" article: where Tavistock literature explains that using "tension centered strategies" can result in "organizational paradoxes" where the end goal is "splitting." In fact, the recent drama with @srayzie reflects this psychological operation meticulously. It was a successful "splitting" operation designed to dilute the effectiveness of those who seek to research and promote truth.

For this reason, I find it difficult to believe the orchestrators (both sides) are not shills, but... even if they aren't shills, they behave exactly as shills are prescribed to behave, making their work contrary to what the Voat userbase is actually trying to accomplish.

In fact, as soon as I exposed the CACI logs and posted in /v/ProtectVoat, Voat had "technical issues" and puttitout made a sticky saying he was working on it and that was the moment Srayzie & Co all decided they hated me.

ESOTERICshade ago

In fact, the recent drama with @srayzie reflects this psychological operation meticulously. It was a successful "splitting" operation designed to dilute the effectiveness of those who seek to research and promote truth.

I got to know srayzie pretty well, and I feel CERTAIN that she was NOT knowingly part of any psyop. She might have gotten played by the psyop, but she was not a KNOWING participant. She was sincere. She believed with all her heart in what she was doing. I know that for a fact. I talked to her a lot in the past and she had the BEST of intentions. She didn't understand that she was part of a psyop. She didn't have a clue. She thought she was saving America. She is a good person. She was confused, but she was a damn good person. I don't hold it against her and I have respect for her that she withstood the bullshit she had to endure. Her intentions are good.

think- ago

That was my goal, and by the time Q was run out of pizzagate, I was exhausted with it all, and I quit.

Another lie. You stayed until recently. You said you would leave, but you never did. v/Great:Awakening was created 1.3 years ago.

Btw., I know of at least one user who left because of your shananigans.

You also never mention how you vote brigaded the sub.

And no telling how many comments of esoteric value and arcane knowledge that I pumped into v/pizzagate in other people's posts.

Most of the time, you just spammed comments with content that you got from other users like @angelafogo at the time.

TL;DR - you are a lying piece of shit.

ESOTERICshade ago

Most of the time, you just spammed comments with content that you got from other users like @angelafogo at the time.

I remember her, vaguely. I think she probably quit v/pizzagate too because of the Q drama. Serious pizzagate researchers understand the occult ritualistic aspect of ritual child abuse. Fake Washington D.C. drama, day in and day out, makes us ill, and we have learned to ignore it, and dig deeper.

Ignore your need to agree with the "mod team" and speak from your heart. You and I used to speak by PM a lot. I know you don't believe in the Q Psyop, and I commend you for being a higher thinker. Don't be peer pressured into agreeing with people that don't understand the occult aspects of pizzagate. You have succombed to peer pressure. Break free, and if you do, you can make a difference. I have always respected your mind, and I have told you so, and you misinterpreted that for "mod ass kissing." Mods not only do not impress me, but I detest a lot of them. I liked you because I got to know you well. I like srayzie because I got to know her well. I don't have to agree with somebody to like them.

ESOTERICshade ago

Another lie. You stayed until recently. You said you would leave, but you never did.

I will try to phrase my sentiments more accurately >>> I quit as a regular reader and almost daily contributor because I was burned out on the Q drama. I DID infrequently check v/pizzagate and offer a comment or two, but as far as feeling like a part of it, no, I no longer felt like a member of v/pizzagate after the Q drama. Q is a fucking psyop and I was burned out by being attacked by @Vindicator for expressing my opinion. Yes, INFREQUENTLY, I have offered a comment or two in that sub, but in my mind, I QUIT that sub long ago. I think I made a comment in that sub yesterday or today, but compared to what I USED to contribute to that sub, I quit. Fuck it. The Qanon drama burned me out.

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

cant dox ppl on anonymouse site? yey

CerealBrain ago

Not concerned you imperialist faggot (I am a colonialist).

CerealBrain ago

My motivations are my own and are they really my friends?

