Vic_V ago

they tried to play dead, maybe couldnt tell where shots were coming from. Its not good strategy but its believable. had same thoughts of what-if when i was young.

Corpse_washer ago

The remove kebab music and the great memewar fallschirmjäger music makes me think its fake/intelligence work.Its like they made sure to press every button in the heads of people.

Gargilius ago

Ever been in a building where everyone freaks out and panic? scary stuff, but something as simple as going through the exit door becomes difficult / impossible when a bunch of panicked people all try to do it at the same time; you see similar situations in fires when a bunch of people are found dead right next to an exit that would have otherwise (normal situation) been easy to go through.

The_Venerable ago

Except they weren't panicing. They were still, just sitting there. Did you see the video?

tokui ago

These hoax claims are to be expected.

If you believe it's fake, you'll doubt your ability to fight.

If you do believe it's real, you'll be inspired to join in.

The hoax, FF calls are agenda driven: to suppress and undermine sense of agency and white collective spirit.

parallel0 ago

they hoped he doesn't come back to check the bodies

if they ran outside right after he has just left the building, the risk is higher to get noticed and get shot

The_Venerable ago

This is when he FIRST enters the room

parallel0 ago

oh you are right, nevermind LOL

that shit doesn't make any sense, it's like they were already dead

The_Venerable ago

Exactly. I took a bunch of screenshots to compare and I can't make sense of it. It appears like they were already shot.

edgelord666 ago

No doubt if someone started shooting near you unexpectedly you would have your razor sharp wits about you and LOGIC your way out of it, eh? Fucking faggot you'd drop down on the floor and cry for mummy like the faggot you are

The_Venerable ago

THEYE RIGHT IN FRONT OF A FUCKING DOOR YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT! Maybe youre too much of a stupid fucking faggot to try to use a door, literally right in front of you, and instead go into a fetal position and wait for your bullet like the stupid fucking muzzies but I'd atleast try to get out the door RIGHT IN FUCKING FRONT OF ME.

edgelord666 ago

I'm sure in a similar situation you'd totally be like "oh here's a door totally pwned that muzzie wit my LOGIC"

kobold ago

the door is locked?

The_Venerable ago

If it was, it looks like a glass door.

Wahaha ago

Has the uncut footage shown up somewhere? Still can't find it.

The_Venerable ago

If there is any other footage it wasnt streamed that I aware of, so if it exists it would be on his camera.

Wahaha ago

To this day, I've seen exactly zero footage of the whole thing. Except for the snippet about that Youtuber PewsomethingPie. Where is more?

Othmar_Regin ago

That's what happens when 10 people are trying to go through a door designed for one or two

The_Venerable ago

But you don't even see anyone try to get through the door.

Othmar_Regin ago

Well it's good to question, I still believe the thing was real

The_Venerable ago

I believe it was real. But there are some things that don't make sense. Another one that's been on my mind is, he has all this equipment, but his camera looks like its from 2001. That could be a shitty internet connection I suppose, but 2 years planning ? You think he'd have a halfway decent stream. The shitty quality would make it easier to fake.

Othmar_Regin ago

I am looking forward to the trial, I think we will determine how "real" it was then, ofc they will not let him speak to the public but we'll see what comes out of that. Then again I don't think it matters that much if it was real or not just like with the (((holohoax))) the perception matters more than reality