carlip ago

So Adam was made from clay/dirt. Eve was made from Adams rib, but Lilith was made from the same dirt/clay as Adam. Lilith is a demon, so what does that make Adam? Do any holy books specify why they are different?

ArcAngel ago


RageAgainstTheAmish ago


LunaNova ago

I saw that!!!! I thought the exact same thing! It's all one big ritual imo.

ScientiaPotentia ago

There is a Jewish story in either the Zohar or the Talmud, (can't remember) that Lilith was Adam's first wife. She was volatile and would not obey Adam. She ran away from the Garden of Eden. El sent an angel to order her to return when she refused El cursed her to have 100 of her children sacrificed every day. So in their minds, the prophecy of the curse of Lilith is being fulfilled by abortion.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I'm all for free abortions and think Christians and God can suck me off for all I care. This kike satanism only holds weight if you're as weird as they are and believe this garbage.

JerkSock ago

The Lilith Fund believes in reproductive equity. We envision a society in which access to abortion is guaranteed for all, regardless of economic situation. We fund abortion and advocate for sustainable change through the movement for reproductive justice.

imdrowning ago

I saw the sign in this Clip, You can see it behind the homosexual kid who wants more babies murdered

Zoldam ago

Doesn't the Talmud also state she was Adam's first wife, but was a total domineering control freak bitch, so she was banished and Eve was made? Well guess feminism goes way back.


May they be visited by the spirit of BRENTON TARRANT.

combatveteran ago

On Oprah of all places, a victim of satanic Jewish pedophilia and infanticide talked about a book of Jewish mysticism called "Lilith's Cave" which "relates to what [she] endured"

drstrangegov ago

Yes. That's exactly how these things go.

nigger_eggs ago

Check out the book Lilith's Cave: Jewish Tales of the Supernatural

Sosacms ago

Anyone stop to question what Cthulhu is gonna do when his baby sacrifices run out?

ArcAngel ago

Omnidempotent ago

You mean Moloch? Hopefully he'll be wiped out like the Roman's did to the moloch-worshipping carthaginians.

Sosacms ago

I'm sure there are plenty of creatures being fed a variety of things. But Moloch...pffft... Who's worried about Moloch...?

carnold03 ago

They don't need to hide it anymore. They can antagonize you openly with confidence.

spaceman84 ago

@NosebergShekelstein what level of trolling the goyim are you on, Rabbi?

common_sense ago

Link the YouTube video otherwise I don’t believe you

imdrowning ago this is a tweet I saw it in, but you can see a clip in the video.

KVD ago

Tits or I don't believe you.

oioiiooi ago

Google "Lilith Fair". Maybe it's coming to your town!

Harry_Areola ago

So you believe in Jewish fairytales, kikelover?

LightningAndTheSun ago

The mythological "Lilith" figure dates back further than the Jews, my guy.

Kannibal ago

Though not mentioned in the Bible, Talmudic scholars later wrote that Lilith was banished from Eden after refusing to be submissive to Adam. Lilith has been interpreted by modern feminists as a symbol of independence and social activism geared towards women's rights.

In "The Coming of Lilith," Judith Plaskow, a Jewish feminist religious scholar, translated the legend of Lilith from the Alphabet of Ben Sira and then rewrote it as an allegory for women who refused to give in to male power, and instead sought independence and autonomy. She begins,

"In the beginning, the Lord God formed Adam and Lilith from the dust of the ground and breathed into their nostrils the breath of life. Created from the same source, both having been formed from the ground, they were equal in all ways. Adam, being a man, didn't like this situation, and he looked for ways to change it."

In this version, Eve also eventually feels limited in the garden and meets Lilith on the other side of the wall, where they become friends and form a "bond of sisterhood." The retelling ends with this:

"And God and Adam were expectant and feared the day Eve and Lilith returned to the garden, bursting with possibilities, ready to rebuild it together."