Exactly. You're a smart guy, get out while the getting is good.

CerealBrain ago

Will eat frog legs.

You're a smart guy, reconsider your friends.

CerealBrain ago

Actually I'm going to a BBQ, it's Memorial Day.

Sounds like you're the one that needs a break.

B is scum with alts who doesn't even take a break to piss apparently.

CerealBrain ago

I see, you're the one that's doxxing her on the other Q sub. "She's a jew." Low class move.

Of course, you're going to say, "those pics were already public."

And some likely were. Still a low move.

They are NOT the same person, I can promise you that.

One is in California, the other is in a state nearby.

I've known them both for a long long time.

Shizy is more "alternative lifestyle" person and Srayzie not as much.

Shizy is in the country and Srayzie is in suburb of a large city. Etc.

Anyway, I'm done, your main thrust here is "Q is a larp."

So I get it.

CerealBrain ago

If you say so. Talk later maybe..

argosciv ago

*Motions for you to pass that shit over here...

CerealBrain ago

That's it. Just the truth.

Zyklon and his buds are scum, the two girls are solid. They act silly sometimes, but they are solid.

CerealBrain ago

B is a troll, leave him alone.

In fact, he is scum of the earth, as well as all his alts.

CerealBrain ago

v/GA appears to be a joke

Well there you go...

What are you trying to do on here?


CerealBrain ago

He does indeed.

CerealBrain ago

Cool, we disagree.

Redcobra ago

With so much drama on v-o-a-t,it’s kinda hard being o-l-d,o-n-e.

CerealBrain ago

apparently it involved the 2 GA mods and their alts, and then rott got bothered

Why would Rott get bothered about two housewives shitposting and yanking his chain?

If they are such evil people why does Rott continue to engage them?

Why does he invest so much time and energy?

Simply look at these two 'evil' housewives' Voat history and decide for yourself if they are builders or destroyers.

Rotteuxx ago

I have an issue with emotional manipulation which these two partake in, not to mention their perpetual victim mentality under which they operate.

Ping next time you balless fuck.

CerealBrain ago

I have an issue with emotional manipulation

You got more than that, and you sound much more emotional than the girls.

I'm done, but I've told you, they are shitposting, being goofy, and yanking your chain, that is it.

You wanna call that 'emotional manipulation' and look like a cuck go right ahead.

theoldones ago

@argosciv claims certain timelines are fraudelent and lacking

i am willing to hear the stuff these other guys arnt telling me

CerealBrain ago

Argos is a good guy, he and Srayzie have argued before but they see eye to eye now. He's young I think, and a smart guy.

theoldones ago

okay, let me get this sort of straight.

Shizy and Srayzie VS Rotteuxx and zyklon_b

which would make this another part of the Crench ZB exposure post?

Shizy ago

Here's part of how it started:

It's no secret that me and @Srayzie don't like GothamGirl. We both were fine with zyklon and I personally thought he was funny. When zyklon_b and GG "broke up" six months ago, zyklon contacted Srayzie and told him GG was stalking him and he asked for us to help him get her to back off and just leave him alone:

We helped. And then it was done and I tried to keep my distance from GG because I think she's bad news. They ended up getting back together.

Zyklon "threatened" publically in a comment that he was going to attack GA.

Here's some messages back and forth after that threat:

Srayzie asks them to back off and agree just leave each other alone.

And now we have this situation now. Zyklon said he'd be cool and then attacked us anyway. He used an alt to post a porn pic in GA. Srayzie deleted it an banned him. All hell broke loose.

For zyklon and/or his buddies to now say this is all a result of zyklon "defending" GothamGirl is nonsense! He started the attack on her himself.

CerealBrain ago

"Sort of straight" is right lol. Way blown out of proportion.

Yeah something like that, the versus thing, and the Triggly person is pretty angry as well at the two girls.

And the Gotham girl alt also, which is likely Zyklon.

Not sure about Crensch, tho he and Kevdude know srayzie well and know she's solid.

