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HenryCabotLodge ago

Yep. Community Center. You ever thought about - when the Christians stopped going to Church, GOD stopped protecting the buildings. The Christian apostasy is on the French.

ribaldr ago

GODDAMMIT. I think you're right.

SearchVoatBot ago

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CapinBoredface ago

The rebuilt Notre Dame will not be called a "cathedral"

Theyll turn it into a museum and dedicate it to "peace".

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

They'll put up a trophy mosque like they did at the WTC ground zero.

friendshipistragic ago

I had the same sad thought

satisfyinghump ago

You were right. Wow.

Macron Twitter msg' declaring notredame to be rebuilt with the more modern aesthetics and ideas, Paris under Macron's rule -

Wwg1wga1972 ago

Sadly, thats a safe bet..

PatriotLady1 ago

The seat of the Anti-Christ?

Borderland_Bastard ago

Rebuild it as a death camp please.

Mustard_Monkey ago

It has started already a small contingency of "Christians" and "Muslims" created Chrislam ... This is just the start Goats. I see more burning of "Christian" high profile buildings followed by Mosques then Synagogues. One world religion begins when folks start bending their knee to "fix" this.

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

Incorporate all religions ending in -slam.

smokratez ago

It will be a temple of baal. Lefties are already satanists and so are atheists, muslims and jews.

MinstrelBoy ago

Maybe you are the Satanist.

smokratez ago

Yeah, the guy warning people about satanists is the satanist. You are such a deep thinker you must be an atheist.

theoldguy ago

Once again, atheist means not believing in any god, satan or otherwise. A (without) theist (belief in a god). Unlike you, we've put on our big boy pants and become captains of our soal and accept responsibility for our fate.

nullifyNWO ago

Like they did with the Cathedral in Amsterdam/Netherlands, many years ago.

drstrangegov ago

You nailed it. The one world religion the Bible talks about, which will really be worshipping Baal.

crazy_eyes ago

I bet they try to build a mosque there

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

It will be rebuilt into something gay like a mosque

Gesenai ago

Macron's speech sounded weird. It's like he made it in a way where you have to read between the lines.

boekanier ago

Moslems will be happy now that this icon of French Catholicism has been destroyed (how did it happen?). Will it now be rebuilt with Islamic elements, that's the question. In this era of multiculturalism it is certainly not impossible.

11hrr ago

Goddamnit looks like YOU WERE RIGHT

DontBeRacist ago

I would assume that it's property of the Catholic church, so these crazy ideas won't be happening.

boekanier ago

But catholics are so nice towards moslems.

GutterTrash ago

Wrong. It will be a mosque: A symbol of conquering.

Podge512 ago

Modern "Catholic" churches look more like fucking bingo halls compared to the beautiful, old, gothic architecture of yesteryear.

generate ago

There is a Russian book called The Notre Dame de Paris Mosque, everyone should read it

Not_C ago

This book sounds amazing. You should make a post about it. Everyone here would find it interesting.

generate ago

This is indeed an amazing book, may be you should read it and make a post? :)

Not_C ago

I'm more than happy to make a post. Just wanted for you to get the credit.

Hopefully I'll find the time to read it soon. Thanks.

Civil_Warrior ago

Nigger mosque in 3 2 1....

omron ago

Maybe they will "improve" it, to make it look modern, like the kikes do all the time with old European architecture.

Artofchoke ago

I call minarets within 3 years.

Wowbagger ago

Wouldn't be surprised if this was Macron's way of distracting from the riots with what you mentioned as an added "bonus". Fuck him. When are the guillotines coming?

Timmy2 ago

The Jews are the brains. All Semites are the problem.

not_saying_a_thing ago

This guy gets it.


My-Name-is-Mud ago

A one world religion will rise.


Maybe as a Jewish Community Center that also helps with gender reassignments and helping with legal funds for immigrants accused of rape.

ieatlotsofpoop ago


ieatlotsofpoop ago

The spell broke, why don’t I do something? Why not me? If not me, then who? Why them when I could do it myself? It was there I decided to do something, it was there I decided to take action, to commit to force.To commit to violence.

                 To take the fight to the invaders myself.

Paydaddy ago

Scratch France off the Allies list. Permits are being issued tonight for a Mosque on the burned out lot. America is what matters from now on. Any contractors in America that submit bids on any Mosque should be cut off from any materials and labor.

