Chimaira92 ago

They are more Christian right now than any other time in history.

Zoldam ago

I don't think a lot of people grasp the idea the world is caught in a 4000+ year old feud, it started in the Middle East and by the 20th century hit, had finally engulfed the world whether through European imperialism, communist revolution, among other means. You don't have to be religious or even pick a "side" but it's important to understand aspects of this conflict because the people who run the world are completely dedicated to it, even if indirectly. The story might sound pretty crazy, especially for atheists and the agnostic, but you must remember the people running the world believe it completely, that is why it is important to know.

I am sure most have at least heard of the story of Satan convincing Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. Whether that actually happened or is merely fiction is irrelevant, the point is what we have seen over the past several thousand years is an ideological conflict based on how that story was interpreted. The first interpretation is the one you hear more often, that Satan was a deceiver and sought to corrupt God's creation and tricked Eve in to eating the fruit killing human innocence. There is however another interpretation, the other interpretation was that God was a tyrant, and that eating the forbidden fruit did not kill the innocence of humans, but rather woke them up to the fact they were slaves to a tyrant. It should go without saying in this variant Lucifer is the character shed in a positive light. So how the fuck does this shit effect the world today? Because the majority of the ideologies that have consumed the world all trace back to that divide. Let's look at a few examples...

I'll start with the favorite of the site, the Jews. Modern Judaism is based in the Talmud which was written by the rabbis, but the belief system is based off the Kabbalah. The Kabbalah, follows the later interpretation (where eating the forbidden fruit was shed in a positive light). The Kabbalah does not recognize good and evil in the traditional sense, but rather in a much more subjective sense. I don't think I need to explain the dangers of viewing everything through a subjective lens.

In opposition we have an ideology like Christianity. Those who became the first Christians adhered to the first view (which depicted eating the forbidden fruit in a negative light), which is made very obvious if you have looked at a Bible. These people believe their is a clear line between good and evil, and act accordingly.

I am not saying this is some Jews vs. Christians feud (though that is one aspect), I was just using those as an example since they get talked about the most here, you can trace just about every ideology that holds power in the world back to it through influential people who superscribed to one (such as Karl Marx for one example) or influential organizations (such as the Vatican for one example). I can't do it justice and I was merely scratching the surface, so you will probably have to dig some for a better understanding. And again I must urge, even if you view the whole thing as bullshit, the people in charge take it quite seriously.

Chimaira92 ago

Go ahead and point out what you believe the refutation is because that verse literally declares that he has come to divide the household of gentiles. These christcucks inviting in the sudanese?

a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household

Chimaira92 ago

Why did Jesus heal her? It's not anything close to what you suggest.

Matthew 10

Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.

These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: “Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans. Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.

“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. Be on your guard; you will be handed over to the local councils and be flogged in the synagogues. On my account you will be brought before governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the Gentiles. But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.

“Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death. You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another. Truly I tell you, you will not finish going through the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes."

a house divided can't stand

Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn

“‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law— a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’

Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

More like Jesus's mission was to divide the house up.

Chimaira92 ago

Christ's ministry was in Jerusalem, which fulfilled prophecy.

Jewish messianic prophecy.

John the Baptist and his messianic sect of Judaism to be specific.

Like I said YouTube and Wikipedia won't get you the full story, or accurate History. Read the primary source documents and get a full context and picture. If you do, you will see that on the contrary, Christianity and Judaism were opposed from it's origin and that Jews worked like mad, just like they do today, to defame, slander, and kill Christians.

Actually you will find that Judaism was broken up into over a dozen different sects all having their own interpretations of the torah (Moses's law). John the baptist had his own following and is the one responsible for performing the Jewish ritual of tvilah (known as baptism now) on Yeshua.

However, this false notion that Christianity's origin is just some Jewish trick to rob you of you paganism is 100% bullshit.

How so? It's not as if the conversions were done voluntarily and peacefully. It also required Christianity to absorb pagan traditions and cultures to entice others to convert.

I don't want a return to paganism, I want to see the end of all religions and the start of a new ideological and philosophical school of thought that helps to build up communities while remaining vigilant against Jewish propaganda and other enemies who seek to deceit.

