To all you nogoreformeniggers (whatever)
submitted 6 years ago by King_Leopold_II
The NZ shooting is just another example that shit can happen anywhere at anytime. Have fun looking at mutilated bodies for the first time as you try to defend yourself.
brownpaperbag69 6 years ago
Send a link ma dude
King_Leopold_II 6 years ago
HST 6 years ago
I thought the title said no go reform niggers and it took me a second.
Good point though.
I had to think how I wanted it typed out. Hope it makes sense for others.
Yeah it really wasn't hard to figure out, I'm kinda high right now.
But I agree, every person should watch the full video.
Yeah, it's actually a great video to start getting used to this shit. There's some blood but the most I saw was when of them had a chunk blown off. Other than just dead bodies.
brownpaperbag69 ago
Send a link ma dude
King_Leopold_II ago
HST ago
I thought the title said no go reform niggers and it took me a second.
Good point though.
King_Leopold_II ago
I had to think how I wanted it typed out. Hope it makes sense for others.
HST ago
Yeah it really wasn't hard to figure out, I'm kinda high right now.
But I agree, every person should watch the full video.
King_Leopold_II ago
Yeah, it's actually a great video to start getting used to this shit. There's some blood but the most I saw was when of them had a chunk blown off. Other than just dead bodies.