reject_kikery ago

Affirmative action has excluded the smart whites, so now they're left with sub-90-IQ filth to run as their fronts.

Unknown7 ago

How is not supporting incest porn anti-Semitic?

seidoken ago

Do you guys think we can devalue the term anti-semetic by just punctuating sentences with it? For instance: "You don't support human trafficking? That's anti-semetic."

GoyimNose ago

ask them why every page is filled with nigger dick and white women

Gorillion ago

Hah, that cunt used antisemitic twice in one comment.

Must have hit a nerve.

VoataoV ago

It's nice to see there are still based folk on Reddit and that (((they))) are becoming noticed by the masses.

bourbonexpert ago

I do t really watch porn anymore because the onslaught of “stepsister” “mom” porn is disturbing and turns me off. I’ll just fuck my GF instead

SearchVoatBot ago

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slickleg64 ago

How does mindgeek benefit by giving porn for free?

Tallest_Skil ago

Brain damage.

LoginOrRegister ago

Porn is a mass psychological weapon to pacify and weaken the goyim.


R4G3 ago

At one time, I had a non-blood related cousin that I thought was hot and I felt bad. Incest porn is gross. Not supporting incest porn isn't anti-semitic, but this is: Fuck you dirty foreskin hoarding baby dick sucking kikes.

Momo_Applebach ago

They do our work for us! It couldn't be easier.

wokeasfook ago

did anyone ask him why its FREE?

foxyfux ago

am just here jew watching

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ratsmack ago

Seems he has a guilt complex going on there.

danielktdoranie ago

Me thinks the Jew doth protest too much

ForTheUltimate ago

so they know what they are suspected of

facepaint ago

I have a theory as to why it is popular.

  1. People watching porn don't give a shit about the plot. That is why the popular trope of the Pizza Delivery Guy is so well known in porn. The plot just doesn't matter.

  2. If you do a general look at porn available, there are tons of worn out used up porn actresses that are disgusting to see. Stretch marks, bolt on double D tits, wrinkles in all the wrong places, plastic surgery nightmares.

  3. "incest" porn as a genre has younger healthier actresses who have not been completely worn out & used up by the porn business.

Therefore, it isn't the plot. It is the appearance of the actresses that draws people to those videos. Once you view one, porn hub will suggest more videos in the genre which continue to show young healthy actresses that are not ready to be set out to pasture.

GoyimNose ago

Why is their so much nigger porn? Back when I would watch porn every single page had 30-50% nigger dick in it. Why? I never watched it once yet it would always show up in the thumbnail, one of the reasons it made it 10x easier to stop jerking to jew porn .

facepaint ago

I had always assumed that either, they really loved making it for cheap, or even the blacks didn't want to screw black women and thus were watching it regularly.

Momo_Applebach ago

The people in the thread analyzing statistics found that it's not popular with audiences, it's solely pushed by the site.

Inaminit ago

Inaminit ago

They don't want to offend the normies...

Ifckstacy ago

Interesting 🤔 You know, effective trolling relies on not leaving a trail.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

When I watched porn I would only go to mainstream porn sites. I quit because even if I searched for "hairy pussy 30s creampie" I would still get search results that included really skinny girls that looked very young with 'incest' in the title. Once you managed to click on some lady with a trimmed bush or bush that isn't grown out of control being fucked, even after that you still get ads on the side that promote incest once again or continuously show a cock getting hard.

I had to put pornhub, redtube, etc down and I've been happier and better for it. Use DVDs or download your favorite porn footage and view that.

  1. All of this porn is highly effective in exposing to and promoting certain harmful aspects of sexuality to people. If you don't think it is on you then think about all the people and young people watching on SSRIs, ADD meds, drunk, on illegal drugs, etc. Now multiply that by hours a day sometimes and for years and decades. It's extremely damaging in the long run.

  2. "Straight" porn often promotes homosexuality by focusing on cocks. Look at Hustler from the 80s and early 90s or porn from the 80s and early 90s. The focus was never on the cock. The camera was never centered on the cock. You saw a lot more of the women in straight porn, their pussies, their bush, their face, their moaning and their tits. Now the majority of a "straight" porn is video close up of cock.

