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Rotteuxx ago

However in this case it was your retardation in using an open proxy/VPN to upload, which someone then used 8 days later to upload child porn, which, as stated in my FAQ, I will purge your account/uploads if anything you upload violates these rules. This includes any other uploads on that IP address.

He knows himself that users using VPNs will eventually have the same IP as someone else, therefore deleting everything attached to that IP instead of looking at it is like killing a fly with a bazooka. @Cats_ is just being lazy here.

totes_magotes ago

Pay him some money so he can put food on the table instead of going to a job every day and then maybe you have a right to bitch and whine about what he does with his own site in his free time for free

Rotteuxx ago

Fuck off Totes, he's being lazy and that's how I'm calling it. Now stop sucking his dick.

Who the fuck are you to say I've never donated to his Patreon ?

totes_magotes ago

I see nothing here that proves you have any right to call him lazy.

  1. It's his site. He built it and that's more than YOU'VE done here.

  2. He clearly states the rules

  3. Unlike liberal fucks, he actually follows his fucking rules

  4. He does this shit for free and doesn't need to do a damned thing for you.

  5. If you don't like it, don't fucking use it. Instead of sitting there like a liberal little bitch SJW who can only whine and moan and piss and complain.

So fuck off right back at ya, retard.

Rotteuxx ago

He doesn't do it for free if people are donating you dick wad.

totes_magotes ago

Still don't see you contributing enough of anything to justify you're whining even if he got money. What have you done to justify telling him how to run his site?

Rotteuxx ago

Keep on reeeeeeeeing faggot, i'm sure he appreciates homo white knights.

totes_magotes ago

There it is. That's how I know I've won with a valid point that you can't argue... nothing but "personal" attacks. Come at me, brofag. You got nothin.

Rotteuxx ago

Oh wow, what a truly intimidating keyboard warrior you are !

Pay him some money so he can put food on the table instead of going to a job every day and then maybe you have a right to bitch and whine about what he does with his own site in his free time for free

So I mentioned Patreon donations and then :

Still don't see you contributing enough of anything to justify your whining even if he got money. What have you done to justify telling him how to run his site?

So you're just moving the goal post because you innate superiority complex won't even let you concede a single point. What you say is infallible even if your original argument is taken down.

Stop being such a faggot, you're behaving like a fucking liberal.

Shekelstein6M ago

You're arguing with an actual retard, mate.

Rotteuxx ago

Yep, he used to be so much more pleasant a year or so ago. I wonder what made him start behaving like a little bitch.

totes_magotes ago

Cool story, brofag. You already lost, the argument's over.

Rotteuxx ago

You already lost, the argument's over.

Says your superiority complex. Now stomp your feet and hold your breath like the baby you are.

totes_magotes ago

If you don't like it, don't use it. You can't seem to grasp that. I should hardly be surprised since you're the one starting with the whining, the bitching, and the personal attacks.

Just keep on whining. It's music to my ears.


Rotteuxx ago

Where did I whine ?

Quote me faggot

totes_magotes ago

Please cry some more. It's so awesome to see a grown ass faggot cry through the keyboard.

Rotteuxx ago

Quote me crying and explain your analytical methodology which helped you come to that conclusion.

totes_magotes ago

You've been crying every step of the way, faggot. You can't handle direct challenge, slipped to personal attacks, and have been whining and crying the whole way but now it's worse. You're crying about being called out on crying. Why can't you handle confrontation? Too much soy milk?

Rotteuxx ago

You've been crying every step of the way, faggot.

So give us an example then, should be easy for a genius like you !

You can't handle direct challenge, slipped to personal attacks, and have been whining and crying the whole way but now it's worse.

Says the guy moving the goal post when his argument gets invalidated.

You're crying about being called out on crying.

Are you smart enough to use a dictionary ? By all means, define crying.

Why can't you handle confrontation?

You're the one ranting & repeating himself over and over again, you even chose to ignore your argument getting destroyed so you could keep on going with your rant.

Too much soy milk?

You can't handle direct challenge, you slipped into personal attacks, and have been whining and crying the whole way but now it's worse.

totes_magotes ago

Every tear you shed is tasty. Please cry some more. It's glorious.

Rotteuxx ago

Nah, I just love archiving threads where I get retarded faggots like you to show everyone how stupid they are.

totes_magotes ago

You mean like you saying how I was nicer when I wasn't giving you shit for being a libtard brainwashed jewfag? Please, archive away.

Rotteuxx ago

Now you're just showing everyone how badly you need professional help

totes_magotes ago

All I hear is a little crybaby who didn't have a leg to stand on flapping his dicksucker.

Rotteuxx ago

You probably need medication too

totes_magotes ago

lulz, says the guy who absolutely cannot handle someone tapping keys and putting words on a forum. You have absolutely no spine if you can't handle that. I bet that must hurt, flopping around trying to walk down the street without a backbone.

Rotteuxx ago

Yep, these sorts of delusions are indicative of mental health issues

totes_magotes ago

Still flapping that dicksucker... just like the local whore. What's your fees?

Rotteuxx ago

Mental health issues are degeneracy go hand in hand, not surprised at all you're now exhibiting homosexual tendencies.

totes_magotes ago

Do you even grammar, bro? lulz