Traveler ago

well, yeah.

ev1lchris ago

He's great.

fartyshorts ago

I'd say pedo is much more likely

Anson ago

he went broke and needed money, what do you expect? i think that's what we ought to be calling him out on

gerberlyfe ago


Fancy451 ago

Probably rapes kids and their using to hang his balls in the wind like their cabana boy.

satisfyinghump ago

Probably uses some science shit to rape them with.

CobraDienBienPhu ago

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

capnflummox ago

I agree even though I have no idea who you are or your agenda.

He's a hack. Fucking hate him. And I hate stupid rhymie shit. Oh, is it "bill NYE the science GUY"? Fuck you. Fucking slit your throat. Ugh I fucking hate it. Hate it so much. "Ten and Two"... ugh... fuck your mother raw I fucking hate that shit so much. Ya know, 3 and 9 is a MUCH better grip for a steering wheel. But it doesn't have a 'rhymie' feel to it like Ten and Two does. Fuck ten and two. I am sick of it. Fuck nye.. I fucking hate him and his entire existence. He LOST that fucking debate with that religious guy. He FUCKING LOST. How the fuck do you lose to a fucking religious guy??? Oh jesus fucking christ...

TL;DR bill nye is a hack

Bigneckedmanjr ago

Dude capn I had to rush login after I read your post just to tell you how deeply I feel you 😂 no homo. That bill nye nigger cabal cuck fucking mouthpiece should be dissected like a frog. That guy is a fucking pathetic joke the establishment parades around in a little faggot bow tie to puke in the face of legitimate scientists to ‘debunk’ anything that contracts the sheeple programming. It’s like putting Andrew Jackson on the Federal Reserve Note... makes me sick.

capnflummox ago

No homo? Come on... we can try something.

Bigneckedmanjr ago


NiggerVirus ago

I have absolutely no agenda other than self entertainment.

VitGet ago

No science credentials

MortonLoothorKodos ago

Excuse me?? Look, you may have some sort of inferiority complex due to jealousy, but he's literally a SCIENCE GUY. OK? It's not like the Disney Channel just hands that prestigious title out to any Joe Schmoe who waltzes in off the street. Show it the proper esteem.

VitGet ago

Whoops, my bad!

Blondie_Hitler_1 ago

Took you long enough

65Creedmoor ago

Faggot of the day

ridleychozo ago

This should be a thing.

xenoPsychologist ago

bill nye, the science denial guy.

theHare ago

I viscerally hate that motherfucker.

Thereunto ago

puggy ago

CrudOMatic ago

Gee, I wonder who the cream is in that oreo?

satisfyinghump ago

Obummer definitely has his fingers up both their asses...

Can you imagine a young boy or girl being startled awake at 3am snd opening their eyes to see these 3 perverts???

BillyLuath ago

Well played.

coinphrase ago

A fudge packing sausage lover.

recon_johnny ago

I thought this was the Whatever sub, not the NoFuckingShit sub

Splooge ago

10/10 facts

Battlefat ago

This might be the most solid one line shitpost I’ve seen in a long time

vladtep ago

A jew faggot.