  3. "Straight" porn promotes beastiality and interracial fantasies in white men. It does this by focusing on some 12 or 14" BBC all the time. Men become infatuated with seeing a woman's pussy torn apart. This is appealing often to men who see it as forbidden or who have went through a tough breakup, etc. and have some new found woman hate. Most are young and susceptible. Often they are drunk and/or under other influences and after days, weeks, months and years of this they begin to only be able to watch porn where women are taking huge dicks and being degraded/humiliated. They gradually focus more and more on the dick. This is also the gateway into shemales. Now take a look at a lot of the video game ads, the porn games that play before you are able to watch any video on any mainstream porn site. It's shemales, human hybrids with horse dicks, etc. People naturally lean towards escalation.. I've been watching straight porn for years now into BBC or I've been watching BBC porn now into shemales.. now into meth videos..and now into porn games, etc,etc. People on these porn sites for years are constantly exposed to video game ads, cock ads, etc. that desensitize them. A few years later, after regular viewing, they find they have a taste for it. The No Fap site goes into depth quite well with these tactics.

  4. The Jews are victims of this too. The hubris of this asshole to openly state something like this without even thinking about goes to show how horrifcly blind this individual is. It isn't just whites caught up in gender confusion, sexual confusion, Rx drug addiction and alcoholism, it's also Ashkenazi Jews.

--THERE IS HOPE. I watch DVDs or download the great porn I want to see and I use it every so often, meaning maybe 2x a week at most. The sensitivity in my cock has returns. My hardons are much better because I cum 2x a week(at most) on my own instead of an average of 2.5x a day. My desire to interact with women and get to know women returned with a vengeance. Porn doesn't help you get over heart break, it exaggerates and prolongs it. I healed from that fast. I quit being as irritable. I was jacking off less why am I more irritable? It may be because I don't spend hours a week watching video game ads for shemale/human hybrid cartoons fucking some chick or because I don't get pissed off trying to get off by watching some big tittied MILF get creampied while there is a growing 12 in BBC in the corner. I am more than confident in my cock size and seeing that shit just disgusts me. I am not one that gets mad every time I see an interracial ad or there is an interracial porn in the lineup when I do a search on xtube. However, it's everywhere. I get sick of seeing that shit. I, like any reasonable person, have a breaking point. I can't tell you how much better my life is since I dusted off some Playboy DVDs and downloaded some great 90s porn to watch. Skip the videogame ads. Skip watching the horrible dick pill ads in the corner. Skip having to look at all the incest/petitie porn that pops up on xtube or xhamster when you do a search.

There is only so much evil you can absorb visually and audibly before it irritates you. Porn, specifically porn sites are poison for the soul. It WILL help you in many ways if you quit watching. Again, read no fap if you need help on gender or sexual confusion. I found a lot of the posts on it enlightening and fascinating and it was really sad to read about all these guys, in many ways similar to myself, that had accidentally became sexually confused and it had really curbed their sexual attraction and attraction on many other ways to women, curbing their chances of ever having children or getting married.

iamlegion ago

Definitely a trend

mralexson ago

Makes me wonder 🤔

uncmftbl ago

And banning beastiality would be islamophobic

uncmftbl ago

Seeing that Jews mostly stick with their own kind...

VoataoV ago

Katie from PornHub is a piece of shit who I hope catches AIDS from one of her negro pornstars. Got into a huge thing with that wretch on Reddit years back where the Redditard community defended the vile bitch over a scheme PornHub was pulling. She can say nonsense all day and the idiot virgin men of Reddit will lap it up like the dogs that they are.

Melvins ago


Honey Bucket

Banned4Truth ago

Um, I think you either have a reading comprehension problem or you're projecting. Your title is misleading. She said it's antisemetic to suggest Jews own mindgeek and are trying to destroy family values with whatever stuff you come up with. She DID NOT say it was antisemetic to not support incest porn. Holy fuck dude.

SandHog ago

Awful touchy aren't they?

CowWithBeef ago

I have this hypothesis that jews are the front line of the shadow power class. They're there to be the obvious villian to attentive people so we don't dig deeper and instead blame jews. It's kindof like limited hangout, but the main purpose is to get folks like us focused on the part of the problem everyone in the west has been brainwashed to defend. That way we're anti-semites and marginalized. The true shadow power class has a variety of backgrounds and could not so easily defend themselves from mass criticism and attack. The jews defend them by being the blatantly obvious power class. So when they do this, it's not an accidental outing of themselves, it's a deflection to their front line defenses.

