Newmemba ago

Lots of Russians say the same thing, "Damn (((Russians)))"

Do they still have anti-jew laws on the books over there? The laws that resulted in capital punishment often carried out on-the-spot for the slightest act of anti-jewishness?

plowboys ago

OK OK the only thing to do then is institute crazy lefists socialist ,communist policies of the lunatic fringe that TRUMP is fighting

CrudOMatic ago

F U C K I N G *whoosh*

herbert_west ago

I'm saving this one.

doubleanalbypass ago

(((they))) are running out of people to blame because (((they))) become so widespread lol

Kalergi ago

Brilliantly subtle.


Good stuff but you need to put "now replace Russians with jess and this goes from a joke to reality"

Corpse_washer ago


mediaisfooked ago

I like the part that "Every media outlet was against Billary." What a load of shit. They were beating up Trump before he even announced he was going to run. I have never seen one single positive or even neutral story regarding Trump in mainstream media. You guys are right, change "Russians" to "Jewkikefaggots."

CommiePatrol ago

You got me for a min

Hate_Speech_Survivor ago

I’ve seen this before, and it’s just as perfect as the first time I read it. I’m going to spread this like AIDS at a San Francisco bathhouse.

myshpqmc ago

Relaxed, dude, America is the winner, when being fucked off by Russians, just as Nazis said.

America loves rapists and Islamic serial artistic killers who are rich and thus a good ally, as all knows.

Rape is nothing and coward USA would let communist rapist free, which is often banned to speak in redd*t.

US supplied bomb that killed 40 children on Yemen school bus , with smart missiles which are smart enough to recognize and kill easy-to-kill children to show US has balls when being fucked off by hard-to-kill Russians.

​Slow coward failure America likes to make the war as long as possible, already said far far more earlier and banned.

Is slow coward USA doing the same thing that USA just waits a few months until China yuan is down 10% to $, then dares to tax 10% on $505 billions, and thus gets 10%-10%=0% in real trade? After all, USA has loved China communists and their ZTE for decades. My English is so bad?

​1, USA shouts that USA would put tariff on $500 billion goods made in China to change anti-freedom trade with China.

2, China devalues (downs) its currency yuan 10% to USA currency $.

3, then USA dares to really put tariff 10%, and gets nothing in real trade because 10%-10%=0%, which means that prices of goods made in China are decreased 10% by means of China government devaluing yuan 10%, and prices of goods made in China are increased 10% by meanings of USA government putting tariff 10% on all, and thus prices in trade not changed in total.

​4, ZTE is always controlled by China communists, and sells anti-freedom system to Iran and Korea, and banned by USA and then supported by USA at last.

Just the first sentence I said, if you cannot read more sentences. "Coward USA is too slow, which would make the war last long and thus make USA fail eventually."

Coward USA is too slow, which would make the war last long and make USA fail. China yuan is already down 4% to USA dollar. So the real tariff in trade would be 10%-4%*500/200=0% for the new 10% tariff on $200 billions of China goods.

Notice: $500 billions is the minimal of goods made in China exported to USA. So China yuan downing (or devaluation of China currency to America currency, now about 4% down) affects more than $500 billions goods exported to USA, but new tariffs expected only affects $200 billions goods exported to USA. So the result of the new tariffs on the whole trade of goods made in China but exported to America here is only 10%-4%*500/200=0%.

Maybe USA can keep torturing Children (news about immigrants) and infants (news about USA believing cow milk is much better than mother milk or breast milk for infants), and make China communists keep stealing $375 billions and millions of American jobs from USA every year, since all these would make America great again.

Is USA a coward failure only shouting 200 billion and shouting 500 billion with doing nothing real while China communists have been keeping beating USA?

The simplest example in life to see the unfair robbery nature of China communists...(rob money from Chinese,rob work from American)

If you transfer money from banks not in China (for example, D) to China bank,Zero fee. But if you transfer back,that's to say, if you transfer money from China bank to banks not in China (for example,D), very high fee. That's the fairness? So, we got to know why China bank would not like fair competition with other banks, and China communists did unfair competition very well. (By the way, there is a little fact : China top four communist banks are the four biggest and richest banks all over the world. )

China bank says: If you transfer money out of mainland,for example, if you transfer money to USA , the fee is 1‰, 50¥ at least for each.And there is also tele fee,150¥ each time. And there also may be other fees. ​ So, if you are a Chinese and want to buy an American goods, you transfer 500¥ to your account outside China, and China bank just simply takes off more than 200¥ from you just because you want to buy an American goods. Moreover, if you take this American goods back to China, you may face high tax by China communists as well. So, we got to know why China goods would not like fair competition with USA goods, and China communists did unfair competition very well. (By the way, there is a little fact: China communists legally steal $375 billions and millions of American jobs from USA in 2017 by anti-freedom trade.) ​And all above here lasts for decades!

