Zoldam ago

All I care about, has that cunt Cersei died?

invisiblephrend ago


Truth_is_Extreme ago

I didn't watch this shitshow and I won't watch it, but I heard it's still disgusting feminist propaganda anyway.

This image and its retarded censorship is not mine(I got this from some normie friends) and, but the censored word is obviously "Jewish".

VoatVoyeur ago

Bro straight up fuck you, some of us hadn't seen this before your dick ass posted spoilers.

CantDentTheBrent ago

2 Jew Directors.

aCuriousYahnz ago

Aryan warrior who was turned into a sniveling faggot.

beece ago

Holy shit, I'll have to watch it sooner or later now.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

HBO says Look, well give you six more episodes but you gotta wrap it up.

They did the same thing to Battlestar Galactica.

This time the writers panicked and totally fucked up the final season of what was the best show in the history of television.

That happens in TV more often than it should.

midnightblue1335 ago

HBO says Look, well give you six more episodes but you gotta wrap it up.

That's false. HBO said "Here guys, blank check, we want 10 episodes to wrap this up, take as much time as you need."

But the (((writers))) had been in talks to move on to Star Wars. So the writers decided "Meh, we can do it in 6 episodes".

Imagine that- you've been given a BLANK CHECK by fucking HBO. This is a dream scenario for writers. And they shun it because they are so fucking greedy and they want to ruin another franchise (even further).

invisiblephrend ago

it wasn't 10 episodes. hbo offered them 10 SEASONS. but d & d got a call from disney and started rubbing hands intensely.

aCuriousYahnz ago

Will ask again because I haven't gotten an answer yet. So if HBO wanted longer seasons and more seasons than six, were they not able to tell D&D to get fucked and just hire someone else who wouldn't have done such a poor job?

midnightblue1335 ago

were they not able to tell D&D to get fucked and just hire someone else who wouldn't have done such a poor job?

This is likely related to contracts. Those hack writers considered this series their "baby", and even when they realized they couldn't write anything close to as good as the source material, they didn't step down and let some actually talented writers step in- because it's "theirs".

How much do you know about those retarded writers? I suggest you check out the YouTube channel called "The Dragon Demands". This man is obsessive, and I listen to his essays about why certain decisions were made for the show when I'm doing yardwork. Anyway, he explains that D&D are fucking fraudster hacks with extremely well-sourced essays. They're amateurs. Specifically, Benioff. Weiss is shit too, but Benioff is the the peak of "disgusting jew con artist hack".

The reason the last two seasons were absurdly short is because D&D managed to convince their jew friends in Disney to hire them to write for fucking Star Wars. So they were in this position of "We have this amazing show GoT, biggest TV show in history, beloved by most people, and we are super rich forever... but we could become richer. Star Wars is worth even more money! So instead of making 10 episodes for the last two seasons, we'll cram down 40+ episodes worth of content into 13 episodes and call it a day."

Hilariously, D&D said they were going off the grid for a few weeks after the finale. They know they're hacks. And they won't even face the fans who made them rich (well, Benioff was already rich because he's a Rothschild), which is very telling. I wonder how Star Wars fans feel about these kikes taking over their series?

CrustyBeaver52 ago

I hadn't heard that, but that's even worse!

Adminstrater ago

They went RedPill because they had to follow the general outline that George R.R. Martin had given them, and in any good story, the end of it must be more shocking in terms of the events that were featured in the show. Too bad those that were shocked, were just the normies that didn't want to imagine this ending happening. Someone threw out the idea that Bran would be King, and I was like, "What? No, he is suppose to be some sort of magical being used for another purpose", but I suppose he is just human after all. It didn't shock me, as much as the person who killed Daenerys did.

In the end, Arya's talents were greatly under used, Sanza's character development of turning slightly bitter in the world was thrown away, and wanting for being queen was just accepted as "whatever", by everyone, with no fuss. Not to mention the complete disappearance and no mention of Rickon Stark.

I am not sure why the last two seasons were not given the money, time, and episode count that everyone would be happy with, and the only thing I can assume is that it was losing money. It made more money than they thought it would, and went the numbers piqued the executives got scared they would not make an excessive amount of profit anymore. Thus giving up on it, which is a standard decision for television shows.

I liked the show, I still recommend it to people, and I'd watch it again. It's too bad the last two seasons were botched, but it doesn't take away from the general story and entertainment. I will have to read the last book to see the real ending to certain characters, and how other things wrap up, if I ever get the chance.

green_man ago

Rickon was killed by Ramsay Bolton. The last few seasons the (((writers))) and (((show runners))) didn't have books to guide the scripts which is why they were so disjointed in favor of spectacle.

