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Podge512 ago

One of Jake Morphonios's YT videos on the (((NXIVM))) sex trafficking cult cites an article by a Jewess who said that attempts by Christians to restrict access to abortion were an attack on Jewish religious freedom. So they freely admit that child murder is part of their religion.

vtusr2 ago

Hijacking top comment to let the owner of know that it's good that he has stopped using (((Q))) team controlled cloudflare but bad that his Letsencrypt certificate has expired and auto renewal isn't working I am guessing.

Would have made a post but can't because of the negative CCP.

WordCorrector ago

Imgoat is most likely abandoned at this point. The Voat user who admins imgoat has been unresponsive for months and no one really uses it anymore. Just find a different image host to use.

vtusr2 ago

I don't think so. Just a few weeks ago when I checked, imgoat was using cloudflare and now it's not. So owner of imgoat is definitely active but maybe also knows about (((Q))) team now.

BTW, imgoat owner, (((Q))) team has probably gained control of amazon too by now. I say because of all the news (fake news?) about the CEO's divorce.

18848780? ago

You could PM @discoball directly (Imgoat's owner) or read through the comments on the most recent v/imgoat posts, but it's like you want more downvoats.