KIlerOfFreeTime ago

you are absolutely right

TheyLie ago

Perception limiter. Seems people are happy to have their perceptions limited to the mainstream

Tistime ago

Wish I could downvoat this more, English comprehension is not strong here.

JonReed ago

Know one hear nose wut ur taking about

MrShekelstein ago

cia/fbi niggers have been psy-oping for a long time trying to get people to believe the conspiracy means fake.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

My way of introducing conspiracies always sets a pattern of known examples before I launch into own presentation of evidence.

You know why they don't have trolleys in LA? Remember standard Oil? You remember when the government poisoned prohibition alcohol? Remember when the government tested LSD as a truth serum? Remember the Manhattan Project?

Corporations and Governments did not give up consolidating power. In fact, the trend has only been toward more consolidation, except for the Internet and a few Republican controlled States.

We acknowledge the fact that corporations and governments commit crimes.

Did we vote on everything, or do certain people have to coordinate efforts to accomplish goals? Are all the details of this coordination made public?

We acknowledge that large organizations are made up of people who keep secrets.

You think they coincidentally stopped doing that at the point when these secrets are considered classified and the media can't publish them?

Drenki ago

A plan made in secret

Duchozz ago

(((CIA))) did that on purpose you know..

TheSeer ago

How did they ever convince people to start using paper money instead of precious metals? Perfect example of a spell, if you ever need one. And we do it because the previous generation says it is normal.

Goys-R-Us ago

What winds up happening is it blocks off certain topics from being talked abkut becaise usage of these incorrect definitions causes certain concepts and ideas to become truly unintelligible to them. Literally DISABLING them, mentally.

This is by design. The CIA came up with the term conspiracy theory as a mental slide to prevent people from even THINKING about things. Say you're a conspiracy theorist about 9/11 and people will laugh at you. Then remind them the official story literally about a conspiracy and watch the cognitive dissonance radiate from their face.

Alhambra ago

one of the first things jews subvert when attacking a people/culture is the language. cut off the lines of communication.

EuropeanNationalist ago

An unspoken alignment.

Think the aliens in Invasion of the Body Snatchers had to have boardroom meetings? It was their common 'understanding'.

JonReed ago

I don't know your specific reference.

Unspoken alignments won't qualify though, those imply no deliberate action i.e. conspiring, merely coincidentally aligning interests or a cultural tendency

Tistime ago


Tistime ago

For someone complaining of incorrect word usage, you're on very thin ice because it doesn't mean hidden agenda.

JonReed ago

Read better.

Tistime ago

Comprehend better, you're still wrong; even with your addendum.

JonReed ago

Comprehend better

JonReed ago

I am aware of this.

What I'm really getting at is: people have the mental tools and resources to bypass this, and there's probably not a single person lacking these requirements (that isn't mentally disabled). So why are the majority of people walking around talking like morons? Without language, being a human degrades rapidly with respect to experience.

Ag47 ago

The link was more for anyone who might not have been aware, as I am in agreement with you. The way they have conditioned the masses to misuse/misunderstand the word "conspiracy" has also bothered me for quite some time. Another term they have brainwashed people to misapply is by calling our Constitutional Republic "our democracy." It's all conditioning and all by design.

redstarkachina ago

It's bc 'consipiracy' is a weaponized term, just an older version of 'fake news'. Using 'conspiracy theory' to describe an idea immediately throws anyone who represents that idea in with all the crazies and tin-foil hatters. It was needed to combat anyone on the scent of the JFK assassination. The term 'fake news' was used to combat anyone who was catching on the elite pedophile ring around HRC, the Podestas, and pizza gate in general. You can literally see on Google analytics how fake news was brought into usage at EXACTLY the same time as Pizzagate (tried to post link but says contain banned domains)

JonReed ago

You can literally see on Google analytics how fake news was brought into usage at EXACTLY the same time as Pizzagate (tr

Not trying to derail the conversation here, but years ago I did some research on the usage of the word "Holocaust" because of brother Nathanael's claim that the word Holocaust was never used when he was in Jew school in the 50s. I went over to googles word usage tools and saw that the word didn't start getting used until the exact time he said in his webcast, I think it was the 70s. I posted this info to voat before with screenshots

I mean there's definitely something up if he said that, didn't even reference Google's tool, I go there and find exactly what he said, post about it, then Google updates it's word usage to have it's usage skyrocket after ww2.... Totally doctored info

redstarkachina ago

the tool I was using was for search terms, idk how this could apply to items from before the internet era. But that is interesting to know that maybe google has some tools for this analysis from analyzing literature?