LibertarianForChrist ago

Its time to get the hispanics on our side. Their countries have been destroyed by the actions of the jews. And they are devout catholics. Their centuries old church just got burned down by islam and the actions of a jew owned government.

Monte_Carlo ago

Holy shit that's retarded.

AuGold8888 ago

agreed. I'm sure they're salivating at the opportunity to frame a yellow vest member too.


Agreed. We are at the odd point where it's clear what we have to do but it's to early to start shooting people. So if you're not lifting,hiking and shooting then you're a time waster

Mustard_Monkey ago

Shooting will not be necessary nor makes any bit of sense. I am not one of the useless idiots to fall for this retarded behavior.

ALIENS2222 ago

Dude... You didn't hear? All the wealthy Muslim and Jewish nations have been volunteering millions upon MILLIONS of dollars to help France rebuild her iconic landmark and to show solidaridity between Islam, Judaism and Christianity! It was a thanks for saving all of the poor people who were sheltered in France after the awful wars that happened in the Middle East. ... ... April Fools.

N0F4TCH1X ago

It was god's plan all along no ? 'god is omnipotent so he made this happen.

GoodLordAgain1 ago

The diocese must be owned by the Church, though. I'm not sure how they'd wrestle the deed away from them.

My-Name-is-Mud ago

Catholicism and islam will merge.

cyclops1771 ago

So, Robespierre will be the architect?

lord_nougat ago

Or it'll be some kind of bazaar, complete with MONEY CHANGERS!

Jesus will so kick their asses when he gets back.

Rawrination ago

I pray to Jesus and hope for salvation, but never forget He said to sell your cloak and buy a sword.

lord_nougat ago

I got a decent job, so I bought both a cloak AND a sword!

Rawrination ago

Nice! Maybe buy a few extra for the poor who can't afford either. Shame about losing it all in that tragic boating accident though.

lord_nougat ago

Yes, helping the poor is a laudable effort!

Rawrination ago

I'm thinking more along the line of kids and college students, or just good folks who are late to the gun party (like me).

I'm currently saving up for a gun, but I don't know enough yet about what to get. (RIP the inevitable boating accident) I'm disabled so I need something that is easy to shoot/low recoil, and I'm poor so I need something that is really reliable and doesn't break the bank.

I'd love to be a watch tower or gate guard or something... I just hope I can get some part of my situation fixed and find good people in time.

lord_nougat ago

Get one of these guys!

Reliable, good-looking, practically no recoil, and cheap ammo! They can be had pretty cheap used as well, if that's your thing.

For some reason, I personally prefer these and also these. But they're ridiculously uncomfortable to try to carry concealed for any extended period of time.

Rawrination ago

Awesome! I am thinking more along the lines of a rifle / pdw, with a pistol as a secondary purchase.

Kannibal ago

@OP is full oif it

Macron announced

“It is with pride I tell you tonight we will rebuild this cathedral,” "and we will rebuild Notre Dame because it is what the French expect of us, it is what our history deserves, it is, in the deepest sense, our destiny.”

France 24 video of the announcement

in english,

in french

He used the word cathedral frequently, did not avoid it at all.

readysetgo ago

he also looked surprisingly troubled. as if his mum just died. weird. seemed genuine. as if he made a deal with the devil. a deal like this thread proposes. thatd sux

Kannibal ago

almost like george bush on hearing about 911?

ieatlotsofpoop ago


CameraCode0 ago

He was definitely smiling during a few parts. How about we hang him from the ruins of the cathedral instead.

Mustard_Monkey ago

No. We don't want that Mangina to poison that place thanks.

Rotteuxx ago

Thx for the info & sources as well as showing everyone that @Not_C is a gaslighting kike.

NarrativeControl ago

Although I hate that faggot Macron, I hate seeing fake shit in this website even more. Thanks.

TheDonaldTrump ago

It was more of a wrong prediction instead of Fake News.

Pointyball ago

Paris has lost the heart of the city. It is a fatal wound.

Monte_Carlo ago

Nah, the fatal wound is a death by a thousand cut.

A few might have their faith reignited and be made aware of all the attacks on other church in the process. Some good can come out of this.

Momo_Applebach ago


slumbermachine ago

You are correct. This was purposely destroyed in order to bring in the one world religion.

videocodec ago

My guess is a multi-use building like the Coexist crap. The Pope will go along with it and have jews and muslims around to celebrate the victory for Satan.

One-Way_Bus ago

Nope. The French are so secular they'll make into a transgendered parking lot.