Nalbarcam ago

jews become zionist when they work towards destroying other races / subverting cultures. jews themseveles often aren't deep enough into subverting others. it's like the casual "christians," low tier groupies

NosebergShekelman ago

oy vey my jewish brethren must stop coming out into the light like this before they get us all shoah'd for reals!

imnotpao ago

No one in their right mind and with a shred of family values would find that disgusting trend even mildly arousing. In other words, it's the niggers and the kikes.

SIayfire122 ago

The anti-porn movement is just the Mormon Internet Defense League trying to improve your lives. Don't listen to them.

contrarianism ago

Wasn’t an ama

scoopadoop ago

Jew outs himself

carnold03 ago

Every. Single. Time. No prompting from the other folks. Fully and wholly on her own initiative.

oligarchsalamander ago

"One of the people in this room is a murderer!"

"What! How dare you suggest I'm the murderer!"

"I didn't I said somebody in this room is a murderer."

"Well you're clearly talking about me."

Itsdone63 ago

Seems she's well versed in this. If it was a REAL coincidence you'd think they'd have no idea what they were talking about instead of knowing exactly what they're talking about

kammmmak ago

Fuck (((You)))

thessera94 ago

Porn function like this: It's main purpose is for it's viewers to make them sexualize whatever they're watching..they want people to be addicted to sex.. because sex sells .. that makes a lot of potential buyers.. ( supports traffiking) Not only that... but porn is actually shows to alters a man brain.. making them have less sympathy towards women( if they watch women)..since they will be starting to view women has objects rather then fellow humans.. this also is good for traffiking.. Also addction is a part of the package: addiction leads to obssesion and you will start taking porn above haveing a life.. makeing you unable to have a functonal realtionship.. let alone be satisfied..( which leads to negativity) .... it will slowly turn you depressed and lock you up in a vicious circle.

By watching porn you supports a very disgusting and destructive life style for you and those around you! DONT SUPPORT IT! DONT WATCH IT!

GoyimNose ago

no shit, theirs tons of Jewish shills, even on voat.

fusir ago

I knew I'd seen her name before:

MortonLoothorKodos ago

As a shill

Momo_Applebach ago

So we have confirmation that it's mindgeek spamming porn threads to /pol/.

MortonLoothorKodos ago

Let the conspiracy theories fly!

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Tacit confirmation of who runs the porn industry and why they do it.

Abrahamlied ago

Sounds like paranoia. The awakening is getting to them.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Conspiracy Theory?

Now where have I seen that before, oh yeah, that LOCKED page on (((wikipedia))),

What a dumb conspiracy, it's not like some person could walk down a street filled with hundreds with a White Genocide Now sign and not only not be attacked, but not have anyone even say anything negative to you. Oh wait,

luchotak ago


luchotak ago

bo y bo

luchotak ago


luchotak ago

noooooo v

luchotak ago


luchotak ago


luchotak ago


luchotak ago


luchotak ago


luchotak ago


Mumbleberry ago

ATTN @Cynabuns Another alt for that CRB Noticias YT channel

CivNatisFullRetard ago

Whenever you see shit like this, link me too it I’ll bitch these people out since I’m part Jewish.

Nalbarcam ago

jews become zionist when they work towards destroying other races / subverting cultures. jews themseveles often aren't deep enough into subverting others. it's like the casual "christians," low tier followers

NumbDigger ago

Everybody knows by now. You bring it up constantly.

YamaMaya ago

Who the fuck even brought up jews before that?

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

It was in the unpopular opinion sub, and basically everybody.

Momo_Applebach ago

unpopular opinion is a chan outpost

Nalbarcam ago

and you know what's awesome? his wife is the one who wrote Cupid's Poisoned Arrow & runs

SparklingWiggle ago

Like a criminal accidentally confessing. Whoops. "Didn't you say Jew first?"

WitnesstheSalt ago

"I never stole a red Civic." "How'd you know it was a red Civic, we only mentioned a stolen car."

MikeyMo123 ago

That right there is why you shut the fuck up and get a lawyer.

DavidHogg ago

Even more so when you are completely innocent.

jewish_nigger_faggot ago

Did you steal a red civic?

I never stole a red Civic.

How'd you know it was a red Civic, we only mentioned a stolen car.