Adminstrater ago

I must have missed that point. Thanks.

Bottled_Tears ago

I was saying stab her stab her over and over and Jon did it! I hated this season but I was so glad he took that crazy cunt out.

kirk_lazarus ago

They're still sneaking in the genocide of blonde Nordics but I guess nothing is perfect

aCuriousYahnz ago

I was hoping there would be something about Tyrion wanting to start pumping out kids to keep the name alive.

Gigglestick ago

I kind of wish I knew what this meant, but it sounds good.

NihilisticClownFrog ago

I cheered actually! It's a good show. I heard the writers were gonna get drunk and stay off media yesterday. Honk!

drj2 ago

Rest of the faggots overreacted about the last season. It wasn't terrible they just feel so entitled to the perfect show. They ended it better than sopranos, and it wasn't a dexter ending.

The writing did fall off hard when RR wasn't helping them.

Had ago

This season sucked a giant bag of dicks. The dialog was terrible, the characters did things against their arcs, the show as all plot with no suspense or drama, and in the end I honestly didn't give a shit about any of the characters at all. They passed time at incredibly inconsistent intervals, warped people all over the world, used plot armor in the worst fucking ways possible with cliche stupid scenes that were pointless like Arya running around a burning city when EVERYONE around her dies and she isn't even damaged.

I was definitely over this show sometime mid last season when I realized they wouldn't give me the end I had hoped for since the early 2000s when I picked these books up. The books are a good read if you are patient, and I had nothing better to do 15 years ago. I might finish the series up if the author finishes the whole thing, but I am not even motivated to do that currently.

The writer that fucked this up is the same retard that sewed Deadpools mouth shut in that terrible Wolverine movie. These two jew writers took an actual author's source material and were fine as long as they could keep stealing directly from the source. When they couldn't copy someone else's homework anymore, goddamn did they fuck it up.

philmchawk ago

The worst part was the battle with the night king. It show the 10 main characters with 100s of bodies around them (implying they killed all them) and NO ONE ELSE. FFS could you throw the plot armor in our faces more?

drj2 ago

Ya there were some things that were stupid.

In the end no one could have possibly came in having high expectations for them to try to finish a story written by RR and it be any good. This probably ruined them from writing anything in the future though.

Yeah I’m sure the book ending will be amazing.

Had ago

Those two are moving on to do Star Wars or something. Low expectations there, so maybe they will have some success.

I have hopes for the book ending, but the last few books have kinda gone down in quality from the first 3. It seems the backbone of the story is set and he is just trying to find the right path to the finish line.

These writers for the show just aren't very good though. Since the source material ran out, the best characters have just become a joke, character development has been non-existent, plot holes galore, and the dialog has been juvenile at best. But oh well, it's over now and so is Avengers. Time to move on completely from stuff I once found intriguing I suppose and focus on real things.

lanre ago

I think he made the plot too complicated and added too many side characters. Now he must be having an impossible time trying to finish up all the plotlines. That's why I feel like after the first three books the rest got longer and longer, without advancing the overall story very much. And now I imagine the situation has gotten exponentially worse.

Had ago

Agreed. AFFC drug on forever for nothing it felt like. ADWD was better but still too much going on with POV. I kinda wish more happened "off screen" so to speak.

Also, Kingkiller Chronicles fan I'm assuming by your username?

lanre ago

Yeah, but I think Rothfuss is just as lost with how to end his story. Be probably should've written it as a single book and gone off and done something new. It seems like recent authors really lack a good editor that can harness their talents.

Had ago

Agreed. The Name of the Wind was a really good story, but the second book was meh to me. It was decent but not near the same quality.

I haven't thought about that story in a while, and I really hope he is able to give it a proper ending, but I am not holding my breath. Between that and A Song of Ice and Fire, I am done reading fantasy series until they are done with the whole story.

AmericanBannedStand ago

Don’t forget that the secessionists were cheered as heroes too!

theoldones ago

this makes me want to watch the entire series now.

invisiblephrend ago

read the books, if you haven't already. there's a lot of inner dialogue among the characters that gets lost in the show. also, ice spiders.

DoesKnowHarm ago

It's actually worth it.

Advice? Find the character(s) you like the most, understand their situations, why you like them - and root for them. Do the same thing for the character(s) you despise - root for their slow and bloody demise.

Assess your picks each season. Better yet. Find other people who have never watched and make bets on whose going to die next, by whom, and in what fashion.

