lord_nougat ago

Especially with those grey aliens!

lord_nougat ago

Lol, PPON. I shall call myself Grey Poupon!

lord_nougat ago

Nah, I am poorly paid and am also an orgy novice.

lord_nougat ago

I must say, poal is even faggier than I had initially believed.

It is so faggy, in fact, that I fit right in there just fine and find the company most pleasant!

Kalergi ago

I'm ok with getting rid of the pedos and brigaders. Putt has access to logs and sees what you don't.

Goys-R-Us ago

I live at 1488 I Hate Niggers Lane

Alright, who doxxed me?

DietCokehead1 ago

Looking up who's downvoting your post is pretty beta and pathetic.

I agree with this. I was thinking that was an unusual thing for Putt to do, he usually doesn't do silly, reddity stuff like that. He isn't acting like his usual self yesterday-today.

EyeOfHorus ago

This Putt faggot should just take a break from Voat for a few days. He's too wound up, needs to chill out. Just delete all the PM's etc for 48-72 hours. Short of maintaining server, just do something anything else.

toobaditworks ago

Burn the Poal pay the toll.

lord_nougat ago

*pay the TROLL!

toobaditworks ago

That'll be foe fitty. Inflation.

Vic_V ago

inb4 he writes this off as concern trolling and then ignores "but what if someone guessed how your script would work and upvoted someone they wanted banned by appearing to be alts of that user" but cant say "and they had to have the same IP" because that would reveal too much

Orthalyx ago

I've Got no more up votes today but I absolutely second this! Keep the faith and keep up the good work!

Acen ago

Well said teran.

CantDentTheBrent ago

You guys are just gonna bitch and moan and then come back.

It's his site, he will do what he wants.

As for being a honeypot, if they want your data, they will get your data.

Muh-Shugana ago

It takes more effort to debunk a lie, than it does to make ten more new ones.

Guess we should just let people fill the site with lies, spam, smoke and mirrors in order to manipulate us.

Hell, I can't even believe people are even listening to theo at all, I remember seeing his posts a year or so ago and they were always either stupid to the point of being a waste, or outright jewish trickery.

and your shilling for poal? and your arguing that we shouldn't give a fuck? and your saying that all it should take is a little asskissing for us to believe someone? "I fucking like voat" indeed.

Shit, even most of this post is jewy, combining praise with insults as if thats the same as making points and counter points.

I might be wrong, but I think another Crensch investigation.

FacelessOne ago

So quickly does power corrupt, even the naming of the sticky is pompous anger alipping through, ffs stickies are clickbait but why would he consider his submissions to be low quality destroyer ramblings when he consisers arbitrarily that he is a builder.

God the language being invented to justify actions is so typically "higher then thou" its as if he wants to destroy the community.

Pubiclouse ago

Get rid of the stupid script! RRREEEEEEEE

thelma ago

Free speech offends.

I always run into people saying vile things to me. Its good that they believe that they can speak in such a manner. As they should.

ravensedgesom ago

sticks and stones

YugeDick ago

I haven't been offended. Offense is taken, never given. Don't want it? Don't take it. You can't control what happens to you, only how you react to it.

Personal mother fucking responsibility is all I'm saying.

Redcobra ago

Sweet, seconded