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srayzie ago

I didn’t say he posted loli. Porn is not allowed. He encourages gore tho. I don’t care if he says he didn’t do it. He takes part in it. He encourages it.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I never said you did either, it was crensch who made that accusation and i wanted to hear from you if you had anything to suggest crensch was correct as his two part post provided zero evidence for said accusation.

  • Yes i agree with you, it was against the rules for /GA and you guys did the right thing.

  • Yes i agree with you, spamming gore/porn is not a viable way to break your ego for the sake of awaking the masses to a sense of self. There are plenty of other humorous ways to accomplish that.

  • This said, it is worth noting that spreading loli is considered a move worthy of death. Degenerates will get the rope first. The accusation of such activity is something to be taken very seriously and crennnnsch provided zero evidence in his two part diatribe to which i plan to mirror.

srayzie ago

Zyklon encouraged people to post loli. Him and someone else was planning another QRV attack and it included loli. I just don’t have the link right now

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

That is the clarification i was looking for and will wait for that evidence. If he encouraged loli specifically for QRV derailment that's fucked up.