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MaunaLoona ago

Imagine paying the government to brainwash your kids.

TestForScience ago

Let's see... There's,
Federal income tax
State income tax
Local income tax
Employee social security tax (your employer pays the other half)
Employee Medicare tax (your employer pays the other half)
Property taxes
Road toll charges
State sales tax
Driver's license renewal fee
TV Cable/Satellite fees & taxes
Federal telephone surtax, excise tax, and universal surcharge
State telephone excise tax and surcharge
Telephone minimum usage and recurring/nonrecurring charges tax
Gas/electric bill fees & taxes
Water/sewer fees & taxes
Cigarette tax
Alcohol tax
Federal gasoline tax
State gasoline tax
Local gasoline tax
Federal inheritance tax
State inheritance tax
Gift tax
Bridge toll charges
Marriage license
Hunting license
Fishing license
Bike license fee
Dog permit/license
State park permit
Watercraft registration & licensing fees
Sports stadium tax
Bike/nature trail permit
Court case filing fee
Retirement account early withdrawal penalty
Individual health insurance mandate tax
Hotel stay tax
Plastic surgery surcharge
Soda/fatty-food tax
Air transportation tax
Electronic transmission of tax return fees
Passport application/renewal fee
Luxury & gas-guzzler car taxes
New car surcharge
License plate and car ownership transfer taxes
Yacht and luxury boat taxes
Jewelry taxes & surcharges
State/local school tax
Recreational vehicle tax
Special assessments for road repairs or construction
Gun ownership permit
Kiddie tax (IRS form 8615)
Fuel gross receipts tax
Waste Management tax
Oil and gas assessment tax
Use taxes (on out-of-state purchase)
IRA rollover tax/withdrawal penalties
Tax on non-qualified health saving account distributions
Individual and small business surtax (page 336 of Obamacare)
Estimated income tax underpayment penalty
Alternative Minimum Tax on income
Federal corporate income tax
State corporate income tax
Tax registration fee for new businesses
Employer social security tax
Employer Medicare tax
Federal unemployment tax
State unemployment tax
Business registration renewal tax
Worker's compensation tax
Tax on imported/exported goods
Oil storage/inspection fees
Employer health insurance mandate tax
Excise Tax on Charitable Hospitals (page 2001/Sec. 9007 of Obamacare)
Tax on Innovator Drug Companies (Page 2010/Sec. 9008 of Obamacare)
Tax on Medical Device Manufacturers (Page 2020/Sec. 9009 of Obamacare)
Tax on Health Insurers (Page 2026/Sec. 9010 of Obamacare)
Excise Tax on Comprehensive Health Insurance Plans, i.e. "Cadillac" plans
Tax on indoor tanning services
Utility users tax
Internet transaction fee (passed in California; being considered in other states and at federal level)
Professional license fee (accountants, lawyers, barbers, dentists, plumbers, etc.)
Franchise business tax
Tourism and concession license fee
Wiring inspection fees
Household employment tax
Biodiesel fuel tax
FDIC tax (insurance premium on bank deposits)
Electronic waste recycling fee
Hazardous material disposal fee
Food & beverage license fee
Estimated income tax underpayment penalty
Building/construction permit
Zoning permit
Fire inspection fee
Well permit tax
Sales and Use tax seller's permit
Commercial driver's license fee
Bank ATM transaction tax
Occupation taxes and fees (annual charges required for a host of professions)
(Not all ObamaShitCare taxes still apply)
We already pay them to fuck us.

NosebergShekelman ago

oy vey goytard tax is like shooting fish in barrel haha

Plavonica ago

Clean air tax. Yes, they are taxing air.

IWannaCumOnAOCsToes ago

I agree with you, but man you went full autist.

path ago

That took a solid 3 scrolls to get to the bottom of that list.

22trilionAsecond ago

You might have called it something ells.

I think you missed payroll taxe

This goes on top of income tax. This is paid by the employers before.

Maybe its only a UK thing. But in the UK the businesses pays part of you wage to the government. then you pay part of your wage to the government.

Payroll taxes are taxes imposed on employers or employees, and are usually calculated as a percentage of the salaries that employers pay their staff. Payroll taxes generally fall into two categories: deductions from an employee’s wages, and taxes paid by the employer based on the employee's wages. Wikipedia

talmoridor-x ago

something ells


That's enough ketosis

Narow_Foe_Minsk ago

That's called income tax in the US.

22trilionAsecond ago

Its aromatic in the UK. If you don't run a businesses or don't look into it you would never know.

Splooge ago

I wish I could upvoat this a hundred more times.

Cat-hax ago

When you spell it out you really get a sense of the ass rapeing we get.

jewish_nigger_faggot ago

That is a lot of taxes.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

Yes, you probably wouldn't know much about paying taxes.. Seeing that you are a jewish nigger faggot. Not a combination that typically adds up to much tax paying.

Saulspergmin ago

But hey, at least we have representation. That makes it okay!

andrew_white_forever ago

G-d bless globohomo!

badruns ago

There's a "security" tax for flights as well, not sure if you listed that.