Mikethejew ago

This is madness, these faggots will argue that because of hate the number is reported low and really 50% of population are faggots who can't get pussy so they become women.

Fuhrer1488 ago

I know, what the fuck?

Anson ago

this is the eighth tranny post near or on the front page

voat is the only place i hear about trannies. it's been the only source of tranny news since the end of the 2016 presidential election for me

DintDoNothin ago

You hear it at voat first, your #1 tranny news station.

XSS1337 ago

Now you know why Hitler burned specific books. No history , not artwork but Jew books on subversion and depravity

majb ago

Despite being only .06% of the population...

thomastheglassexpert ago

I am straight kinda-red smoking drinking baptist and I will not kneel in front of sex perverts. Nor any who demand I kneel for I won't. Ever.

CrudOMatic ago

1 in 20 is a sizable number, anon. You do have to give them some consideration.

DintDoNothin ago

How have they been lacking consideration?

Astroqualia ago

I was about to say that just from reading your title I know that percentage is wrong. I would say it's closer to 5-10% in my local area.

DintDoNothin ago

I'd be open to finding them an island somewhere

HonestBrah ago


DintDoNothin ago

Google it

KazKoz ago


DintDoNothin ago

I'm more worried about the Amish Mafia. We must stop the Amish

KazKoz ago


ZOGDOG1488 ago

Substract most of the lesbians and bisexuals and you will have around 2%. In my experience, lesbianism is mostly a phase with rare, extremely rare exceptions and being a bisexual requires nothing - it serves as a vanilla term for any snowflake wishing to be part of this satanic debauchery while keeping their normal options available.

CarthOSassy ago

Anyone who calls themselves an alphabet is an idiot.

I hate identitarianism. All I want is to be left alone to live my life with my man. Fucking trannies ruining shit.

Tallest_Skil ago


The last census records 0.8% as faggots.

DintDoNothin ago

Sure seems like there is a lot more

Tallest_Skil ago

Just like it seems there are more niggers than there are thanks to media exposure.

DintDoNothin ago

Unfortunately where I live there are more

KrazyKlownKlub ago

If you ever want to see a literal faggot triggered to the max then tell them that straight white males are breeding at high rates and indoctrinating their children with Christian values and there's nothing they can do about it. That will literally make them snap.

DintDoNothin ago

It's not true though. We are not doing enough of either of those things unfortunately

KrazyKlownKlub ago

Well on that note, the thing about data is that it can be manipulated to conform to narrative. That's what most agencies do who document birth rates by race. It's hard to find a consistent consensus, but according to my studies white people are at least reproducing enough to replace their current numbers, but aren't in a state on constant population growth like others. Whites aren't in danger of going extinct suddenly. It's good to realise that not all is doom and gloom as others would have you believe. Please research the data for yourself.

DintDoNothin ago

I will. Thanks

jiews ago

Whe you stop talking about them, they die in agony

8_billion_eaters ago

ahhhh.... ahhh... it's ... it's... it'sTHEJEWS!!


Plant_Boy ago

Wait till you see how much of our tax-budget they spend for this 0.06% on their Gay Pride events.

slickleg64 ago

Death to sodomites. Praise Allah

DintDoNothin ago

Allah Akbar Allah Akbar

phillyjoe ago


mali_bu ago

see the movie of the Sekielski brothers, on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrUvQ3W3nV4 About pedophiles in the Polish Catholic church, the film has English subtitles . Horrifying, cruel document

dayofthehope ago

They think that if they're allowed to promote this enough, 100% of the children will identify as gay or trans.

They will force it on the children if nothing else works. The teachers and (((school administrators))) will allow LGBT to pick on the straight students mercilessly. So the coming generation has act gay and cross dress just to survive.

xachariah ago

It's actually really empowering and gives me hope.

No, not that they're turning everything into a clown world. I'm hopeful because it demonstrates that a very motivated 0.06% of the population can affect huge cultural change, if they're all united and pushing relentlessly for change.

People are waking up to how shit the world has become, and if we can get 5% of the population to try and return the country to it's glory days, we actually have a chance.

DintDoNothin ago

I'm glad the LGBT community gives you hope, I feel differently than you

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Bruh you realize that this lgbt shit is being pushed by the elites who control everything this is no ordinary culture change this is state enforced culture change and anyone who speaks against it will be jailed

Mustard_Monkey ago

Yet the 95% won't get off their collective asses to stop this. The black pills must be delicious. But we can certainly be amazing keyboard warriors.