Seen in "China government has legally stolen 375.23 billions from USA in a single year..."

​Edit:I take no order from anyone. For those super Nazis, Can you and the followers read English?

​ Or you just don't want true free trade without tariffs?

Come on, Nazis and racists and communists, just ignore the truth, attack me and remove.

If no reply or late reply or this removed, blame redd&t or vo&t or the net, not blame me, because its not my control, and sometimes because "Your account has been suspended from Reddit" or "you can't reply one in 9 minutes" or "You have reached your daily comment quota. Your current quota is 10 comment(s) per 24 hours." which could also be false for you did not make 10 comments a day but you still cannot reply.

phillyjoe ago

So are you Macau/Hong Kong/Taiwan pissed off?

drj2 ago

You won't get banned for posting this, ever. If you also think you can spam this every 5 minutes in every post, you won't be able to. It's to prevent spamming, not to "silence you" so don't take it personal if no one bothers to upvoat you enough so you can bypass that limit.

It's hard to take a copypasta of coward USA too slow, when no one bothers to fix the broken english and make it actually readable.

The math doesn't really add up. If the yuan crashes 10%, guess what? The price of those goods is now 10% less. The USA will get 10% less in tariffs, but the USA as a whole is able to purchase 10% more goods because of the price decrease.

jollux ago

chinks don't know how to do anything but copy the same thing over and over

Warnos44 ago

I really wish your English was just a little bit better. Could you maybe find a friend to proof read what you say a little? I've seen you post this stuff before but a lot of it is lost in translation.

nightjar ago

Change my mind:

These facts (and other such as extreme misrepresentation with Noble prizes) are evident not because there is some Jewish conspiracy because they are generally smart (high IQ), studious, and ambitious, and so naturally they just tend to get ahead which other groups resent.

Zongongo ago

The high IQ myth has been busted.

nightjar ago

And the Noble Prize phenomenon?

CrudOMatic ago

TIL that Jewish tribalism and nepotism throughout all these industries is just a phantom.

nightjar ago

There might be a component of it. Sure. But that doesn't explain most of it.

Richard_Kranium ago

Oh, and as an example... Harvard Law School used to publish their admission statistics (I don't know if they still do, I have not looked). With all things being equal (LSAT score, undergraduate GPA), a white male would have a 47% admission rate compared to a minority student or female. Now, how many of those 47% go to non-Jewish white men? Considering the high percentage of Jews that are in Harvard Law School, the answer is very few. Now a rich, well-connected non-Jewish kid will have little trouble getting a slot (think a Kennedy or a Bush). But what about an average, lower or middle income white male who is very intelligent and has no connections? He has no shot. If that Irish, Italian, Polish or Russian male was anything else (including female) their life would map out differently. 100% admission acceptance with his scores. But, sorry... you are a white, non-Jewish male... you will not get a chance to better your station in life at Harvard. I would surmise this same scenario plays out at all Ivy League schools, because the statistics bear it out.

nightjar ago

You said "Now, how many of those 47% go to non-Jewish white men?" but I don't see the relevance of this. We would need the data to assess the situation. If it is the case that white jewish men have far better applications than non-jew white men, then of course most of those slots should go to Jews. You need the admission data.

With regard to "If that Irish, Italian, Polish or Russian male was anything else (including female) their life would map out differently." I do not think a jewish male with an equal application to a non-jewish male will have a statistically different acceptance rate. What probably is more likely is that Jews as a group highly value education and so have stronger applications by the time they apply to college due to family pressure, grooming, and mentoring.

That being said, it is definitely the case that some minorities and females are given an advantage, i.e. their applications are statistically worse than many of their rejected counterparts, and that is appalling. I'm completely against that. If I ran a school, there wouldn't even be a box to select your race, gender, etc. But I do not think that is working in the favors of jews in the admission process.

"the statistics bear it out." You need to link me to the statistics to show this.

Richard_Kranium ago

The data I looked at had GPA and LSAT scores, the two main drivers for Law School admissions. A white male who had a 4.0 undergrad GPA and scored in the 98th percentile on his LSAT would only get an offer of admission 47% of the time. Any other applicant would get an admission offer 100% of the time.