"The Coming of Lilith" by Judith Plaskow

In the beginning, the Lord God formed Adam and Lilith from the dust of the ground and breathed into their nostrils the breath of life. Created from the same source, both having been formed from the ground, they were equal in all ways. Adam, being a man, didn’t like this situation, and he looked for ways to change it. He said, “I'll have my figs now, Lilith,” ordering her to wait on him, and he tried to leave to her the daily tasks of life in the garden. But Lilith wasn't one to take any nonsense; she picked herself up, uttered God's holy name, and flew away. “Well now, Lord,” complained Adam, “that uppity woman you sent me has gone and deserted me.” The Lord, inclined to be sympathetic, sent his messengers after Lilith, telling her to shape up and return to Adam or face dire punishment. She, however, preferring anything to living with Adam, decided to stay where she was. And so God, after more careful consideration this time, caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam and out of one of his ribs created for him a second companion, Eve.

For a time, Eve and Adam had a good thing going. Adam was happy now, and Eve, though she occasionally sensed capacities within herself that remained undeveloped, was basically satisfied with the role of Adam's wife and helper. The only thing that really disturbed her was the excluding closeness of the relationship between Adam and God. Adam and God just seemed to have more in common, both being men, and Adam came to identify with God more and more. After a while, that made God a bit uncomfortable too, and he started going over in his mind whether he may not have made a mistake letting Adam talk him into banishing Lilith and creating Eve, seeing the power that gave Adam.

Meanwhile Lilith, all alone, attempted from time to time to rejoin the human community in the garden. After her first fruitless attempt to breach its walls, Adam worked hard to build them stronger, even getting Eve to help him. He told her fearsome stories of the demon Lilith who threatens women in childbirth and steals children from their cradles in the middle of the night. The second time Lilith came, she stormed the garden's main gate, and a great battle ensued between her and Adam in which she was finally defeated. This time, however, before Lilith got away, Eve got a glimpse of her and saw she was a woman like herself.

After this encounter, seeds of curiosity and doubt began to grow in Eve's mind. Was Lilith indeed just another woman? Adam had said she was a demon. Another woman! The very idea attracted Eve. She had never seen another creature like herself before. And how beautiful and strong Lilith looked! How bravely she had fought! Slowly, slowly, Eve began to think about the limits of her own life within the garden.

One day, after many months of strange and disturbing thoughts, Eve, wandering around the edge of the garden, noticed a young apple tree she and Adam had planted, and saw that one of its branches stretched over the garden wall. Spontaneously, she tried to climb it, and struggling to the top, swung herself over the wall.

She did not wander long on the other side before she met the one she had come to find, for Lilith was waiting. At first sight of her, Eve remembered the tales of Adam and was frightened, but Lilith understood and greeted her kindly. “Who are you?” they asked each other, “What is your story?” And they sat and spoke together of the past and then of the future. They talked for many hours, not once, but many times. They taught each other many things, and told each other stories, and laughed together, and cried, over and over, till the bond of sisterhood grew between them.

Meanwhile, back in the garden, Adam was puzzled by Eve's comings and goings, and disturbed by what he sensed to be her new attitude toward him. He talked to God about it, and God, having his own problems with Adam and a somewhat broader perspective, was able to help out a little—but he was confused, too. Something had failed to go according to plan. As in the days of Abraham, he needed counsel from his children. “I am who I am,” thought God, “but I must become who I will become.”

And God and Adam were expectant and afraid the day Eve and Lilith returned to the garden, bursting with possibilities, ready to rebuild it together.

Excerpt from: Plaskow, Judith. “The Coming of Lilith.” In Four Centuries of Jewish Women’s Spirituality: A Sourcebook. Ed. Ellen M. Umansky and Dianne Ashton. Boston: Beacon Press, 1992. Reprinted with permission of the author.

because obviously a free thinking independent woman is a demon.

GeneralDisposition ago

Lilith was an asshole. Even to GOD. That's a lot of nerve. They can rewrite it to make lilith the victim just like but it doesn't change the fact that GOD asked her to do something and she refused. That same bad attitude ilhas infected modern women. Angry, disagreeable, obese(because who has the right to tell me how much to eat), manipulative. Lillith is the earth's first single cat lady.

Kannibal ago

god damn free will

lexsird ago

Jew tales aren't to be considered worthy of attention.

Adam and Eve were driven from the fucking garden. They didn't have some cunt in there. An Angel with a flaming sword guards it.

Leave it to evil ass jews to go all the way back to that to cook up some bullshit.