DintDoNothin ago

Most people on here are unmotivated and extremely out of shape. Probably not the type of people too capable of doing much in real life anyway. That's the unfortunate truth. Maybe I'm wrong though

DintDoNothin ago

Exactly true

BoredomAccount214 ago

Which is why it is justice. The fact that the 95% refuse to fight back at this point is 100% retribution for losing WW2 and handing the keys to the west to them.

ANGRY_Hippopotamus ago

You need to understand how “progressive” mentality works. It’s not about satisfying anyone, it’s about virtue signaling

The smaller the group the more work points they represent. That’s why female athletes are now collateral damage. Transgenders are worth more points than them

Someday, they’ll find an even smaller group and trash transgenders for woke points.

They will ignore science, evidence and common sense and sacrifice any group in order to prove they’re the wokest. Just like faith healers will ignore science common sense and sacrifice even their own children to prove they’re the most faithful.

It never ceases to amaze me how similar the extremes are.

DintDoNothin ago

I never looked at it this way but that kind of makes sense in a strange way

Not_C ago

What percentage of the population want to appear virtuous? What percentage want to show how much more not-racist and not-bigoted they are than others?

The power that trannys and fags have comes from the people who want to appear virtuous.

Wonder_Boy ago

I 'member when it was 1-2%.

boekanier ago

Nothing or nobody should not be unequal in this world. It's an obsession.

Intrixina ago

That's because they suffer from Cluster B personality disorders and think that the world revolves around them and their needs.

ZerRoyalXir ago

I thought they made up 13% of the population and committed 50% of the crimes?

DintDoNothin ago

No, those are a human subspecies known as niggers

recon_johnny ago

No, this is NOT CORRECT.

We're not appeasing the degenerates.

We're appeasing those who promote them. And it won't ever be enough.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Imagine what 15% of populaton, gun owning conservative white males, could do if they organized.

dayofthehope ago

But we can't organize because there is all this government apparatus concerned with hijacking our movements to either disband them or turn them into 'hate' groups that are used for false flags.

I don't think that there is much we can do if we use only temporal means.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Tea Party managed to get people elected. We just need another grassroots Founding Fathers movement. They can't squash that shit without coming out against the Constitution, which is treason.

Get 10k guys with guns like the Oath Keepers, 3%, Voluntarists, Libertarians, fundamentalist Christians, whoever and say "This is our line in the sand. It goes no further than here." and mean it the way the Bundy boys did when they took on the BLM.

slowcrash101 ago

Why do you suppose they need rights so much?

AChinkInTheArmour ago

People have enough rights already.

It's time for Human Responsibilities.

slowcrash101 ago

Ok so they have rights but why do they need more? Are they better than us or something? It's not like they can procreate and pass off their genetics, they're evolutionary dead ends. If nature sees no point in continuing their legacy, why should we?

AChinkInTheArmour ago

They don't need more. They are a wedge. If not the LGBT or whatever, then it would be another group. It's the destructive meme of equality at work. The specific groups aren't important, only that the host population, having ingested the poison, can be twisted into destruction by forcing it to please ever more extreme outliers.

There's been faggots throughout history, but why's it only in the last handful of decades, maybe a century or so, that it went from being a fetish, to being a lifestyle, to being a core and defining part of people's identities?

"Equality" is a weaponised idea meant to destroy societies, peoples, and cultures.

DintDoNothin ago

They have rights already.

DIY-Guy ago

I can't stand it all personally anymore at least in the past I could just ignore it, but it's gotten so bad to say the least that I can't anymore. I'm not bending and/or manipulating / changing my views at all with them. Give them anything at all in the long run just grows it more and more with no end in sight.

CIA-777 ago

Its more like 30 - 40%

KimBellend ago

You are projecting, gayjew.

PHXSunlight ago

Depending on the definition of bisexual, that is.

ALIENS2222 ago

Honk... Motherfucking Hawnk.

tokui ago

It's not that high. Humans would have gone extinct. It's more like a rare birth defect, 1/100,000.

Glory_Beckons ago

And the majority lets it happen. That's the real problem. The trouble makers are insignificant.

What kills us is our own lack of will to stand united and do what it takes to make this madness stop.

Recovery from this will require a positive, constructive cause that our people can rally behind, and that inspires unwavering loyalty and devotion, as well as animosity towards those who threaten or damage it.

FatBruceWillis ago

Let's organize. See you at TradCon 2020

Tiptop88 ago

AmRen 2019 is this weekend. 👌🏻

Crensch ago





Zestyclose_Marketing ago

exactly almost every Lgbtqp are of Jewish ancestry

cleverbird ago

Jews may be disproportionately represented but it's wishful thinking to say the majority of LGBTBBQs have jew blood in em. I'm known plenty of black trannies and fags.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Okay they are mostly made up of Kikes and Niggers

cleverbird ago

Whites are actually the least likely to be into that LGBT shit, per capita, but since that poison is mostly in countries that are predominately white, the white numbers are unfortunately high.

