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ArchmageMordenkainen ago

One of those four guys was released right away IIRC, he was just a guy near the crime scene who happened to be carrying.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Well, people saw multiple shooters, multiple locations were attacked an impossibly short timeframe. You can look at the guy arrested decked out in camouflage, I bet we won't hear any more about him.

An_Hero_OP ago

It'always seems like multiple shooters to civvies. The echos in a city sounds like gunfire is coming from multiple directions. Eye witness accounts aren't worth shit because people panic and exaggerate.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Well, people saw this guy, and he was arrested. Somebody uploaded a non-blurred out pic.

So this factors into it somehow. There is overwhelming evidence the shooting was not conducted solo. All the media talks about is this "one guy".