Goys-R-Us ago

IDK, it's a pretty big red flag when he calls out everyone but jews.

PraiseIPU ago

obviously this is a Qchan psy-op duh

Civil_Warrior ago

False flag shitpost.

talmoridor-x ago

You're right. What's your point? This was still a false flag.

DeadFox ago

Not surprised a shill would call it false

talmoridor-x ago

How is it real? The manifesto says nothing about jews. ISIS (Israel) immediately condemned the attack, just like they claimed they were responsible for the Vegas shooting.

Gorillion ago

OH WOW WHAT A COMPELLING ARGUMENT BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

One of those four guys was released right away IIRC, he was just a guy near the crime scene who happened to be carrying.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Well, people saw multiple shooters, multiple locations were attacked an impossibly short timeframe. You can look at the guy arrested decked out in camouflage, I bet we won't hear any more about him.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Well, people saw multiple shooters

Literally every single shooting has "multiple shooters" reported, when people panic their memories get fuzzy.

An_Hero_OP ago

It'always seems like multiple shooters to civvies. The echos in a city sounds like gunfire is coming from multiple directions. Eye witness accounts aren't worth shit because people panic and exaggerate.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Well, people saw this guy, and he was arrested. Somebody uploaded a non-blurred out pic. https://voat.co/v/whatever/3097814

So this factors into it somehow. There is overwhelming evidence the shooting was not conducted solo. All the media talks about is this "one guy".

Inquisitioner ago

But dude, jews and politicians did bad things today. Isn't that a little convenient? I mean, they don't normally do that, so it's quite the coincidence.

speedisavirus ago

In fact almost 0 are

kevlarrr ago

Maybe. But this one had an AMA, a manefesto about US politics with shoutouts to US personalities, a soundtrack, a headmounted gopro, legally obtained special permit required weapons, unique weapon skins with a message, lots of waiting for cops, and was streamed live and uninterrupted for 20 minutes on fakebook,

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

But this one had an AMA, a manefesto about US politics with shoutouts to US personalities

That doesn't really suggest it's a false flag. If anything, the manifesto painted him as a guy with a pretty good understanding of imageboard culture and humor, in a way that an outsider isn't.

legally obtained special permit required weapons

That's actually not so difficult to do in New Zealand, so it doesn't really say anything either. All of the weapons he had could be owned by civvies without issue.

lots of waiting for cops

The cops were waiting at the second mosque, not the first, and the two were separated by a fair amount of driving distance, so this isn't too surprising. His manifesto says he didn't even expect to get a second hit in after the first, and the fact that he put the second one into a GPS instead of knowing the route by heart supports this.

uninterrupted for 20 minutes on fakebook

Have you seen some of the shit that gets streamed on Facebook Live? Those niggers that captured and tortured a retarded man for "voting for Trump" two years back streamed the deed on Facebook as well, without getting taken down. Every other stream on Facebook live is either depicting a crime or a suicide, and none of them get taken down either. They've pretty much given up on trying to censor Facebook Live as the sheer quantity of trash on it makes such a task impossible.

ruck_feddit ago

I think you're spot on in each point. This guy knew exactly what to do so we could go wild sharing the video. His first words are subscribe to PewDiePie, after all.

Also, is there video of the 2nd mosque? The ones I could find end with him driving at high speed.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

It's almost like a right thinking white guy planned it...

kevlarrr ago

You've got a solid point there.

Dean_Wilhelm_Hawkins ago

Great post. I totally agree. Fuck you

dudelol ago

Yes it is

MrDarkWater ago