'White people are less likely to be gay': Poll reveals African-American community has highest percentage of 'LGBT' adults in U.S.

  • Gallup survey, based on interviews with more than 121,000 people, showed that 3.4% of U.S. adults were lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT)
  • Highest proportion in black community, at 4.6%, followed by Asians (4.3%), Hispanics (4%) and Caucasians (3.2%)
  • Poll found 44% of LGBT adults were Democratic, and 13% Republican

source 1

Blacks Are More Likely to Identify as Gay Than Any Other Group

The poll of 121,290 individuals, the largest U.S. survey of its kind, found that 3.4 percent of all Americans identified themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. The figures were higher for people of color, with 4.6 percent of Blacks identifying themselves in that manner, followed by 4.3 percent of Asians, 4 percent of Hispanics and 2.2 percent of non-Hispanic Whites. source 2

BoredomAccount214 ago


Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Boi who the fuck is you I would slap the hook off yo ass

Omnidempotent ago

When a nigger meets a shill

HighEnergyLife ago

I say this publicly all the time. They're a rounding error

KimBellend ago


EdSnowden ago

.06% are transgender but it’s closer to 5% are LGBT.

Honk honk

PewterKey ago

5% is an overestimate. Even SF only has 6.2%. The gayest city in the US and they barely are over 6%. After that Portland and Austin are under 5.5%. By the time we are at the tenth most gay city in the US it's 4.6%. To put is bluntly, 3% is likely much more accurate than 5%. And of that 3%, most are gay men.

mudbear ago

I dont believe those figures for a second, no way in hell 1 in 20 men are gay, its a psy-op to make people think its more normal than it is. i would think even 1% would be a generous figure

BoredomAccount214 ago

I wonder if you exhibit such bias on IQ statistics. Only stats you favor are true, right?

mudbear ago

what does IQ have to do with this? and no, facts are facts. i just dont believe that this number is even close to correct, i work with about 20 guys, guarantee none are gay. i know easily another 20, none are gay. i have met hundreds of men in my life, and only a very VERY few number of faggots. fags from what i can personally attest to are not even close to 1/20. probably not even 1/100.

BoredomAccount214 ago

"I met so many niggers in my lifetime and they were just normal guys!"

Same thing, I guarantee a lot of guys you have met have been in the closet, not all faggots are flamboyant and female like.

mudbear ago

out of all the 'niggers' i have met, most have been fucking horrible. i have met a few good black guys, but overall impressions are bad. id be inclined to believe 5% of blacks are criminals due to it being obvious that as a race they have a massive amount of social issues, but to believe 5% of all men are card carrying cock sucking shit drilling gays? nope. not even close. I read somewhere that that number was pushed to convince people that it was more common so they would accept it, basically its a psy-op.

8_billion_eaters ago

Agree. Queers are 1 in 500. What's that.... .02% of the population?

In any case, OP makes a good point... Homos get all the attention because kikes want to promote failed lifestyles. It's obvious. It's the same thing they did in the Weimer Republic. It's the same thing they've done in all 109 countries that they've been exiled from. ...they can't help it. ...they're Jews.

Hebrew-Virus ago

Nice try Schlomo—we're on to your kind and Universe favor us. Enjoy the short time you have left.

MrShekelstein ago

5% is the estimate of faggots that will emerge from their environmental changes and propaganda bullshit.

EdSnowden ago

Even if 5% is over, it’s a hell of a lot closer to reality than .06%

PewterKey ago

Really? What makes someone 'gay' and how do you measure it. Most studies are self-reported with built in political bias. Complete garbage studies. To put it simply most studies grossly overcounting LGBTP, because politically overcounting is political propaganda. Undercounting is similarly just a political undermining. It's just politics.

EdSnowden ago

You yourself just said it was 3%. What’s closer to 3%, .06% or 5%?

PewterKey ago

And in statistics the bounds would be +/-3% (if not 5%) so they both are basically equally likely to be true. The only difference is politics.

EdSnowden ago

That’s amazingly retarded, thanks.

PewterKey ago

It's how the math actually works because it's not simple addition but statistics. I gave the an estimate for a mean being 3%, because everytime I've looked into the numbers I get 2% or 3% as the likely mean. But the studies are complete trash. They oversample college students, write leading questions, use self-reporting and reinterpret them for their political bias. The fact is most of these studies likely include 0% in their bounds for the mean, that would mean LGBT people don't exist.