No I think you literally just asked me if I stole a red civic

(Just erase that part of the tape then)

SexMachine ago

Oy vey, goyim! Calling out jew run degeneracy is anti-semitic!

reject_kikery ago

The house shall pass a resolution forcing all goys to watch incest porn 2 hours a day.

HighEnergyLife ago

Lol they always overplay and oversell their hand. What a response!

MikeyMo123 ago


Well, yeah. It's in their nature.

GoBackToReddit ago

I fucking hate the "incest-trend" in porn. -

Derpfroot ago

>Abella danger did a scene for blacked and did a lot of dogfart scenes

>𝚍𝚘𝚐𝚏𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚜

1488HailFireRain ago

shes a jew btw

Momo_Applebach ago

Not even going to bother looking that up. I just don't want to know.

coinphrase ago

I see by looking at the archive history that this Katie person(s) changed their reply to something less incriminating.

SparklingWiggle ago

The very first porn I saw was an incest movie. It was on VHS, probably the mid-80s.

Damnpasswords ago

We don't need to hear about your home movies, Ahmed

SparklingWiggle ago

The point you fucking niggerfaggot is that the Jews have been pushing this shit for a long time.

Momo_Applebach ago

Probably gave you brain damage.

SparklingWiggle ago

Definitely fucked me up a little.

Mr_Wolf ago

it's insane and only getting hits due to it being the main new porn with normal couples

fusir ago

Yeah. I don't think most people watch it for the title. Honestly I think it's keyword stuffing. They want to get as many keywords attached to every film so it might show up in search. It costs nothing to strap a step-brother title to something.

But hey, quitting porn is generally a good idea so what does it matter. Throw all the trends in the trash and walk away.

jewish_nigger_faggot ago

Its not an easy thing. Our brains are all fucked up from malnutrition and poisons, plus 12-20 years of "academic" indoctrination. The fact that so many of us are resisting is actually pretty impressive, I think.

Tranix ago

Not an AMA

MikeyMo123 ago

Nice observation. Glad we have you, and only you, here to tell us that.

ninjajunkie ago

When you strike the Jew, you must kill the Jew. This is the only way to prevent him crying out.

I always questioned why God would harden Pharaoh's heart . It was to silence the Jew's weasel words.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

Yeah but the pharaoh got fucked over so God once again sucks.

VoataoV ago

The pharoah should have killed the Jews with kindness.

MortonLoothorKodos ago

Jamie pull up that atom bomb named kindness

WhitePaladin ago

The pharaoh knew best.

gazillions ago

They've been sitting on that insanity trying to blend in for a long time. Now, they don't feel the need to pretend anymore. They're just vile fucking pigs.

Chad88 ago

Holy fuck what the fuck why would she just drop that in there? lmao thanks Katie!

Momo_Applebach ago

That is a really unexpected twist. Probably not true, but I'll keep an eye on that account.

yewotm8 ago

Feeling pressured from Aryan men, she begins to rethink her allegiance. This power can be yours too, if you would just patrol these thots.

Gorbz ago

Which subs did it spread to?

satisfyinghump ago

That... is incredible.

It's hard as hell to "feel" someone's true emotions when they made a post online but... if I were Katie and I were to imagine she is just one person vs a small/large PR campaign team, I could imagine she's been red pilled in those posts.

She started off as defending the industry she works for but out of nowhere brought up jews and the conspiracies which exist about them and what they control/influence and why.

Then... many MANY others reply to her and maybe she read them and without someone next to her to pull her away from the screen or quickly manipulate her and what she was reading, she ends up getting just a tiny bit red pilled.

I felt her... legit confusion. I'm thinking she felt/feels confused as to why she was taught/told one thing by a few people, and then in a public forum (the internet) the MAJORITY of the group (2/3) told her she was wrong AND quite a few provided explanations instead of attacking her viciously.

She may be slowly evolving right now as we live and breathe... quite exciting to see someone wake up!

GoyimNose ago

you're fucking retarded if 1 you think Katie_pornhub is a girl and 2 that katie_pornhub is just one person.

MortonLoothorKodos ago

I think you're wishful thinking pretty hard there bud

Chad88 ago

I agree, but I also think that at the very least, seeds have been planted.

I’ve never seen these seeds fail to sprout.

Tallest_Skil ago


MortonLoothorKodos ago

I don't know how long it's gonna take until people realize the spread of antisemitic sentiment is literally part of the bamboozle

Chad88 ago

How so?