Kannibal ago

Genesis is a "Jewish tale", tho

Zoldam ago

Hebrew tale.

Jews come from Judea, just one of several Hebrew nations, and they follow the mysticism they cooked up that would eventually become things like the occult, and Kabbalah. When you think about it, it's ironic the kikes named their nation Israel when nobody actually knows what happened to the Israelites.

Kannibal ago

the good bet is that they became the Pushtans of Afghanistan

There is an oral tradition, and they are a notorious "stiff-necked" people

This is taken seriously in Israel by some folks

Timmy2 ago

Lilith was a carpet muncher, before there were carpets.

Omnidempotent ago

This reads like a Jewish woman's fanfic, projecting her hatred of her own Jewish husband onto Adam and Eve.

Kannibal ago

well, that raise a couples of interesting questions

  • what is the proper role of each partner in a relationship?

  • is hate ever justified against a former partner in a relationship?

pixelkitteh ago

Lilith is Adam's first wife.

Questionable_1 ago

Ah well at least a reminder to go to Mel Gibsons movie (((Rothschild)))

bbylon ago

Check the celebrations & rituals page.

The first listed even worthy of celebration:

Celebrating the births of Jewish girls, Lilith expands on ancient traditions.


Podge512 ago

One of Jake Morphonios's YT videos on the (((NXIVM))) sex trafficking cult cites an article by a Jewess who said that attempts by Christians to restrict access to abortion were an attack on Jewish religious freedom. So they freely admit that child murder is part of their religion.

TheDonaldTrump ago

I really need to see that,can you please link it?

Podge512 ago

Here you go. The article is referenced at the 28 minute mark approximately.

18848684? ago

For posterity:

Why Supporting Planned Parenthood is a Jewish Issue

As a Jewish woman, I believe that our tradition calls us to support not only the right, but the ability of every person to make their own decisions about their body, family, and future in consultation with their loved ones without political interference or economic coercion. We are commanded by our faith to “pursue justice” and not to stand idly by while “stumbling blocks” are put in the way of those in need. Quality health care is an essential need and no one should be allowed to place a woman’s moral autonomy, health, economic security, or well-being at risk. In the context of this latest threat, our particular Jewish values compel us to advocate for universal access to comprehensive health care. This is why the National Council of Jewish Women, an organization that has always supported a woman’s right to choose and, more specifically, staunchly supports Planned Parenthood for the comprehensive, quality care it provides.

TheDonaldTrump ago

Thanks goat!

vtusr2 ago

Hijacking top comment to let the owner of know that it's good that he has stopped using (((Q))) team controlled cloudflare but bad that his Letsencrypt certificate has expired and auto renewal isn't working I am guessing.

Would have made a post but can't because of the negative CCP.

WordCorrector ago

Imgoat is most likely abandoned at this point. The Voat user who admins imgoat has been unresponsive for months and no one really uses it anymore. Just find a different image host to use.

vtusr2 ago

I don't think so. Just a few weeks ago when I checked, imgoat was using cloudflare and now it's not. So owner of imgoat is definitely active but maybe also knows about (((Q))) team now.

BTW, imgoat owner, (((Q))) team has probably gained control of amazon too by now. I say because of all the news (fake news?) about the CEO's divorce.

18848780? ago

You could PM @discoball directly (Imgoat's owner) or read through the comments on the most recent v/imgoat posts, but it's like you want more downvoats.

Hmmmm_m ago

Yet pointing out their own words is reason for some to censor your speech.

Fucking clown world.

The Earth is due for a cleansing.

Timmy2 ago

alalzia ago

Lamastu/Lamaste/Lilitu/Lilith/Lamia is not Jewish .This is a Sumerian myth that was passed to the Akkadians , the Assyrians , the Jews and the Greeks . I think Wikipedia article is pretty clear .

In the myth this demon is half a woman and half a serpent and this is why Christian bibles up to 17th century had this image depicting the demon in the garden of Eden .

Why i am writing this ? because most of Semitic lore ( yes including Christianity , Judaism and Islam ) comes from the Sumerians .

Also yes Lilitu is a feminist figure because in the myth she was created as an equal to Adam and left the garden on her own volition after an argument with Adonai .

