TheyLie ago

It's not strong enough a term.

yewotm8 ago

Lol "fight back against women"

Everything women do is because men allow it. There is no "fighting back" required, your only opposition will come from cucked men. If men all agreed to put women back in the kitchen, it would happen within hours.

The_Ram_of_the_Sheep ago

The amount of knee pushups in this post is too goddamn high

sinclair ago

That would account for the generally low self esteem among women.

What about their "empathy". What could counter that one?

Sheeitpost ago

I'd say countering that would require enough people saying that some womens misplaced empathy is often an irrational outgroup empathy that doesn't put one's allegiances first (hence why its irrational) and borders on evolved female "war bride hypergamy"... enough men know these terms without saying wut m8 and the battle is won. Rational Male blog has a lot of this mapped out.

CwfAww ago

I've held enough doors open for the ungrateful and indignant with not a thankful glance....because its expected. I no longer hold the doors.

sinclair ago

"You're not doing it because they deserve it son, you're doing it because they don't." That's what my dad told me about it anyways.

CwfAww ago

The lib propaganda unfortunately has a stronger affect than irl bits of consideration by gents. But I do agree that the consideration serves the greater good. Sometimes we can get callous.

theoldones ago

things went to shit as soon as women stopped being shamed for bad behavior.

bring back shame and everything should fix itself.

pepe16 ago

I don't know how OP missed this, but the building block of the feminine is chastity. The Jews have removed this from social consciousness using schools and media.

Dortex ago

We should start by shaming people who can't stop begging for child porn. Repeatedly. And again for good measure.

theoldones ago

my rebbuttal to you ^

stop this and shut the fuck up.