Hey_Sunshine ago

Oy vey... stupid goyim, can you not see? it's to perpetuate the 'eternal victim' meme the tribe's been pushing for millennia.

Calling out anti-semities diverts attention away from the accuser. the assertion of anti-semitism (racism, homophobia etc) shifts the moral impetus on to the victim. They then must prove they're not anti-semetic, shifting the burden of proof and thus controlling the narrative.

The jew cries out pain as he strikes you. A jew will always tell you how he was beaten but never why.

Chad88 ago

I mean, I get that, and I know it's dumb to be ThIS TImE iS DIffErEnt but honestly, it might be. We can document everything. Honestly I was thinking of making a post about this. You can get a TB of storage for less than $20 when you buy in bulk, we should be archiving everything. I just think that if it's sufficiently documented it could become a permanent part of the history curriculum just like how slavery and civil rights and the holocaust are.

NarrativeControl ago

You can get a TB of storage for less than $20 when you buy in bulk, we should be archiving everything.

I don't think that's sufficient anymore. You need to somehow be able to store hashes your archived content in some way that's practically impossible to be forged. That archived content can be considered manufactured unless you have some kind of proof it wasn't tampered with.

SparklingWiggle ago

No, I believe that there is an actual rep for Pornhub on Reddit named Katie that has been doing this shit for years. She even does videos and gives away memberships for mentioning their site.

Pwning4Ever ago


Laurentius_the_pyro ago


Katie_pornhub is a double agent for us!

Mylon ago

This is comedy gold. Thank you for sharing.

Corpse_washer ago

The jew cries out as he strikes you.

talmoridor-x ago

You have no idea what that phrase means, newfag. It has to do with business and concealing emotions. If something actually hurts a jew, he will not show it. If he has the upper hand, however, he will "cry" so the opponent stops fighting him, securing his position on top.

GoyimNose ago

If something actually hurts a jew, he will not show it

Strong European homogeneous societies hurt the jew and he shows it.

talmoridor-x ago

In your imagination

Wang_Tang ago


you must be new and or retarded.

talmoridor-x ago

He used the phrase wrong and he even quoted it wrong: it's "cries out in pain"

Corpse_washer ago

Okay. So out of the blue sky oyvey antisemitism is not a cry so the opponent stops fighting him, securing his top position. Makes no sense to me.

talmoridor-x ago

Jews don't care about us knowing about the race-mixing agenda. It's a distraction from them controlling the world.

Corpse_washer ago

I dont think so. They always beat themselves in the end. What research do you need to know they hold all visible positions of power? Walking around with eyes open and equipped with more iq than an ant? They wont stand the tide that is eventually coming. Im more concerned about the invisible positions of power. Inb4 i have to show now my foreskin that im not a jew for suggesting jews are only a tool.

talmoridor-x ago

the coming tide

Thinking shit like THIS is why the jews are in power. Everyone waits for someone to do something, and no one does it. No matter how many people are "aware" of the jewish question, very few people are willing to go to jail because they stopped paying taxes.

Corpse_washer ago

Sure. Because its not like WW2 was made to create Israel, to have all the jews in one place, surrounded by muslims to set the stage for WW3 where judaism and islam eradicates each other. Do you think its a coincidence, that jews refuse to migrate to Israel, despite Israel giving all sorts of benefits if they do?No, the jews know very well what awaits them.Why, oh why do you think Trump says only he can save Israel?Save from what?From you?No, fren. There is a reason their grip on the world is slowly made to fade.Do you really think its a coincidence that Poland after threatens to excavate the mass graves? You think that all has to happen in your - or one- lifetime. It must not.The jews do what they do only because you, me and the hidden hand lets them.Not because they are capable to do it on their own.Dont you think there are no groups ready to descend on the hidden hand after they dealt with the jews and the muslims to stop them from creating their oneworld nwo religion.The spiders watch the owl.

talmoridor-x ago

Israel is NOT the center of power, you fucking idiot. It's the dollar. Jews are worldwide.

Corpse_washer ago

Oh, must be then a coincidence that muslims are shipped literally to every city where jews live.

talmoridor-x ago

You mean the gated communities where jews live?

Corpse_washer ago

Oh, yes, the gates will save them when the truth is revealed about the holocaust(europe) and 911(usa).

talmoridor-x ago

"The truth" means fuck all. People are going to do nothing about it.