There is no need to believe in a magical sky fairy who watches over everyone and rewards/punishes those for certain behaviour.

Chimaira92 ago

So what's your point?

That Christianity was started by jews, led by jews and revolves around worshipping a jew as god.

You seem to want to say it's bullshit because Jews were involved.

That what is bullshit exactly?

Jesus himself said he came only for the lost sheep of Israel until the Canaanite woman admits the Jews as the gentile master. Only then does he heal her child. Matthew 15:21-28

Chimaira92 ago

Led by Jews.

The first Christians were the Jews who believed that Jesus was the Jewish messiah. In his earliest work which mentions the Ebionites, Eusebius before 313CE writes that in a village called Choba, "there are Hebrews who believed in Christ, called Ebionites"3. They used an early Gospel of Matthew, and their beliefs are in accordance with the earliest reports of the gospels of Luke and Matthew, and with Jewish prophecy.

The Ebionites justified all of their beliefs by the example of Jesus himself: "he was circumcised, observed the Sabbath and celebrated the Jewish festivals, and taught that all the precepts of the law should be observed"

Their insistence on staying (or becoming) Jewish should not seem especially peculiar from a historical perspective, since Jesus and his disciples were Jewish. But the Ebionites' Jewishness did not endear them to most other Christians, who believed that Jesus allowed them to bypass the requirements of the Law for salvation. The Ebionites, however, maintained that their views were authorized by the original disciples, especially by Peter and Jesus' own brother, James, head of the Jerusalem church after the resurrection.

The 3 Pillars of Christianity, Peter, James and Paul.

Peter and James only taught christianity to other jews while Paul was to administer Christianity to the gentiles. ~ Galatians 1:18-2:10

Chimaira92 ago

According to Eusebius, the Jerusalem church escaped to Pella during the siege of Jerusalem by the future Emperor Titus in 70 and afterwards returned, having a further series of Jewish bishops until the Bar Kokhba revolt in 130. Following the second destruction of Jerusalem and the rebuilding of the city as Aelia Capitolina, subsequent bishops were Greeks.

~ "Jerusalem in Early Christian Thought" p75 Explorations in a Christian theology of pilgrimage ed Craig G. Bartholomew, Fred Hughes

Chimaira92 ago

Who were the first christian leaders of the church of jeruselum?

It was jewish rabbis.

RevDrStrangelove ago

You guys have a really distorted view of what atheists are about. Culturally you could say that I'm Christian - I just don't believe in any of it. Around 12 I had a "You gotta be shitting me. You really expect me to believe this?" moment and that was that. I hold no animosity towards Christians. I don't care much for Muslims or Jews.

Rellik88 ago

Christians, Jews, and Moslems all believe in the same god.

Jew for the masters, Christian for the slaves, and Islam for the enemies.

Raxotic ago

Level 2: Tell christian goats the Old Testament, but quote from the Torah.

Corpse_washer ago

I live in a paradise, why would i move? Because you think you know something about me, fucking nigger? Do you? Of course you dont, you just think because muslims and jews kill more because their churches have power, and christians dont, they are better? Oh, am i insulting your godforsaken skydaddy who wants you so dumb you should not even be able to tell good and evil apart? Fucking imbecile.

Gringojones ago

So your proposition is to tell a person who sees no evidence of a god that other gods exist with the same lack of evidence in order to make them believe in your god?

Sounds like a well thought out plan to me.

EarlPoncho ago

why would they do that? jews and atheists believe the exact same things

zxcvzxcv ago

I can't tell if serious or not.

xenoPsychologist ago

atheism is a jewish religion of control. they teach it in universities and punish students who dont follow it.

antiliberalsociety ago

Who was it that persecuted all religions during the Holodomor? Who were they lead by?

People hate those questions.

xenoPsychologist ago

yep. it does take some cognitive dissonance for one to be an atheist and not realize he is a tool of the jew.

DavidHogg ago

No the fuck we don’t.