JonReed ago

The tool being used is from OCR scans of all books and other literature from centuries back


It means 2 people working together in private. It's incredibly common. The CIA did a real solid job at convincing people how uncommon 2 or more people have private conversations to better their position in the world (Tinfoil chemtrail wacko alert everyone!)

goatsandbros ago

For some reason, people started using the term "conspiracy" instead of "conspiracy theory." Part of the problem is right there. The other part comes from the CIA conflating "conspiracy theorist" with "nutcase."

shadow332 ago

Well (((wikipedia))) is wrong then, how shocking:

hankylanky ago

Well, you're an idiot. First of all, it doesn't mean "hidden agenda." That leaves out the crucial part of the definition -- "by a group." I don't know anyone who thinks it means "false story." In the context of "things idiots believe" (AKA Voat), the term "conspiracy THEORY" has the connotation of being a false story.

JonReed ago

Ok, "hidden agenda" was for brevity, the "group of people" part is always implied because it's not like your toaater and blender are going to conspire against the oven...

Your post seems to just be an angry rant in a direction that misses the point I'm making so I'm going to ignore it

hankylanky ago

You're not ignoring it very well.

JonReed ago


TekJax ago

Literally corrected somebody at a bar about this the other day.

They said, "Oh, that's just a conspiracy theory." or something like that.

I asked somebody else in the bar what the definition of a conspiracy was and stroked my chin and going, "Huh, that's the definition?" and went on a sarcastic tirade.

ratsmack ago

A conspiracy theory is an unproven act of conspiring, since theories are generally unproven... and may be false.

JonReed ago

Unproven entails not known to be true or false therefore not a "false story"

I think we're in agreement

Womb_Raider ago

It’s closer in definition to collaborating with a group to make secret plots. The group aspect of the word is most important, to me. Our ‘leaders’ are working together in secret to destroy us. That is conspiracy.

JonReed ago

Ok, "hidden agenda* was for brevity, the "group of people" part is always implied because it's not like your toaater and blender are going to conspire against the oven...

Womb_Raider ago

Just wanted to elaborate to those with a limited vocabulary, my good man.

prairie ago

I thought that it meant that two or more people were conspiring (working together with a hidden agenda).

JonReed ago

Ok, "hidden agenda" was for brevity, the "group of people" part is always implied because it's not like your toaster and blender are going to conspire against the oven....

arniecuntingham ago

it does not mean "hidden agenda". a conspiracy is when people plan (CONSPIRE) to do something underhanded. if 2 people plan to kill someone, for example, they can be arrested and charged with "conspiracy to commit murder" even if they don't actually murder anyone. the conspiracy itself is a crime. as far as this word being applied to all the things conspiracy theorists apply it to, like the jfk assassination, there would have to be HUNDREDS of people cooperating with each other for it to work. this is why most conspiracy theories are wrong and idiotic. they are impractical and (if you believe them) done for the stupidest reason and in the most difficult way. as with jfk again, if Johnson or the cia or fbi or mafia etc. etc wanted to kill him, there are a million EASIER ways to go about it than "find a patsy, have 2 guys on the grassy knoll who REALLY do the shooting then after the patsy is arrested have ANOTHER patsy shoot him all of this on live tv in front of millions of people etc. etc. etc. etc. it's ABSURD. why not just POISON him?

JonReed ago

Ok, "hidden agenda" was for brevity, the "group of people" part is always implied because it's not like your toaster and blender are going to conspire against the oven..

celestial-skylord ago

This has been pissing me off for years as the dictionary doesn't even define the word using their definition. What winds up happening is it blocks off certain topics from being talked abkut becaise usage of these incorrect definitions causes certain concepts and ideas to become truly unintelligible to them. Literally DISABLING them, mentally.

