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Dark_Shroud ago

If 8chan goes down we're all that's left from the larger known sites.

shadow332 ago

We're not even a big site tbh.

Pwning4Ever ago

This lol.

I feel like I see a lot of yous guys names pretty frequent.

shadow332 ago

Definitnely. We were talking about this on protectvoat. It's not such CCP farmers or retarded Qfucks I'm talking about. Me and some others uncovered there are accounts that post news articles from the same sources over and over again every day. Some domains are created and miraculously within an hour these users know about these domains and spam from them.

What they all have in common is - they always post you a direct link, never archive, in order to ensure you give the site traffic. They never post discussion posts with their own input, (this would avoid you clicking the direct link) it would also take too much time and effort. The content is always the same: "alt-right", MAGA, overly sensationalized boomer type convservative christian news. And here's the red flag for me, they NEVER post anti kike stuff. Never.

billyvvinz ago

That's really odd. Think it could be more nefarious, like tracking?

shadow332 ago

Yes, you're on the right track. Someone posted that he found a few users using referral links. I then noticed these are all the same accounts I looked into. One guy was directly questioned here, he then proceeded to ban anyone from his subs who commented in that thread.

So these people also make smaller subs and spam their shit in them. When I pointed out user u/Kobold's behavour, proving links he posted and questioning him directly, he just responds with "fuck you", "die, insect", "fuck off".

kobold ago

that was after you acted like an asshole, fuckface

billyvvinz ago

I went to protectvoat and checked it out, that's pretty interesting. whoever it is, it's been around for quite some time.

shadow332 ago

It's small. There's a lot of garbage, drama and shitposting in there sometimes, but if you check in ever so often, there is some really good work done by people who don't want the site to get overrun by shills, bots, powermods and the like. There's also v/ReportSpammers which is very active if case you find an obvious spam account.

billyvvinz ago

Thanks, I appreciate it.