suscribednowhere ago

is that armpit 5 oclock shadow on the thing on the right?

JimSoddell ago

Spoiler: Photo on the left is the same woman at age 19, on right she appears at age 30 after graduating with a degree in Feminist Studies.

THEx1138 ago

Drunk, Stupid, and fat.

AttilaHitler ago

Those are fat people.

RevDrStrangelove ago

Thin doesn't necessarily make a woman attractive and fat doesn't necessarily make her unattractive. I'm equal opportunity. If the peter meter gives the greenlight then we are good to go. Girls that aren't anorexic skinny feel a lot better when you're fucking them missionary.

blackguard19 ago

LMAO. The girl on the left is very attractive and not even "curvy," she's just normal sized. All the people calling her fat are merely comparing her to their anime waifus.

sn0wbawl ago

Both of them are fat; keep deluding yourself

CanadianAndProud ago

Curves is still fat. Both bitches need to diet

PHXSunlight ago

Anyone above ideal weight should diet, unless they have high lean muscle mass and low body fat.

TheKalergiFan ago

should just be FAT and SUPER FAT

Gopherurself ago

Curvys for fun and fat is for marriage duh

fightknightHERO ago

Both are fat.

TheyLie ago

The fats think they are curvy

SkrutinizeYou ago

I would fuck both of those girls.

WokieDokie ago

so u are an alcoholic?

SkrutinizeYou ago

Whatever dude fuck you

jthun2 ago

Personally both are too heavy for my tastes. I'm not into Thailand slim, but I like a bit athletic.

The second looks like a drunk walrus.

Ag47 ago

One minor crisis can cause the one on the left to morph into the one on the right over the course of a month or three.

Ina_Pickle ago

the "curvy" one will gain 50lbs the first year of marriage. she's already well on her way

midnightblue1335 ago

The one on the left looks healthy. She looks well taken care of.

Historically, this has always been sexually attractive to men, especially Whites. Would you rather marry into a family with a malnourished woman, or into a wealthy family with a well fed, but still visually appealing woman?

Masaze ago

Still butthurt you fat fuck?

DintDoNothin ago

Oh my God that picture made me laugh for some reason

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

With time all those fine chicks get wrinkly and all that stuff, look within too.

mralexson ago

I think the girl on the left is attractive but voat goats hate all forms of fat on a girl. People here like really skinny girls

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

Not exactly. I like fit women. I'm sure a fair amount of guys here also like athletic girls.

blackguard19 ago

People here like really skinny girls

To masturbate to. Anyone calling her fat is a guaranteed wanker whose only action is coming from either their right fist or their fatter and less attractive SO.

DiscontentedMajority ago

People here like really skinny girls

Really just FPH fags, but they are highly vocal about it. This post goes to show we are not all that way.

THEx1138 ago

You sound fat.

FullSemiAutomatic ago

People here like really skinny girls

Not all of us.

dirt_reynolds ago

No, they're all banging perfect 10's because they're all uber Chad's.

I'd love to watch the one on the left engage any one of these tards in a flirtatious conversation. You know as well as I do they'd be thirsty as fuck.

jthun2 ago

You do know some of us are married and find sex to be not as interesting as it used to be when we were in our 20s.

dirt_reynolds ago

Get your T checked. I've been married for 16 years and with her for 21 years. I still bang her every chance I get.

LifeWillChange ago

There's no way that attractive woman on the left would look twice at any of these ugly fags.

They'd hate fuck the woman on the right out of desperation, though.

lexsird ago

IMAX called, they're impressed with how big of a projector you are.

andrew_jackson ago

Sarcasm is the domain of teenagers, Faggot.

Goys-R-Us ago

Good one. Must member.

LifeWillChange ago

I'll never fuck an obeast. These poor lads are going to be stuck choosing between traps and ham-planets.

I hope they can tell the difference between a fat fold and a vagina.

andrew_jackson ago

I'll never fuck an obeast.


WrongThunk ago

Says the ugly fag.

based80 ago

The one on the left is serviceable. She doesn't have a protruding gut.

A woman's tits should stick out further than her stomach, unless she is with child.

(We don't say "pregnant" any more; it's a meaningless word. We now say, "with child" so we piss off the infant murderers.)

blackguard19 ago


100% you service yourself on a regular basis.

slwsnowman40 ago

The one on the right is not with child. You can tell by looking at her face and neck.

WrongThunk ago

Yes she does, she is a user of the best diet on the planet, known as "photoshop." She actually has the beginnings of a full fledged gunt. Look at the line the curtain makes, doesn't match up. Look at her upper arm, it's been made thinner. Look at her stomach, you can see the shadow of the gunt right down the middle, even though it's been flattened. Whoever did the shoop didn't fix the skin color after the liquefy. He also didn't do near as good a job on her lower gunt as on her upper gunt. I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that he slimmed her face too, but there's too much artifacting to say for certain that he didn't just do the standard smoothing/makeup work. Also note the fat roll under her armpit, and the faded stretchmarks in the shadow of her arm and under her bra. All in all, I'd give this an 8/10 for a 5 minute social media shoop.


The fact that people on here don’t understand that the left photo is insanely photoshopped and that woman is easily 50 lbs overweight is concerning.

Must be a lot of people on here that either have never touched photo editing software or are pig fuckers.

dassaer ago

Why not "Pregnant with child"??....

I like eating my cake too ....

Jagon ago

they both look fat as fuck to me

shadow332 ago

believing ohotoshopped pictures are real


HateCumbuckets ago

Yep. The curvy one has no visible collarbones, and rolls starting under her arm.

mitoriomyt ago


ALIENS2222 ago

Both are fat...

mralexson ago

Not really

LordOfTheRope ago

Only true intellectuals have experienced the sensation of fucking a skeleton. You have yet to be enlightened.