You are mistaken to think their intention is honorable. Conspiracy (theory) for them is just a weapon to shut you down.

TestForScience ago

The term “Conspiracy Theory” was invented by the CIA in order to prevent disbelief of official government stories.

antistatist ago

Contemporary retards use 'conspiracy' as a abbreviation of 'conspiracy theory', so it's the same thing - a programmed mental shutdown trigger word.

antistatist ago

Contemporary retards use 'conspiracy' as a concatenation of 'conspiracy theory', so it's the same thing - a programmed mental shutdown trigger word.

knightwarrior41 ago

a conspiracy is an act of two or more people to commit evil.its just as simple as that

conspiracy theorist was a label invented by alphabet agencies to denigrate people who questions their govt .again,its as simple as that

TheSeer ago

"That's like, just a conspiracy, man"

QualityShitposter ago

what do you call it when they conspire to do good?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

A conspiracy.

/u/knightwarrior41 is wrong, conspiracy does not imply good or evil intent, merely a group planning in secret.

QualityShitposter ago


POTUS and the military conspiring to MAGA is a good conspiracy. Niggers conspiring to block roads because muh reparations is a bad conspiracy.

knightwarrior41 ago

/u/knightwarrior41 is wrong, conspiracy does not imply good or evil intent, merely a group planning in secret.

ok i stand corrected thank you

knightwarrior41 ago

what do you call it when they conspire to do good?

idk you tell me.

QualityShitposter ago

A conspiracy, dumbass.

TheAntiZealot ago

A conspiracy is when two or more gather in secret to exact a plan.

It denotes neother good nore evil.

crazy_eyes ago

a plan

QualityShitposter ago

Your common core is showing...

crazy_eyes ago

you are making incorrect assumptions, projecting I presume

DIY-Guy ago

Conspiracy / Conspiracy Theory is a spectrum to me personally. Proven ones to Finland doesn't exist at all.

3 - "Finland doesn't exist either"

It's complex / complicated alone to say the least to me.

Got any examples of people using it incorrectly?

JonReed ago

An example of someone using it incorrectly is when they wish to dismiss (deny) something, let's say like Bernie Sanders having lost the 2016 nomination because the DNC favored Hillary, and then they use the phrase "you're paranoid and dreaming up conspiracies". They're actually DENYING that it happened in one sentence, then they'll rephrase with the words paranoid and/or conspiracy... Even in instances like I mentioned above that have been proven and STILL have the hacked emails publicly displayed online.

And when I tell them that ^ they try upping the emotion and hammer the 'c' word again. at this point in the conversation I feel like I'm talking to a broken record. They truly can't understand what's happening because their thought process is too far down the wrong mental path.

bubby963 ago

Seriously, to people conspiracy theory just means false crackpot theory and conspiracy means false story. No, conspiracy if conspiring to do something. Problem is the fucking kikes were so successful with spreading the completely ridiculous conspiracies to discredit all conspiracies that it cant be taken seriously now.

This is sadly easy to do due to how english as a language works, its very easy to change the meaning of words without people noticing. For example in Japanese conspiracy is 陰謀 which literally means hidden plot. Its very hard to change the meaning because the characters spell it. But in English sadly each character has no individually meaning so its fucking easy for kikes to control language to their whim.

TekJax ago

Yeah, when you point out actually harm done by vaccines and all the risks involved with injecting something foreign into your body without even seeing how they prepared/created it then they go, "FLAT EARTH! FLAT EARTH!"

Probably what this shooter (Jared Lee Loughner) was talking about when he was saying people were trying to change and control language.

And then surprise, we can go to jail now for not referring to somebody by a made up gender.

blackguard19 ago

Speaking of conspiracy theories, Jared Lee Loughner’s “shooting” was a ridiculous hoax, an entirely fake story. Gabby Gifford even fakes a vocal tick after the event for maximum sentimental value.

Her husband is a NASA astronaut. What else needs to be said? It was entirely fake just like almost every high-profile shooting.

