clamhurt_legbeard ago

I caught one of these yesterday.

If it happens multiple times in the same day, makes me think their trolling US.

TheBuddha ago

I figure they're just dumb. Thus the archive.

TheBuddha ago

They might even keep me amused all afternoon.

TheBuddha ago

I believe they are.

TheBuddha ago

I don't believe I said there was.

TheBuddha ago

LOL this new lolcow is fun.

TheTrigger ago

If the earth was really round things would be rolling no matter what surface they were on.

Lmao. You should start a blog; bet you'd get a whole movement going. Demand government declassification of flat earth evidence.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, they got boring pretty quickly.

TheBuddha ago

I usually avoid that sub unless I'm really, really bored. They were fun to play with for a while.

TheBuddha ago

Stupid people are better at being stupid, and they have more experience. You can't win.

2fast4u92 ago

Caps lock kike strikes again. "Look fellow goyim, the ebul antisemites are the real shills"

TheBuddha ago

Or, you know, some idiot forgot to switch accounts.

2fast4u92 ago

OP posted a redpill on the Jews, and then replied to himself in an extremely odd style, very reminiscent of a shill false flagging those of us who bomb QRV with redpills as "the real shills"

TheBuddha ago

I'm going with they're just an idiot.

2fast4u92 ago

Could be. But seems fake to me.

TheBuddha ago

For all we know, you're the one that did it and are now trying really hard to cover your tracks and sow doubt.

2fast4u92 ago

The point of doing it is to sow doubt. That's why I'm calling it out. And I've been around long enough to notice posting styles. That reply is very reminiscent of a particular spammer, and anyone who has seen his posts will agree.

TheBuddha ago

You've been here seven months. You're probably the guilty party.

2fast4u92 ago

And I've been at 8/pol/ for years. Why so accusative? Seems like you're defending the anti White shill responsible.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, you're the guilty party. Cry to someone else that you got busted. I don't actually care.

2fast4u92 ago

You posted on FPH that you were butthurt that someone used the word Jew as an insult. Busted.

TheBuddha ago

You've got to be retarded, or new.

Which is it?

2fast4u92 ago

In case you go into denial mode, I will quote. You said

"I noticed that you had She labeled as a "Jew" in her flash. I am not Jewish nor do I particularly like that person. In the case of her flash it is clearly using "Jew" as a pejorative.

From an outsider who is looking in, that's a disturbing thing. If you fail to see why then, well, I am not sure what to tell you."

Confirmed Kike apologist.

TheBuddha ago

Yup. You're retarded.

2fast4u92 ago

And you suck Jewish cock.

TheBuddha ago

You're paycheck is gonna be pretty small, isn't it?

2fast4u92 ago

I dont get paychecks. I employ myself.

TheBuddha ago

No, you don't.

2fast4u92 ago

Yes I do. Cry more faggot.

TheBuddha ago

No one believes your bullshit.

2fast4u92 ago

Like I give a fuck what you or anyone else believes?

TheBuddha ago

Obviously you do. You keep sitting here lying about it.

2fast4u92 ago

Nah. I just think it's funny you're mad I'm more successful than you and not even 30 yet. Plus I'm bored. My employee is driving me to KC to pick up a car and I have nothing better to do.

TheBuddha ago

No, you're still lying.

2fast4u92 ago

You clearly feel that your own self worth is less if I'm not lying. Otherwise you wouldnt bother making accusations. Enjoy sweating in front of your keyboard as I'm sitting here being driven around in my own Mercedes.

TheBuddha ago

No, you aren't.

2fast4u92 ago

Huh thats wierd. I must be hallucinating the sound of a supercharged M113 and the leather seat I'm sitting in. Wierd. I just can't decide one thing. On this Mustang I'm picking up, do I build up a 351w for it, or do I swap in the DOHC 5.0 from a new Mustang? The both seem to sell pretty quickly. Maybe I'll just flip a coin.

TheBuddha ago

You love to lie, don't you?

2fast4u92 ago

You wish. Your life must be pretty sad.

TheBuddha ago

You do know that repeating a lie doesn't make it more believable, right?

2fast4u92 ago

You know that calling the truth a lie mtiple times doesn't make it a lie don't you? Well, you're boring. But if you ever get out of your computer chair and happen to drive through the Midwest and see a white 2005 Mercedes E55 AMG with a Reichsadler on the back window grasping the original 1930s Mercedes logo, and loud exhaust. That's me proving your sorry ass wrong.

TheBuddha ago

Nobody believes you.

2fast4u92 ago

Dillan does. He's driving. The guy in the blue 2013 Explorer we just passed does, he's looking at the taillights. So does the gal in the 2017 Camry we are passing. I don't care what some faggot like you thinks.

TheBuddha ago

Now you're lying again. If you didn't care, you'd not keep saying shit.

2fast4u92 ago

I enjoy making worthless faggots mad. It's funny.

TheBuddha ago

You fail at even that. But I suspect that too is a lie.

2fast4u92 ago

No because I have confirmed several things. 1- you are a kike apologist. 2- you fear your own inferiority 3- you make baseless claims others are lying, which they would have to dox themselves to prove you wrong. 4- you virtue signal.

If I didn't know better I would say you and Tallest Shill were brothers. Maybe youre friends who work at the same ShariaBlue department?

TheBuddha ago

No, you're still lying, again.

2fast4u92 ago

You're a confirmed Jew apologist. There's nothing more I need to know. Bye.

TheBuddha ago

You're retarded.

Also, nobody believes you. You're probably going to get fired or have your pay docked.

2fast4u92 ago

I own and co own my two sources of income. Don't think that's happening.

TheBuddha ago

You don't have to keep telling lies. It's unbecoming and nobody believes you.

2fast4u92 ago

I own an auto repair shop and co own the family farm. Keep being butthurt faggot.

TheBuddha ago

No you don't.

2fast4u92 ago

Yes. I do. Sounds like someone is butthurt they still have to slave for The Man.

TheBuddha ago

No. You're just lying.

2fast4u92 ago

Judging by the post I quoted earlier. Stating you'd been online since the mid 80s. You're a washed up Boomer or early GenX. And you're butthurt that a 27 year old Millennial has broken all the stereotypes and become more successful in 9 years than you have as long as I've been alive. Sucks to suck don't it?

TheBuddha ago

Except you're lying.

2fast4u92 ago


TheBuddha ago

That's probably another lie. Your upper lip trembling yet? Need a tissue?

2fast4u92 ago

Double lol

2fast4u92 ago

Why are you defending the Caps lock Kike? Have I discovered your actual identity?

TheBuddha ago

Then don't try?

TheBuddha ago

I vote those concave earth posts up, 'cause I'm an asshole.

TheBuddha ago

My guess would be they're now doing that as another tactic to try to hide that they were caught. It's just a guess.

totes_magotes ago

I could feel brain cells dying just trying to read that. Thanks.

TheBuddha ago

I'm amused. I'm the guy that archived it.

totes_magotes ago

That "Thanks" should have been followed by a "/s".

TheBuddha ago

It'd have made no difference!

totes_magotes ago


TheBuddha ago

LOL Don't make fun of them, but you might find this amusing:

I'll add the trailing slash so that they don't get a notification. I don't really want to pick on them.