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CatsControlTheEU ago

Why are common words used incorrectly and for so long?

Not by accident I can assure you. One of the greatest tricks that was ever pulled was the mostly sucessful portrayal of anyone who ever questioned anything as a lunatic.

It's in tv shows, movies, books, plays and even commonoy misused to denegrate someone in everyday conversation or debate. The second many people even hear the word 'conspiracy' their brain shuts off. You could have all the evidence in the world and an impeccable argument but the second someone says 'its a conspiracy theory' they will just ignore everything, no matter how reasonable.

vtusr2 ago

And (((JEWS))) are behind all conspiracies. They even like to brag about it over at the qresearch 8chan board. Also, wanted to remind real users of the following.

The tech is very real and the more people that know about it, the better. They are of course also hiding other advanced tech...

shadow332 ago

member for 10 days

linking to a fucking Qtard sub

Glipglup ago

You are literally part of the problem.