WhiteChickens ago

The other half occupy positions that would be far better served by white men.

And they have that whole continent called Africa waiting for them...

Until we starve them out of that bitch. lol

TrevorLyman ago

The government has been subsidizing the growth of the lower classes of all races for decades. If white trash were to multiply five to ten times, we'd be in the same boat.

ALIENS2222 ago

....monkeys that can "talk". FTFY

ggolemg ago

Give them a state or the entire continent of africa and let them turn it into wakanda or fail, no more handouts or support though.

antiliberalsociety ago

Punchline in the title

OhRutherfordBehave ago

I think it's more than that. Don't make random memes with random numbers just to make a point....

bourbonexpert ago


Didn’t read the sterile just laughed at the title. I mildly annoyed my cat.

basedmangod2015 ago

red states are the big welfare states

meow_cow ago

Many of those red states are in the south and have significant black populations and or a lot of agriculture, military personnel etc. trust me Republicans aren't collecting more welfare than Democrats.

basedmangod2015 ago

well republican states are, sounds to me like those states arent particularly well run

godamn ago

Trust me, robots are more effective.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

I assume we aren't counting the blacks who are in government positions for no other reason than being blacks. I assume we aren't counting blacks with sub 1000 SAT scores who are in college living off subsidized education. I am assuming we aren't counting blacks who live in their baby mama's section 8 housing without being counted as occupants.

I assume the only after all those blacks are discounted that we can consider a mere 50% of blacks to be on welfare.

peacegnome ago

only black females are qualified to hold signs in construction zones.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

I noticed that too. Just about every road site has blacks holding the signs while whites/hispanics work.

vtusr2 ago

Guy in meme is a nigger (((jew))).


undertheshills ago

You gotta count bus drivers and parks workers. I do a lot of contracting for the city. 95% of parks and bus workers are black. They wont hire whites.

HitlerDinduNufin ago

Don't forget the ones keeping seats warm in the military.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Or the ones in prison.


He did say "Government positions". But I agree, the miltiary is filled with lazy shiftless minorities seeking gibs and a strong diversity officer that prohibits anything racist; such as performance evaluation.

DreddJudge ago

Dont get me fucking started. I really suspect they get priority for promotion. I've seen way too many of these lazy retarded apes get promoted and the self disciplined, fit and competent white guy get shafted. I watched too many good soldiers leave because of this insanity, myself included.

imthefox ago

keep on suspecting goy

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

The proverbial weak links in our military chain, good call.

nukeclear ago

They usually take the shit specialties

16tons ago

What if they really are genetically inferior, when it comes living in a civilized society? Their results suggest this very clearly. Is it really so wrong to say so?

We are basically domesticating animals. Only we're not eliminating the ones with negative traits.

Time to set up a merit based system where those who don't fit in to civilized society die off as nature intended.

alele-opathic ago

We are basically domesticating animals. Only we're not eliminating the ones with negative traits.

This is all of society. Not only do we no longer have no more eugenics (because of, literally, 'argument ad hitlerum'), but we are constantly making society easier to fail in, with less and less repercussions if you do. This applies just as easily to the banning of metal-tipped Lawn Jarts as it does to social security.

Masaze ago

The other half are in prison.

Plant_Boy ago

Talk is a bit of a stretch of the expression.

Marku1 ago

ahhh the infamous entertainment nigger...... ooooggga boggag

thatguyiam ago

...found the glowinthedarkCIAfegets

Plant_Boy ago


CouldBeTrump ago

satisfyinghump ago

What's fun to say to liberals and sjws is that when Obama was president he could have been described as being on welfare. Lol.

PraiseIPU ago

Amazing what a century of constantly fucking with them will do. Never having a chance to gain ground, for every step forward theyve tried to make there is a cop shooting them for the effort.

The ghetto problems have been caused by a couple of powerful people throwing working age fathers in prison for speeding instead of letting them go to work like they wpuld a white person.

You want to talk about dismantling the american family. The ground was laid last century fucking with blacks.

psimonster ago

Pity program in execution.

PraiseIPU ago

Yeah i forgot to preface my comment with a logic trigger warning.

Voat seems to have a real problem with reality.


Approved ago

Without welfare, black marraige rates would be a lot higher than 10%.

Don't need no man when Uncle Sugar will pay.

satisfyinghump ago

Wait... what? So its NOT their fault?

thisdude234 ago

It cant by definition be their fault. If they are lesser beings as the initial assertion states then they are not responsible for their behavior. If your dog shits on the floor you dont lecture him on the merits of cleanliness.
And yes the black marriage rate was higher before welfare displaced the black father. You cant have it both ways. Either way get rid of welfare..

PraiseIPU ago

Everyday i tell you what a piece of shit you are and dont even try.

Do that for 20 years.

Now i am offering you free money for the rest of your life.

Would you take it?

randomfuckingidiot ago

No, because I'm not a nigger

PraiseIPU ago

You wouldnt take free money

Ok then.

MrTotenkopf ago

Your reasong is flawed and poor. By this standard, no white person would be working in Europe, or anywhere else on Earth.

PraiseIPU ago

Would you take free money?

MrTotenkopf ago

That assumes that I don't have a job, I don't want to have a job, and that I only want as much money as what is being offered.


PraiseIPU ago

Yer full of shit.

MrTotenkopf ago

Yer full of shit.

What now?

PraiseIPU ago

I asked a direct question

Ypu loaded the question with bullshit

Then gave a bullshit answer off what bullshot you loaded into the question.

So until you honestly and directly answer the question asked, nothing happens now.

Rdj50 ago

Did you not have a milkshake to throw?

MrTotenkopf ago

Shouldn't you be at a BLM rally right now?

Rdj50 ago

So black people are too weak minded to stand up for themselves and can't advance without someone removing obstacles from their path. What a racist way to view other people

PraiseIPU ago

Red herring

You didnt answer the question.

Would you take free money?

Rdj50 ago

I take free money every day. It's not whitney's fault what I do or don't do

con77 ago

its more than half