TheSeer ago

NASA are a bunch of liars, the manned Moon landings were filmed in a studio, but the Earth is a globe, and there are photos of Earth from space, they are just composites (which disqualifies them instantly in the minds of any Flat Earther).

blackguard19 ago

If NASA are liars, and the moon landings are fake, then the first photo of earth from space was from a fake space mission circa 1970. Ever watch the NASA channel on tv? I do. They mention the word "global" like every ten words. Everything we think we know about space comes from NASA, which you just admitted are a bunch of liars. Also the Flat Earth topic is as heavily censored on the internet as Holocaust revisionism which should tell you a lot.

TheSeer ago

Nope, we've know the Earth is a globe since the time of the Egyptians and then Galileo (not to mention Columbus) proved it. For disinformation to work, SOME of what you say has to be true. That is why NASA talks about the globe. To build credibility, to then convince you of OTHER falsities. Flat Earth is not censored, it was promoted on Youtube for years. Maybe they have now scaled back that promotion, but it is a little late, after like 5 years of promoting it , to say it is being heavily censored.

I would hit dislike on every video that even mentioned flat earth, and never watch those channels again, and Youtube would still put flat earth videos in my AutoPlay. I would literally only watch videos by people that debunked flat earth, or don't mention it. And still it was promoted to me (and millions of others). That is where most of a guy like jeranism's views come from.

blackguard19 ago

Unfortunately I know you're not being truthful about that last part because I watch a lot of flat earth videos on Youtube and still in my feed the only things that show up are from mainstream science "debunking" flat earth. In fact anyone can disprove that themselves right now by Youtube searching for "flat earth" and realizing that all the results are anti-flat earth.

Go ahead, do it right now and see for yourself:

All results are anti-flat earth.

As for the Egyptians and Galileo, that's pretty ridiculous and also easily provably false. The Egyptians made no mention of any globe earth, period. They didn't even have a written language. Galileo was a Freemason himself..... don't know how you think he proved it since that's not even what mainstreamers claim. Maybe you're confusing him with Eratosthanes, whose (fabled) experiment was even admitted by Neil Tyson to not prove a globe earth since it only used two reference points and would also work on a flat earth with a local sun. Regardless, the "facts" of the solar system have been changed many times since then, even things as basic as the distance to the sun. So many "givens" rely on other "givens" which are based on philosophical rather than empirical claims. For example the mass of the earth was said to have been determined in someone's cowshed, using lead balls hanging from the ceiling, before the inventions of electric lights. Yes modern "scientists" actually believe this.

Bottom line, you've never observed the curvature or the motion of the earth and never will.

TheSeer ago

Freemasonry didn't even exist during Galileo's lifetime. LOL And calling my personal experience a lie? That is your argument? I know Youtube has now switched to promoting flat earth debunking, that wasn't my point. My point was that FOR YEARS they promoted it. That is literally where everyone who is a flat earther today BECAME a flat earther. And not by searching for flat earth videos, either. By being spoonfed those videos (or having the idea of flat earth introduced to them, in unrelated videos).

You are right I will never observe curvature or motion of the Earth! That shows how little your flat earth crusade matters. Let me ask you, what do you think is the significance of the Earth REALLY being flat, and us believing it is a globe?

blackguard19 ago

YouTube wasn't promoting Flat Earth back then any more than they were promoting Sandy Hook hoax conspiracy videos. It's just that they weren't yet maniacally trying to obscure and discredit them and they now are.

I don't think the flatness or rotundity of the earth is really that important and in my opinion the name "flat earth theory" is a huge misnomer because the important part of the concept isn't the shape of the earth but rather that the concept of "outer space," heliocentricity, and the Big Bang are all fictional constructs to hide the fact that humans and Earth are in fact the center of creation rather than insignificant specks in an endless void.

TheSeer ago

Glad to hear you have moved on from thinking the flatness or the sphericity of the Earth is of any importance.

TekJax ago

Antarctic Treaty and Operation Fishbowl ?


Also, surprised somebody actually knew about Loughner.

I mention him a lot but don't get any responses.