Maggotbait88 ago

u/theoldones has a history of begginh for child porn,Repeatedly, And again for good measure, then having a mental breakdown when he got called out for it. He has only ever claimed to have a good reason for asking for pictures of naked children.

LlamaMan ago

You protect voat people remind me of sanegoat and redditors who post "omg you posted on /r/the_donald?!". You're fucking cancer 90% of the time and host downvote parties like a bunch of entitled faggots.

theoldones ago


Yeah, the linked comments don't prove @theoldones is a pedophile. If you click into them and look at the context, it's obvious theoldones is asking Decidueye to put his account where his mouth is. Dortex is trying to smear him for this. It's an intentionally dishonest trick, and for it to work relies on people either not clicking the links or only paying slight attention to the contents. That said, many will do one of those two and the smear will work on them. It's a skilled manipulation, I'll give it that much. I didn't actually realize how dishonest and manipulative Dortex was until seeing it for myself. Mumbleberry did try to warn me, and I should have listened to him.

Maggotbait88 ago

This is just the "I had a good reason" again.


The part where they had a good laugh over the concept of Democracy was hilarious.

Bottled_Tears ago

I really want to know what the uncle would have said. Why did that slut Sansa shut him up?

CantDentTheBrent ago

His wedding was the Red Wedding.

If he didn't see that coming, he shant rule shit.


He was going to nominate himself. What little we know of Eddard Stark is he had an inflated sense of self. He did the right thing giving up Riverrun but the only other things we really know about him is that he wasn't qualified enough in archery to light the funeral pyre - which speaks to over-inflated ego; We also know he screwed up taking a symbolic tactical location against orders, which lost them a larger strategy.

I think Sansa not only shut up Eddard, but pointedly put a pin in what could have been a chorus of people nominating themselves or each other.

midnightblue1335 ago

We also know he screwed up taking a symbolic tactical location against orders, which lost them a larger strategy.

That wasn't his fault. That was Robb's fault. Robb didn't tell his commanding officers their strategy. Edmure didn't know that "Our goal is to lure the Mountain and his men north, so we can surround him and kill him." For some reason, Robb felt it wasn't necessary to tell his commanding officers this.

So Edmure is holding his post, and suddenly an opportunity to strike and inflict some casualties and take some ground presents itself. Seizing the initiative, believing that the overall strategy is simply "take ground from enemy, kill enemy if possible", Edmure Tully charged forth and secured the victory.

And then Robb has the gall to shit on Edmure? Maybe if you shared your overall plan with your highest ranked officers, Robb, they might behave in a manner more suited to that plan?


I can see both sides of this. They didn't have discipline, so ultimately it was Robb's fault, although in a war you follow orders and don't take initiatives unless it's a specific role.

midnightblue1335 ago

although in a war you follow orders and don't take initiatives unless it's a specific role.

That's bullshit. Especially in this time setting, where communication can take quite a long time. You must entrust your officers with some degree of autonomy. Genghis Khan did this- he would divide his horsemen into groups of 10, inform them of the overall strategy, and then allow the officers leading those 10 men to use their own tactics to achieve the goal of the strategy laid out for them.

If you've ever read Sun Tzu, you'd know why your statement is false. Officers are responsible for giving clear orders. If the orders are unclear, fuck-ups happen. Robb was unclear with his orders. Edmure was under the impression that "This is just standard warfare, taking territory and pushing the enemy back". So when he saw an opportunity to do so, he did it, successfully. However, if Robb had told all of his officers that "Our goal is to lure the Mountain and his forces north, so we can surround and destroy them", then Edmure would've known that taking the mill does not serve the strategic goal laid out for him.

Even further than that, if Edmure had known that was the plan, he might have been able to seize an opportunity to draw the target out! He may have been able to arrange his forces and attack the mill in a manner that would force the Mountain and his troops to retreat north, deeper into friendly territory. After this, he would contact Robb and his officers and say "Pushed him north of the mill, holding his only possible escape routes to the south, need reinforcements", which could then lead to the encirclement and strategic victory.

This isn't Rome: Total War, where a King's orders can be telepathically sent to all of his men at any time. If a strategy changes, the officers must be informed, or else they will continue to act in ways that would lead to the goal of the previous strategy.

Bottled_Tears ago

Okay, thanks. It's been a long series, I've forgotten some of the smaller details.


I've obsessively watched clips and character compilations on youtube.

I am going to have to re-watch stuff now to put the finale into context. I want to know how Varys figured out what Danaerys was going to do. I feel like they must have put some cues in there which we'd be able to see.

Adminstrater ago

You don't mean Eddard Stark, you mean Edmure Tully.


Thanks I stand corrected.