Inaminit ago

kinda doubt it.

DeadBeatNigger ago

Luckily, it's looking like most of it survived, and it was a failed attempt to destroy it. Macron is on TV smiling, but looking a little miffed about it, though. He might have to order it "condemned", since it's still standing. Christcucks, your god won today, so good for you, but you're still a bunch of toe sucking cucks.

dassaer ago

The rest is built from concrete and stone ain't likely to burn buddy, however it makes a great demoralization meme .....

FurstMetternich ago

They did it once before. Didn't last.

undertheshills ago

Its Vatican property. I wouldnt put it past this Pope though

cynicaloldfart ago

Actually, it's owned by the French Govt and leased in perpetuity to the Catholic church.

MrShekelstein ago

burned on purpose, makes me wonder what was in the wooden structure they burned down.

turtlesareNotevil ago

It's a monolith of white western European civilization. It took about 180 years to build. People lived and died raising kids that lived and died building it. Kings and queens were married there. People are buried there. European blood is in the mortar. It's a thousand years of blood and soil.

pby1000 ago

The Masons will re-build it?


A unified, non denominational mosque with head scarfs compulsory for all women who must sit in the back. For peace and tolerance.

Decidueye ago

I wonder how many French will finally come to their senses... Not nearly enough is my guess.

version7 ago

and the pope will spearhead the process.

Instrumentalss ago

The so-called leaders of all man made religions work together to destroy Christianity. Freemasonry & Islam are brothers-in-arms in this quest to destroy Christianity.

Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

PsiloTheWolf ago

Man made religions? As opposed to what?

midnightblue1335 ago


BB-3 ago

Ancient Aliens obviously.

bitbug ago

Easy not to cut yourself on that sharp edge.

PsiloTheWolf ago

Nothing "edgy" there. Religions dont grow on trees. Theyre all man made, its a fact.

bitbug ago

False perceptions of reality are made in the minds of men. The true "religion" is nothing other than an explanation of the true nature of reality.

GapingAnus ago

He says with unwarranted confidence.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Synagogues and mosques around the world need to burn tonight.

drstrangegov ago

To be rebuilt into temples to Baal, huh?

drstrangegov ago

Al aqsa is burning in Jerusalem.



facepaint ago

Going off a little half cocked there. You don't even know what the cause of the fire is. For all you know some workman equipment had an electrical short.

curiouserdude ago

While you do that, which is what they wanted you to do, the temple will be instead dedicated to the worship of the sun. They might even move the egyptian obelisk over there from a few blocks away in the traffic circle. Remember, WWIII is supposed to be a religious war to destroy organized religion and replace it with luciferianism.

CameraCode0 ago

if you burn down your enemies synagogues and mosques, they win.

doginventer ago

No, Albert Pike Did Not Predict World War III : The Corbett Report

oneinchterror ago

Apparently the third holiest site in Islam was burning in Jerusalem while Notre Dame burnt.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

It was (((you know who))) probably. Wouldn't surprise me if Notre Dame was (((them))) too.

Synagogues should burn tonight.

Gopherurself ago


Landrictree ago

Dew it!

Rotteuxx ago

I'd be easily convinced with minimal evidence that it was the satanic cabal, not muslims.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SBBHTantrums submission by @Crensch.

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gazillions ago

Yep. And assholes like Macron and the media. Puppets though they are, the pricks at war with us wouldn't exist without them.


No idea who downvoted you. Little early for the JIDF to be up

facepaint ago

Are you kidding, they would absolutely love a comment like the one above.

CameraCode0 ago

Could also just be boomers who are behind the times and aren't ready to face the reality of what has to be done. Hopefully they will catch up eventually.

PatriotLady1 ago



"we voted ourselves into this mess and by golly we can vote ourselves out of here! Five minutes every few years is enough work to preserve muh Merica"

CameraCode0 ago

Voting is still important at least in local and state elections, but it won't solve all or even most of our problems. I get your point, though.



cyclops1771 ago

People who have the ability to critically think.

18046412? ago

Watch a mosque be built in its place.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Slap a onion shaped roof on it and France will riot.

dellip_der_ ago

Watch where the donations for rebuilding originate.

Artofchoke ago

I want to throw up. The Jacobin blood has truly died. Disgusting.

Turkeypotato ago

And they'll name it "the mosque of Mohamad the conquer of the white lands" except it'll be in squiggles.

Either that or they'll make it into some community center where all religions are welcomed.