As to the rest of the application, I don't know. But that test score and GPA are indicative of a very capable student. If you don't think Jewish white males get preferential treatment over non-Jewish white males, then explain the large Jewish enrollment numbers based on their overall population? Look at who runs admissions... if the department is staffed by Jews (and at the time I looked at this, the head of admissions at Harvard Law was Jewish), then would it surprise you that an application with a last name of Israel would be selected over an application with a last name of O'Ireland, assuming all other things were equal?

Look, believe what you want. I did the legwork on this a while ago. Those statistics were provided by Harvard Law School admissions. Just because you "don't think" something doesn't make it so.. and your comment "what is probably more like" is another guess on your part. If you are Jewish and this makes you uncomfortable, I can understand that because this is another reason resentment builds. Jewish people are not the only people as a group that value education. There are a lot of demographic groups that value education and a lot of very capable people are never given a chance because of this admissions bias. Jews benefit from this system, and since they fall statically under "white male" in the stats I looked at, there isn't much room for a non-Jewish white male. To be fair, the stats did NOT break out those 47% offered admission into Jewish and non-Jewish, so it is impossible to extract exact numbers. But if Jews are over 20% of the student body, extrapolations can be made. Again, do this over 100 years, and more Jews enter high-paying career fields, make more money, have children who can follow the same path and continue the cycle of within-group preference and upward mobility, all while taking care of each other in both formal and informal ways.

I think all admissions should be blind. If I ran a university, I would strip out all identification information and look at raw scores. I'd want the best and brightest, regardless of anything else. I'd run my university like an NBA team, and let merit and talent drive admissions.

nightjar ago

If you don't think Jewish white males get preferential treatment over non-Jewish white males, then explain the large Jewish enrollment numbers based on their overall population.

Again, I think it is because they have stronger applications. Data is required to refute/confirm this.

do this over 100 years, and more Jews enter high-paying career fields, make more money, have children who can follow the same path and continue the cycle of within-group preference and upward mobility.

That may be true, but it's not unexpected and is not unique to Jews and there certainly isn't some evil conspiracy. That applies to any group of people, e.g. wealthy white New England Protestants that can trace their lineage back to Mayflower. There was even a study recently that showed all of the decedents of nobility of Renaissance Italy are by and large still doing much better than average, have better schooling, better jobs, etc. That is just momentum.

I think all admissions should be blind


Richard_Kranium ago

The game IS rigged. Take the Ivy League admissions (and other top-tier universities, graduate and law/medical schools). Jews head admission offices all over the country. If they are going through applications, the white male slots will go to a Jewish applicant first, since they are filling slots with every minority under the sun. A non-jewish white male has a very steep hill to climb, especially if they have no family connections. Jews are statistically white in college enrollment statistics, but the numbers do not reflect the society as a whole. Do this over and over for 100 years, and not only do you improve the educational opportunities for jewish students, but non-Jewish whites get the shaft. It's very diabolical. Until all identifiable information is removed from admission applications, and students are chosen based on their personal credentials, this will only get worse.

nightjar ago

So why do Asians who only make up ~6% of the US population represent 20-30% of the Ivy Leage slots? How are they able to pull this off? I think it's because the are smart and hard working.

Richard_Kranium ago

Because they are a minority and check that box nicely. They are also capable students.

I am not saying Jewish males are not capable. They are. I'm saying the non-Jewish white male has no racial, religions, gender or any other group-specific protection to help him get into an Ivy League school.

nightjar ago

I'm saying the non-Jewish white male has no racial, religious, gender or any other group-specific protection to help him get into an Ivy League school.

That is true and I agree with you, appalling.

Warnos44 ago

By numbers alone, there are more of whites and Asians who would far succeed the numbers of Jews for these positions if it were merely about intelligence and ambition.

The game is rigged.

nightjar ago

Can you provide a link to these numbers?

nightjar ago

If I'm not mistaken, isn't the average ashkenazi jewish IQ 115, i.e. almost 1 standard deviation above the chinese? If so, that would explain a lot, wouldn't it?

Warnos44 ago

One standard deviation is 15 points. The Chinese are here labeled at 108.

It is also questionable about their IQ being what is claimed.

Regardless, if their IQ is 115, the bell curve of Chinese alone would equate to more above their IQ due to population. Similar to this, but our net is crap tonight due to storm so I'm having a hard time navigating. I can't find info for a Chinese curve with population.

nightjar ago

But the vast majority of applications come from the USA. Naturally, a US university prefers US students by and large. I would imagine the Jewish population in the US is roughly in the same ballpark as Chinese.

Firevine ago



cursedcrusader ago

This was clever and awesome.

kevlarrr ago

Remember, the target market has Toxoplasmosis. Shorten that shit down so something with the attention span of a cat could finish it.