All I did was look at the numbers in a different way when you pushed me to agree with you (when the OP already edited his post to agree with you). Because if you really want to rank numbers by how true they are, when they are both wrong, then the world is flat. Because that's like 95+% accurate when calculated based on the curvature of the earth you can see at sea.

EdSnowden ago

It’s hard for you to admit you were wrong eh?

You got into flat earth instead of admitting 5% is closer to 3% than .06%. Amazing.

PewterKey ago

Because I never made the claim .06% was closer. You put those words in my mouth. I said 3% is a better estimate, based on the highest rates in US cities. Then you commented a conversation ender saying essentially that you were more right than OP, when I would have corrected OP the same as you. If I had said 2% is a better estimate, OP would have been technically closer.

EdSnowden ago

If I had said 2% is a better estimate, OP would have been technically closer.

But you didn’t, so that means?

PewterKey ago

That I used upper bound outliers (SF, Portland) to disprove an upper estimate. Because that's what the evidence I raised implies. I admit when I'm wrong all the time, but I don't like people that try to make me say something because they have some twisted sense of superiority. I proved you wrong by just by pointing out that the tenth gayest city in the US is only 4.6% gay. You are wrong, just like OP. Just like I am wrong in my estimate as well, I just had a piece of information you didn't. I can't say you were closer because I actually don't know the answer to how many gay people live anywhere (in a non-zero population).

vigilannie ago

+/- 3% has nothing to do with statistical analysis - it is the accuracy of television push polls a lot of the time but there is a difference between that type of survey and the type that would be included in a study. Most of the time the +/- 3% 19 times out of 20 is an over estimate in the accuracy of a survey. Biased sampling alone probably pushes that to more like +/- 15% 10/10 - either way the claim that would be made is that x can be generalized to the population of y, +/-3% - however this is only true if the sampled population accurately represents the general population. The easiest way to achieve this would be to take a random sample of adequate size. The problem though lays in the way survey participants are selected. Often surveys are laden with selection bias, either because they only sample computer users who seek out the survey to participate, or by taking persons from a specific geographic location. +/- 3% is actually a lot of wiggle room, obviously this type of survey does not use a large enough sample to create accuracy with results.

KimBellend ago

And all of them seriously mentally ill yet they want to rule over us, our families and our schools.

shitsrael ago

meanwhile lgbt and transgender are larping as lgbt and transgender, as its not a natural biological function!!!

WolfShepherd ago

Kike shill account above.




There's more I'm sure.

shivashivas ago

dirty-gypsy-"jew" = wolfshepherd.... wolf is a common name used by dirty gypsies!

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

You sure that's Shiva? Doesn't sound like them.

not_saying_a_thing ago

babes... it's simple, every advanced civilization throughout history has figured it up... our Honorable SUN is the true Master of the Universe.... pleAse stOp being misled by dirty-arabian-gypsy-jews... focus and get on with your life... yes it's unfortunate that every caucAsian temple has been subverted with a fake dead jew as a "god"...



BoredomAccount214 ago

Shiva isn't paid to shill, he's just disillusioned with voat and has resorted to trolling. As many have.

DintDoNothin ago

No, its .06 to 2.5% for LGBT

EdSnowden ago

Again, .06% is T, but when you add in the LGB it shoots up to 5% or so, especially with women.

KimBellend ago

So you claim one in twenty men likes dick in his poop chute.

Not even remotely an accurate claim. Nowhere near it.

EdSnowden ago

That’s not at all what that means but ok.

DintDoNothin ago

I added a EDIT with the correction, thanks

Don-Keyhote ago

It's not honk honk. You're stupid goyim is all.

Jews manufacture all social issues as political wedges, mainly white women (who perceive themselves as a minority despite being a majority) sympathetic to all minorities against white men.

White women are in fact the real Jews and need to be dealt with before blood-Jews can be addressed at all

DintDoNothin ago

It still qualifies as honk honk. I didn't mention anything about who is behind it we all know who's behind it we don't need you to tell us!!

Don-Keyhote ago

Wow you really know how to miss a point. You're gonna be posting Kikebart tier outrage pieces here for years as your wife cancels out your vote, cuck

DintDoNothin ago

You sound more like the enemy rather than a fellow brother white man. You are willing to talk that much shit and start problems with a perfect stranger for no reason? If our race is to survive people like you need to change your attitude and try to befriend your own kind rather than make enemies of them.

Don-Keyhote ago

I don't need your friendship, idiot.

I need every other white man to get his CUNTS under control.

I averted a non-White pregnancy for my sister at great personal expense. It took years.