ArcAngel ago

3 sides same coin.. abrahamic sand-box garbage

MDEneverdies1488 ago

I'm glad someone addressed this. Lilith was actually the first woman created. She was banished from Eden and then Eve was created of Adam's rib.

I'm not religious, but it's weird that christians don't acknowledge this

Thissandwich ago

I've heard this mentioned so many times over the years, but not one had anyone ever given a source. It looks like @ArcAngel may have, so I will have to check that out.

ArcAngel ago

i just happened to read the necronomicon about the same time i read some of the apocryphia....many many books in the apocryphyia, but the old gnostic bible was a source of refernce......many cite the necronomicon as a book of fiction. i do not, or as fictional as the bible koran & talmud...

Thissandwich ago

Which version of the necronomicon were you reading? Donald Tyson's is straight up fiction, it's a nice novel though. Simon's no doubt has real shit in it, but I'm sure there are other ones out there that I haven't seen or read.

ArcAngel ago

this was back in the 80s a translaton of adbul al-hazrad?

Thissandwich ago

I have al azif, but it is in sanskrit so I can't read the bastard.

ArcAngel ago

Thissandwich ago

Yep. Fucking creepy shit in that motherfucker.

ArcAngel ago

a good read just for the ancient knowledge & to cross refernce to other mid east religons

ArcAngel ago

Apocryphia, book of adam

MockingDead ago

Jews stole their religion.

BushChuck ago

The "jews" of today are adherents to a pre-Sumerian death cult.

drstrangegov ago

Babylonian evil fucks

lexsird ago

Wasn't she also the Drow queen in AD&D. I mean that should give any 'gamer' some pause, right?

"Hey, this organization is named after one evil as fuck bitch queen of spiders and drow. Shouldn't we pump the brakes and see WTF?"

What? Everyone low level and couldn't make it to that high end content? I digress.

Omnidempotent ago

Let women be equal to men and they turn into sex demons who steal children. Sounds about right.

LightningAndTheSun ago

Our ancestors were much wiser than we give them credit for. They created the mythology to communicate with us in ways that could not be destroyed by time.

BlowjaySimpson ago

"Ignorant men ask question wise men answered thousands of years ago". - Goethe

pathlesstrod ago

How the fuck is this bullshit getting upgoated? This asshole writes all this bizarre shit without any references? Do you just have to say "Sumerian" and a few simplistic biblical references?

Kannibal ago

Many features in Jewish Religion are derived from Babylonia, Sumerian, and Egyptian practice.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Questionable_1 ago

Not saying your wrong because it's wiki but.

Phutex ago


alalzia ago

It says exactly what i posted , Summer /Akkad and Assyria .

Questionable_1 ago

Reading comprehension helps.

"The character is "generally thought" to derive from

CatsControlTheEU ago

She is mentioned by name in the Epic of Gilgamesh. I suppose the contention is whether or not the Talmud Lilith was based off of the Sumerian Lilith but considering that practically half the shit in the jew books comes from Sumerian/Akkadian legends with alterations I wouldn't be surprised.

Lightrush ago

Lol here we go again. ...blame it on the jews. "Lilith" is a pagan witch story. Wiki is full of shit

Hmmmm_m ago

jewish hypocrisy knows no bounds!

Soon cries of victimhood and anti-semitism will fall on deaf ears, then Gods work can be done!

WrongThunk ago

Found the kike.

dayofthehope ago

jews are pagan

LightningAndTheSun ago

No, Jews being cold, calculating, controlling are in direct opposition to the pagan, wild and free mentality.

Notice the "hate symbols" on the ADL's page. Are these Christian symbols (the cross, the dove, the fish)? No, 99% of them are pagan/pre-Christian, mostly northern European symbols.

dayofthehope ago

What I meant by this, is that the Jews have multiple gods. All those names from the kabbalah. That thing they have sex with while they're praying at the wailing wall. The shakina. Etc.

It's not necessarily the same or equivalent as the gods of the ancient Germans, Greeks and Romans, but they do worship multiple gods while making others believe they are monotheistic.

fightknightHERO ago

member for 28 days

8 submissions to Qtards

nice try schlomo

phillyjoe ago

Worse than that, a boomer too!

auralsects ago

You mean Satanic kikes claim she was Adams first wife and decided to name a feminist magazine for it