Eualos ago


Two_Soup ago

Whoa man, cool it with the antisemitism

1031grnis ago

LOL, thanks!

gazillions ago

That's exactly what I love. It's the the right way to get to them.


JDPENT01 ago

GOP, I want AS A TAX PAYER the DEM'S, every one of them ,to go through a 2 yr investigation, of every aspect of their lives, all their Finances, business, Emails, because of this coup de dat they conducted, Lets see just how many of them go to jail for crime, tax evasion, money laundering, drugs. Must POTUS go it alone?

BentAxel ago

Russian JEWS?

JDPENT01 ago

Can the timing be sped up any on mass arrest?

crazy_eyes ago

Why should it be sped up? Because you are impatient? What were you doing before the Trump administration to stop these evil fuckers? Do you know how entrenched they are?

JDPENT01 ago

when you know and have proof i.e. the goods, they committed a crime, its lock up time, we would never be allowed to walk free until after a trial, if we are innocent Miss handling Classified is an automatic fine and lock upno intent required, unless your Clinton.

crazy_eyes ago

the secretary of state who is being protected by the president the fbi and the cia is not the same as you or I.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Lying is so pathetic. The thing is this. BRING IT.

dirt_reynolds ago

Genius. I love these.

JDPENT01 ago

Why does the GOP still allow the DEM'S anything on investigations of POTUS when they know now it was a coup to oust the duly elected. Have they no gumption to call a spade on the DEMO's? AG Barr needs to quickly step in and tell the DEM comities to end any thought of further investigations, Barr knows it was a coup and should arrest all in involved. or had any part in it to include MSM people who brought slander and shouted sedition acts to be executed .

whisky_cat ago

lol, well done.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Spread this from sea to shining sea.

JDPENT01 ago

If only Russia had produced the missing Hillary Emails, would be no investigation, but of Hillary.

hatrickpatrick ago

I got as far as "Russians have been expelled from 100 countries" on the third line before I realised what I was actually reading. Hilariously well played 😂

chrimony ago

I got as far as "Russians have been expelled from 100 countries" on the third line before I realised what I was actually reading.

I got as far as the dual citizenship. That was the first sentence.

watts2db ago

thats what got me

glassuser ago

Yeeeeah, I was all "wait a second here..."

XDandLaughing ago

Was waiting for the "JK" red pill at the end. I know people that wouldn't know enough to figure out what it's really saying.

jollux ago

It doesn't matter, let them spread it. Eventually one person will unravel the whole thing, and it'll brick some normie minds.

Samsquamch ago

If the OP made it that clear at the end, a Reddit mod would read through it, thumping his tits in pride, until he saw he had been tricked and would have immediately removed it.

This is better, people will google those stats and realize who they should actually be attributed to.

Chimaira92 ago

people will google those stats and realize

Hahahahahahahahagagaga thanks for the laugh

The_Prophets_Profit ago

People will share this until it reaches you(s) and you'll tell them what it really means. Close enough.

Rajadog20 ago

Yeah, most people would accept this as true without even thinking about Jews.

Anonochex ago

Dual citizenship signaled me.


Made my jewdar perk up

PlateLipsMcGee ago


thelma ago

If I recall, (((they))) are cozy with the Russians....

goatmensch ago

They are cozy with Russia as much as they are with the US.

Landrictree ago

Jimmycrackerson ago

Why do they wear pubic hair on their face?

6gorillion ago

Although I agree with you that they are cozy, I couldn't find a picture of Putin touching that stupid fucking wall like every president of the USA has done...

vastrightwing ago

This seems to confirm my conspiracy theory

SparklingWiggle ago

I read that thinking, "Dont you mean Jews?" Quite a red-pill trick. I like it and will use it.

ArayanZ ago

Yep, was thinking the same thing.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

After the first 2 my almonds started to activate, brilliant.

DrShitlord ago

You use almonds to detect jews? Tell us more!

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Shit, now the cats outta bag!

SouthernSon ago

Well played

Ocelot ago

that's a problem.

Excellent didactic lib-shit speak.

Wonder_Boy ago


Durm ago

Just lol

Shvonce ago

So is Trump at the beck and call of Russia or not? Q defends Trump up and down, says fake news frames Trump with Russian collusion, are these facts or just some media platform manipulation technique?

C_Corax ago

How does it feel like being a rocket scientist?

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

Fucking Qtards really are retarded

MrPim ago

Welcome to Voat. It's about (((Russians))), read through it again.

budhahead ago

Dude, bro....the facts are true. Buts it’s not (russians) there talking about. Don’t be dense here. What’s a 3 letter word that rhymes with STEW?

Not_a_redfugee ago

so (((jui)))cy