YOU posted about LGBT; women are the reason degeneracy becomes legislation.

KimBellend ago

Women are conformists. The task is to make sure that they conform to the dictates of white men.

DintDoNothin ago

So do you just refer to all women as cunts or am I misunderstanding?

Don-Keyhote ago

Not all women, white women.

OnlineName ago

Yeah, the devil would be powerless if he couldn't entice people to do his work.

Dean_Wilhelm_Hawkins ago

Would that make them worse than the niggers?

DintDoNothin ago

No because niggers are more dangerous

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Nah LGBT are all kiddy snatchers

BushChuck ago


Seriously, though. Start stockpiling food if you haven't already.

EdSnowden ago

Your food is my food unless you have the guns and ammo to say otherwise.

BushChuck ago

Dude, you wouldn't get within 500m of my house. That's if you managed to get into my neighbourhood, down the one public road.

Lots of well armed White men with large tracts of land where I am. No cops, though.

I reckon there are going to be a lot of dead guys with your attitude.

EdSnowden ago

That’s the point you retard.

BushChuck ago

Food is enough if you can turtle in your home. It's the only viable strategy for normies.

FatBruceWillis ago

I've been dirty bulking since I first saw the signs of collapse, Digg 2.0.

I gained significant fat stores, I can survive without food for 2 years. I just need water, and some micro nutrients.

I will calmly collect your loot after you succumb to starvation.

BushChuck ago

I'm a farmer. A very heavily armed farmer, with large heavily armed sons.

Not going to starve, but I may have to do more killing than I planned on.

BoredomAccount214 ago

He wouldn't. Based on his posts, if he isn't just a LARP, I suspect the thing that will kill him in such a scenario would be betrayal or outright mental breakdown.

Morbo ago

Your guns and ammo are mine unless you can stay awake indefinitely and not blackout from sleep deprivation.

EdSnowden ago

Good plan! You’ll be one of the first ones shot.

Morbo ago

You'll be dead in less than a week. You will be a high value target and you can't stay awake forever. Preppers never have a plan for when they go loopy from sleep deprivation and eventually pass out. Your buddies will turn on you once their sleep deprivation warps their judgment and you become a hostile combatant in their minds. Having guns does not ensure your long term survival. Someone will always be ready to take you out when you let your guard down. Your health will also fail you and you go full paranoid at some point. You can't stop a full on mob of desperate people with nothing to lose. You'll be dead in less than a week.

EdSnowden ago

Spoken like someone who knows literally nothing about survival.

xiego ago

First of all, population density in the US is so low that the only people who will suffer relentless onslaught live in cities. Let them have what they’ve brought on themselves. People who live in the suburbs will run, and the smart will run far. Sleeping wont get you killed unless you don’t have a front door and a dog. We literally slept every night for thousands of years while being hunted by other people, animals, and so on and did just fine. Humans, when trained, can awaken quickly and dangerously. It’s natural in everyone who hasn’t been soy-conditioned. Ask any masculine man what happens when he hears a noise in the night, anyway this is fruitless because, as Ed said, you know nothing about survival.

BushChuck ago

@EdSnowden obviously has no family, or close friends. It's fucking sad that this is the average state of men in our society.

I can sleep just fine, when it's not my watch. I've got two sons, and one of them may be a better shot than me.

EdSnowden ago

LOL no worries, I was a little confused for a second

KimBellend ago

These people think that at nigh they will become super-stealthy-night-vision-predators.

They have never been in any place where there are no lights at night and you can't see your hand in front of your face.

I am sure that we will all be able to sleep at night.

xiego ago

Yea not to mention booby traps that at the very least make a whole bunch of noise when tripped, and at their worst kill you.

Morbo ago

Remember my words when you're being taken down by a desperate mob should SHTF. Arrogance will be your undoing.

EdSnowden ago


Morbo ago

Now I'm curious. What's your plan for sleeping and dealing with mental stability when you are constantly seen as a target for what provisions you have? How will you stay frosty and with the upper hand? Do you even have a plan already?

EdSnowden ago

I live far from any major city on a mountain at the end of a dead end road. I’m friends with the few people within a mile of me. I’ve got dogs who will bark at anything that moves. I’ve got motion security cams. I’ve got friends and family that will be with me, armed, and working in shifts. There’s no shortage of fresh water or huntable game. I’ll be just fine.

Morbo ago

Sounds good until someone decides they no longer want to cooperate with you.

cleverbird ago

Man you're a whiner, huh.

KimBellend ago

If you want to ask such questions, you will have to establish a scenario.

What is the context?

DintDoNothin ago

I started doing that years ago