TheBuddha ago

Hmm... Omaha was in Normandy. There were no Marines.

theshopper ago

US army? Source?

TheBuddha ago

The obligation is yours to show that there were Marines in D-Day (Normandy - Omaha Beach).

You can't. There weren't any.

Don't be fucking retarded. I purposely didn't embarrass you when I had the chance and even told a couple of people to not make fun of you.

theshopper ago

Jesus, why do you require such validation? If I'm wrong I'm wrong. I am not a historian. If you have an extensive knowledge of D-Day why not share it?

I just assumed Marines would be involved since the navy was as well.

TheBuddha ago

I don't need validation, nor do I need it from you.

However, this is pretty basic stuff. The USMC wasn't landing at D-Day in Normandy. (There were multiple events called D Day.) The Marines were busy with the Navy in the Pacific.

Coincidentally, D Day wasn't even our largest contested amphibious landing, nor our deadliest.

theshopper ago

Plot Twist; He was one of thousands who did the exact same thing on D-Day but he was the only survivor.

When asked about what he did on that day the man can't help but choke up. What he did wasn't just him, but numerous others that died that day during the very action that he was a participant of.

They live only in his memory, and like many journeys down the road of nostalgia, we find gems that make us so happy, that for a moment, we can forget.