Corpse_washer ago

Thats the plan,fren. That they do nothing and let muslims and jews battle it out without whites white knighting one or the other side. You know whites would not stand by and watch genocide happen otherwise.

talmoridor-x ago

What can muslims do to jews?

Corpse_washer ago

Behead them?

talmoridor-x ago

Lol. Without first getting shot by guards?

Corpse_washer ago

You are grasping at straws.Inb4 let the business outside, kek.

talmoridor-x ago

I can't answer the question, so it's a strawman lol

Corpse_washer ago

Im still waiting for your explanation how Foucaults pendulum works in glownigger fantasy flatearth reality.

talmoridor-x ago

Still not answering my question.

Corpse_washer ago

I deleted the one was not meant for here. You really wanna know how to behead a rothschield?What makes you think not the same way as you?You are grasping at straws by wanting to know how to behead someone.Have fun.

Inaminit ago

Dey toss a fish in the gearbox, of course.

Rotteuxx ago

Lurk more faggot

1488HailFireRain ago

Nobody had even mentioned Jews prior to this

MortonLoothorKodos ago

I had the night before. Obviously my comment was focused on the negativity of the industry, the quotes and examples I used just happened to be jews because they're so prevalent in the field. But after initially getting upvotes, it shot down to the bottom.

So basically Katie Pornhoe sorted by controversial and had holocaust flashbacks

Qsucks ago

She was covering her bases. You people autistically screech about "Jews this" and "Jews that." It's not the Jews' fault that you're trailer park trash leeching off the government.

GapingAnus ago

Member for 11 days

FuckredditKenobi ago

It's the same troll everytime

Race_War_Now ago

Acceptable bait but you need to step up your game here.

olltre ago

its not even acceptable bait, its just retarded honestly. Dude is like a c grade troll, it comes off as so fucking forced and not original or smooth.

walterhartman ago

Quickest way to shut down somebody in reddit is claim racism/antisemetic. I don't think katie_pornhub is actually just one woman. Probably a marketing team and lawyers. The money behind Mind Geek came from some former Goldman employees. I don't know if they are Jewish. Colbeck Capital. Jason Beckman and Jason Colodne.

drstrangegov ago

They are lucifarians. Maybe the Jewish religion is about Satan. Dunno.

TheKnightOfGod ago

Jesus himself said that Jews are the Church of Satan.

zech7 ago

talmud mishnah are extrabiblical hate books rooted in babylon - they are satanic

they glorify lucifer moloch satan and say jews are superior to goyim and that they can rape any goy over 3 years old.

porn is satanic attempt to destroy the family. jews happen to make tons of money off of it and don’t feel bad for it bc goy are disgusting animals to them. that’s why they push debased stuff, so they can get us o be their scapegoats.

stop partaking in porn. the fruit is death

drstrangegov ago

Isn't the old testament a reference to the Talmud?

zech7 ago

good question

talmud is like an encyclopedia of jewish commentary on torah

it has been elevated to law by most modern jews

drstrangegov ago think maybe they have influenced modern Christianity?

Merchant_Menace ago

You may be thinking of the Torah

walterhartman ago

zyklon_b ago

what a freak. lets kill her

pornhub_katie ago


CatsControlTheEU ago

Dude, you're one of my favorite posters. But you can't be saying that kind of shit or else you genuinely will get arrested. You got to reword that shit in a way that won't get you picked up.

NosebergShekelman ago

TOO LATE, GOYTARDS!! I have alerted the synagogue police and posted a link to Trump's Twitter page and he will be arrested and have his penis mutilated and the blood sucked from it! shaloms, fegits

zyklon_b ago

i am running

NosebergShekelman ago

You cannot run from the long dick of the jew!

recon_johnny ago

That's long nose....but ok.

DavidHogg ago

Long dick....... hahahahahahahahaha, that’s funniest comment I’ve read from you yet Mr. Nose.

zyklon_b ago

jews cannot run from the gas either

NosebergShekelman ago

⛽✡️ Confirmed!

zyklon_b ago


zyklon_b ago

i fixed ot. i cannot be picked up cause "all is satire"

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever submission by @Crensch.

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CatsControlTheEU ago

Much better. Genuinely laughed.

zyklon_b ago

hahha .lets do it