Guys like him, Charles Manson, and Ted Kazinsky all seem like hyper intelligent people who call out and predict things that most people are unaware of.

But there are people in positions of power who can't have their authority challenged or threatened.

antistatist ago

This is why etymology is important.

(con = together) + (spire = breath) = conspire = breath together

QualityShitposter ago

But muh syllables are too hard to string together.

There’s a reason TPTB pushed Latin (and basic vocabulary) out of schools.

Far2Long2 ago

Conspirare = to breathe together.

Eualos ago

It means secret plans

CatsControlTheEU ago

Why are common words used incorrectly and for so long?

Not by accident I can assure you. One of the greatest tricks that was ever pulled was the mostly sucessful portrayal of anyone who ever questioned anything as a lunatic.

It's in tv shows, movies, books, plays and even commonoy misused to denegrate someone in everyday conversation or debate. The second many people even hear the word 'conspiracy' their brain shuts off. You could have all the evidence in the world and an impeccable argument but the second someone says 'its a conspiracy theory' they will just ignore everything, no matter how reasonable.

Thorne14 ago

Yep. If Newton were alive today Gravity would be considered some crazy alt-right conspiracy theory.

SelectAllImagesWith ago

completely true, although it goes against this post, I try to explain that there are lots more liars in the world. You say conspiracy theory, I say lies. After all a conspiracy is a deceit and therefore another, more sly, way of lying.

Goys-R-Us ago

Exactly. I said essentially the same thing before reading your post.

BushChuck ago

"Conspiracy Theory" didn't come into usage until just after the JFK coup.

justregtoasku ago

Like ' conchis'. Derogatory term pushed by press in uk ww2 to label those who questioned war Conchis = conscientious objector (to war). Had idiot sheep yelling conchis to those who questioned more wars

SelectAllImagesWith ago

wow, that really is an eye opener. This was massively used in the UK. I am thinking of the book the Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewis, which is a great read.

Dogsoldiertoo ago

Operation Mockingbird, CIA controlled media.

TheTrigger ago

And what event did "fake news" follow? This is part-and-parcel glownigger behavior.

justregtoasku ago

Hand forced to release 'fake news' ? Losing the narrative a bit i mean

TheSeer ago


Dogsoldiertoo ago

Fake news was present in Thomas Jefferson's day. He often railed against the press and it's lies. Here are just a few:

To your request of my opinion of the manner in which a newspaper should be conducted so as to be most useful, I should answer ‘by restraining it to true facts & sound principles only.’ yet I fear such a paper would find few subscribers ... nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. I really look with commiseration over the great body of my fellow citizens, who, reading newspapers live & die in the belief that they have known something of what has been passing in the world in their time. Thomas Jefferson (June. 11. 1807) --

I shall give over reading newspapers. they are so false & so intemperate that they disturb tranquility without giving information. Thomas Jefferson (March. 11. 1809) --

I read no newspaper now but Ritchie’s, and in that chiefly the advertisements, for they contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper. Thomas Jefferson (Jan. 12. 1819) --

iLuvJews ago


MaxVonOppenheim ago

Which can be a beautiful thing if you just point out that "The Patriarchy", "white privilege", "cops looking for blacks to put in jail", "Afrocentrism", and "The Holocaust"™ are all just conspiracy theories.

Goys-R-Us ago

brown paper bag test?

Neil_Kiggers ago


Many churches, fraternities, and nightclubs used the "brown paper bag" principle as a test for entrance. People at these organizations would take a brown paper bag and hold it against a person's skin. If a person was lighter than the bag, he or she was admitted.

Goys-R-Us ago

Thanks. I use white paper bags. It's an exclusive club.

vtusr2 ago

And (((JEWS))) are behind all conspiracies. They even like to brag about it over at the qresearch 8chan board. Also, wanted to remind real users of the following.

The tech is very real and the more people that know about it, the better. They are of course also hiding other advanced tech...

shadow332 ago

member for 10 days

linking to a fucking Qtard sub

Glipglup ago

You are literally part of the problem.

Chad88 ago

When the word "conspiracy" is itself a conspiracy.

Kalergi ago


TheTrigger ago
