The1stLantern ago

@PutItOut Shill detected.

WatchRyder ago

Sure there are racists and people who like Hitler,

I'm pretty sure that covers 90% of the VOAT userbase (which is pro-White and fashy at heart) but that's not really a bad thing if they aren't hollywood nazis about it (see glow in the darks).

The bad thing are the JIDF / Hasbara rats and shills talking borderline flat-eart shit and obvious fed-posting.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

In my opinion 90% is a high estimate.

But really if you think about it 90% of the worlds population is probably racist is some respect.

I know I encounter racism on a daily basis.. and I am white.

WatchRyder ago

The word racism is pretty much invented and weaponized. Prejudice is a pretty natural thing. If you are getting 'prejudiced' by White people and you are White then something somewhere is amiss in a non-racial fashion typically.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

Mostly just mexicans. But I can take it.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

@internationalgoy you stand accused of being a giant glowstick how do you plead faggot?

Doglegwarrior ago

I second this call out @internationalgoy what do you say about being a giant faggot glowsitck cumdumpster of a human? Or are you a jdif shill troll faggot?

lanre ago

If he were a real goy he would defend himself against these heinous accusations. But I guess AIs can't recognize humor yet.

Crackrocknigga ago

Fuck him. I've called him out a few times and he doesn't respond.

NosebergShekelman ago

Way ahead of ya. If he's a goy then I have to hate him oy vey

Atomized_Individual ago

Just a BQQMER. They use 2016 words like "KEK"

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

I thought it was weird him and G22 both getting HUGE amounts of upvoats.

The1stLantern ago

Not agreeing or disagreeing friend - you could very well be right - but if youre going to call out an account could you provide a description for your claim beyond just caps locking the words open your eyes?

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

Comments have been Edited

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

I could do that.

The1stLantern ago

Much appreciated, thanks for not taking offense. Truly eye opening.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

When you've been here long enough, you learn to identify characteristics of accounts that give a big red flag.

@InternationalGoy joins 2 days ago and for almost 48 hours comments non-stop and has submitted over 100 articles already. This is a characteristic mainly found from these JDIF faggots or someone who is trying to farm SCP and CCP. This is account is not organic whatsoever and they are not just a regular user who signed up to use Voat.

They need to be flagged.

tendiesonfloor ago

farm SCP and CCP

Am I missing something, can we buy voat branded jackets or something with our points?

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

I would settle for buying a sandwich with them if I could.

Revelations2_9 ago

It's done to quickly gain downvoat power so they can shape perception of opinion. Once they gain it, they can run around downvoating anyone who calls them out whilst responding with some "according to Q, you can't question the jews" BS.

Jews can't operate through truth, so they have to use subversive means to gain their SCP/CCP.

MrDarkWater ago

It's linked to a users capabilities on the site, right?

70times7 ago

ArielQflip ago

I think I'm arguing with him now.....