EarlPoncho ago

studies say otherwise. looks like you're about the same to me. you guys are almost as bad as the (((catholics)))

Raxotic ago

jews and atheists believe the exact same things

Are you fuckin retarded?

EarlPoncho ago

no, i actually read studies on this shit

congrats kike lover, you are a jew

Raxotic ago

lol. awesome link, thx.

antiliberalsociety ago

Atheism is a construct of racial jews

jthun2 ago

nah, there were people doubting the existence of God who never met a Jew. Chinese, etc.

Corpse_washer ago

There is no better or worse religion. All exist for the purpose of controlling and programming the masses of npcs.

nothingoriginal ago

I'd rather live near christians than kikes or muzzies.

Corpse_washer ago

I would rather live neae players and not npcs. You cant take off the edge of religion by telling oh, christians are better, only their priests are gay and raping kids. There is no worse or better, they are all npcs.

Peki ago

Well, having only the priests being kiddie fuckers rather than everyone in the religion by default does make it better.

Unless you like having more criminals than less...

nothingoriginal ago

Muzzies will try to kill me. Kikes will try to exploit me. Christians will try to convert me. I can treat a Christian like shit, and they'll take it. The other two will pull their bullshit.

Corpse_washer ago

Yeah. Christians dont want to kill you, because their church lost its power. How many people did good christians with salivating mouths burn on the stake? You are out of your mind for defendind any religilon. Just give the church power again and they start again with the water tests and burnings.


I think you have confused Christian practices with the evil of the Catholic Church

nothingoriginal ago

Not much compared to kikes and muzzies. You're out of your mind if you think you won't be living around religious or spiritual people.

Corpse_washer ago

Oh, not much? Then its all okay, i guess. Fucking imbecile.

nothingoriginal ago

Atheists killed far more people. Fucking loser.

2_scoops_vanilla ago

Islam = Death Cult

Judaism = Death Cult

Christianity = Death Cult

Buddhism = Death Cult

What is a death cult you ask? A religion that is preoccupied with death and wants to waste your life by obsessing about what might happen when you die. Fear and lies, only life matters. Only a religion preoccupied with life and the events of the living is a teaching worth living.

zxcvzxcv ago

You need to add atheism to that list. those idots are preoccupied with death cults and wasting their life obsessing about death cults.

ShitPostMcGee ago

Add asatru to that list with their dumb valhalla / ragnarok fanatasies

Raxotic ago

Isn't that what Bhuddism essentially is?

dudelol ago


Jas 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world

Christianity is a walk most treat as a religion

Chimaira92 ago

Gee I didn't realize most of you were jews and muslims.

ShitPostMcGee ago

What did nordic and celtic culture contribute to the world before they converted? Anything of value beyond tin?

Chimaira92 ago

Oh absolutely nothing, they made mud huts and tin spears until a Jew called Jesus came along and rescued the barbaric anglo-saxons from acting like packs of niggers. Apparently.

ShitPostMcGee ago

Your attempts at sarcasm illustrate my point. What value was lost with the end of their culture? At least the Roman Greek and Egyptian pagans did shit. Norsemen had like 3 good raids and everything else was just robbing monasteries and peasants.

Heartdisease ago

It would be cool to see the old religions return. Not to blindly follow them or any religion but to understand our history and culture better. Most of my knowledge comes from (((media))).

Broc_Lia ago

Jews hate christianity with a burning passion so I doubt that's it. It is a very infectious meme though.

Corpse_washer ago

Do they hate it though, even when they are among themselves?

Broc_Lia ago

I'm pretty sure they do, yes. The Talmud is full of invectives against it and they constantly subtly rail against it.

Corpse_washer ago

So, you are amongst the jews when they are amongst themselves and thats how you know.

Broc_Lia ago

You don't have to be a jew to see how much they hate christmas.

ronfink ago

Yes they do hate it, in the Talmud it says that Jesus is in hell boiling in shit.

Corpse_washer ago

Oh, and that makes it worth hating. Its not like they find that funny rather than hateful. Interesting logic you have there.


weirdly lots love islam

Gringojones ago

Lots of what? Muslims?