DontBeRacist ago

The first one just looks wide-framed and still registers as attractive. The second looks like a pig and registers about as much sex appeal as a literal pig for someone who isn't a bestiality freak.

AntiMason ago

Why does this comment have any downvotes?

shitlordschmitty ago

Thank you! couldnt agree more. i have no idea why so many on voat shy away from curvy women (wide hips, amazon legs). they must like the skinny bitches to ensure a future generation of soyboys

DontBeRacist ago

I prefer thin to curvy, but I have a wide range of interests in women as long as they're not fat.

sn0wbawl ago

wouldn't amazon legs suggest at least some muscle definition? fuck outta here chubby chaser

MDEneverdies1488 ago

I've always liked my women more on the petite side. They are much more attractive to me

chirogonemd ago

I like both actually. I've got a thing for thin girls and also for thicker ones. The thing about curvy ones is you've got to watch it. There is curvy because of bone structure and then curvy because of carrying some extra bodyfat. The girl on the left in this photo has both. The thing you have to watch out for when they are young, is that the "curviness" here could easily just become straight fat by the time they are mid-thirties or forties. Always remember, if a girl has to work to be curvy, then when she stops working, it won't be curvy anymore.

CantDentTheBrent ago

My wife is my first thicc bitch,

goddamn that pussy is always a river.

She has a better waist and bigger/lower tits than pic 1 tho, but pic 2 is just a fat whore

Goys-R-Us ago

Is your wife's name Brent?

andrew_jackson ago

No, he's just an asshole.

the_magic_man ago

Sure she does. Lives abroad too?

Shortest_Skill ago

You have the shittiest wit. Faggot.

Ina_Pickle ago

the first one is using a camera angle to fool the eye

Rotteuxx ago

And clearly sucking in her gut

Thisismyvoatusername ago

More like fat and fatter.

vtusr2 ago

Do one showing the difference between a jewess and a non-jewess.

shadow332 ago


Reddit-is-kill ago

Came here to say that.

If you eat too much, you eat too much. It's simple.

"Not THAT fat" is a slippery slope.

Traveler ago

no, more like curves and fat

robot7247 ago

Curves FTW

Jagon ago

found the reddit pig fucker

Traveler ago

women need tits and an ass, if your girl has neither you might be a faggot. if you don't enjoy either.... I still support you, you free speech enthusiast. you're still a fucking faggot though.

Jagon ago

Tits are made from breast tissue, not fat. Be more respectful to what a real woman is you nigger

Traveler ago

What is dense breast tissue? Breasts are made up of lobules, ducts, and fatty and fibrous connective tissue. Lobules produce milk and are often called glandular tissue. Ducts are the tiny tubes that carry milk from the lobules to the nipple. Fibrous tissue and fat give breasts their size and shape and hold the other tissues in place.


shitlordschmitty ago

how can you call the first chick fat- why do people here like little skinny chicks.. you are ensuring a future generation of soyboys who will get their asses beat

Jagon ago

Youre so used to see fat chicks 6ou forgot what a normal BMI looks like. I am truely sad for you.

andrew_jackson ago

Don't worry, he's just a faggot that wants to screw girls who have the bodies of little boys.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

What makes you think fat girls don't produce "Soy bois"?

In fact, I bet if you started doing research, you would find the majority of soy bois have a fat fuck for a mother. Who more then likely was eating hormone packed fast food the whole time she was pregnant.

That's what I think, pig fucker.

Colonel_Questionmark ago

I prefer skinny chicks because they can birth healthy babies without gestational diabetes.

Traveler ago

let's be real here: you prefer them because they look like a man and you can't do better. try dating a chick with big tits then get back at us about your findings.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Because if she is average height, she probably weighs at least 160lbs. She's definitely overweight, possibly even clinically obese.

hang_em_high ago

I like FPH but they think a 90lb girl is a normal weight. Or a 140lb guy (but look, abs!).

Traveler ago

fph is full of little guys who run marathons and are not men.

turtlesarepureevil ago

That's neither here nor there without a height.

hang_em_high ago

Unless they are both 5 foot flat that's not a healthy weight.

PsiloTheWolf ago

At 5' 0" a man that weighs 129lbs has an overweight bmi. 5' 140 is a fatass.

hang_em_high ago

Fair enough. That wasn't really my point though. They would say 6 foot 160 is fine. Maybe if you never touched a weight in your life.

PsiloTheWolf ago

Im 6' 160 and it is fine. Betcha i can get up a mountain with an 80lb pack on my back faster than you can.

andrew_jackson ago

You actually sound pretty skinny. Do you lift?

PsiloTheWolf ago

Not really. Mostly just do pushups, pullups, situps. Im definitely not going to win any arm wrestling contests, but i can hike like a motherfucker.

hang_em_high ago

I'm sure you can. I'm not training that sort of cardio endurance. I would much rather have the strength or at least a balance than that.

PsiloTheWolf ago

Fair enough. I just want to be able to cover a lot of ground in the mountains without getting winded. And haul out a pack loaded with boned out wild game.

TheAntiZealot ago

Jumbo-sized ham-planetary manatees (the cow of the sea) love to label themselves "curvy."

Sorry, cellulose moon-crater infinity-folds stink-creviced lardbacked whales, you're not curvy; you're grotesque.

Next time you want to misuse the word "curvy," remember OP's image and just write "grotesque" so that the advertising matches the product.