I know her and Shizy very well also. They do like to goof off but are totally harmless.

theoldones ago

@Crensch exposed the fuck out of zyklon_b and i suspect things haven't quite been running the same since lol

CerealBrain ago

Ah yes, now I remember, just recently, he made a big post.

You're right, that's mainly what started it, and likely some of these characters defending Zyklon are his alts.

Triggly is supposedly female but I doubt that (Gotham might not even be female but not sure on that one, but she certainly defends her supposed boyfriend Zyklon).

So the Zyklon crowd got serious in their stalking and targeting (and still are apparently) but the girls were mainly shitposting and commenting and trying to get under their goats (no pun intended).

CerealBrain ago

Consider who they are defending.


You are known by the company you keep, and they are doing more than keeping company.

Do we really think that Putt would single her out as a 'builder' for no reason?

Do we really think they are being hounded for no reason?

theoldones ago

if this is a builder, will be laughing for years to come

CerealBrain ago

Some are insane, some are simply normal people with a sense of humor. And some are just toxic and evil.

zyklon_b ago


Rotteuxx ago

Mmmmh, teet yanking !

kneo24 ago

Should those teets be yanked on until they run dry?

ElvisP ago

Q predicted this!

This shit harder to follow than gamergate at it's peak.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Yeah it's not about Q anymore.

It's about name fagging. Like these faggot have always done, and always will do until the day

theoldones ago

expects to be told about only one incident

instead get handed an entire saga of drama and events

kung fu fighting indeed.

C_Corax ago

Somewhere in it I would inject Srayzie decided to be a Jew and see if she could lucrate from the much more significant trolling on QRV which had absolutely zero to do with GA. She knew damn well we were doing her a favor by turning QRV into a hell hole, but she still just had to see if she could get a little more out of it.

Rotteuxx ago

I like your recap better, which I had time for more drama today !

Rotteuxx ago

Quick recap :

  • GA mods pick fight with ZB through @Crensch, everything is purely circumstantial and most offenses are trolling taken seriously by idiots.

-They admitted to creating alts to partake in on of @Zyklon_B's "plays" in the past and a lot of it stems from there.

  • @Trigglypuff desperately tries to explain the reality of the interwebs to them. @Srayzie returns the favor by publishing her PM publicly and attacking her as a shill with only ill intents towards them.

-She goes rabid against @Empress in the process, well mostly anyone try to talk some sense into them.

  • They go through ban fuckery by banning folks for nebulous reasons, they ban, unban and then reban Triggly for a 2 month old post rhey had to dig to find.

@Kevdude gives them a pussy pass.

  • @Puttitout hails them as builders and glosses over a shit ton of goats who have done more to build the community as a whole than those 2, it goes to her head.

  • I decide fuck this, these bitches don't fool me. I know they're drama queens and I know they have at least 2 alts they stirred shit up with in the past, these aren't fucking builders. They probably made up most of the drama surrounding them for attention and sympathy.

  • Make them sperg out and show their true colors, 2 infantile & delusional bitches who switch alts to harass users as I showed twice here and there :

@Srayzie and @Shizy, fuck hour gaslighting through alts you fucking destroyers. Caught you twice, there's more to it.

Skipping some I'm sure, gotta leave for work now.

Womb_Raider ago

It's really funny to see you get bothered by alt abuse. Really funny. How many times have you defended it now?

Rotteuxx ago

Your claim, you tell me.

CerealBrain ago

You are quite engaged in this and driven, what's to gain?

theoldones ago

this is something else i want to know, because he's apparently doing all this to unmask 2 shitposting alts who called him a cuck

CerealBrain ago


And goats don't normally get so hot and bothered about something like that.

Yet, he's making it his mission to continue to try and slander them.

My opinion has been that he is simply offended with them (cause two girls got to his ego) and he can't let it go.

But since he is continuing I'm now beginning to think it's more than that.

zyklon_b ago
