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Derpfroot ago

I remember when this story came out.  I don't think this article lists the details but she was running, he was near her and had attacked her because he "hated white women."

If she knew this phrase and saw him in advance, it could've saved her life.

Also, knock-out game.  Unprovoked, violent attacks.  If any phrase were to help you survive in a city, this would be it.

haveanupgoat ago

I was watching a random nog attack compilation video. Evey time, they punch the unsuspecting right in the head. Based on reports, it's seems like the only way they are creative is in finding ways to kill people and attempting to cover it up.

jthun2 ago

yeah, the right hand strike to the head is the fav weapon. Often from behind or from the side.

midnightblue1335 ago

And it's always a wide, looping, poor technique punch. If you were looking at them when they wind up to throw it, getting out of the way or blocking it is easy. My first Boxing coach called this "ghetto punching". Throwing ghetto punches at a man who knows how to move his head and throw straight, clean, tight punches is a recipe for "getting knocked out".

So that's why they run up from behind. That's why they almost always immediately flee after making contact, to avoid a potential counterattack if the sucker punch doesn't put the lights out.