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2_scoops_vanilla ago

I know an old jew who votes conservative, supports Trump, agrees that there's only 2 genders, and believes that western involvement in the middle east has only led to chaos. He is as cheap as you can imagine though.

Dystopium ago

I am not a part of the kill all Jews plan. But Jews are a race, they have their tendencies like all races, and it’s smart to never forget it. Example: working for a Jew will almost always suck. They’ll work you to the bone and pay you a little as possible.

SearchVoatBot ago

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FattestManOnMars ago

I'm considering writing a book on this, not kidding. I have so much to say after working for a Russian Jewish owned pawn shop for 6 years. I've generally always been a naive person so it took me a while to really understand the way it worked. So many felons and illegals paid under the table. Pays the ATF arbitrary fees after every gun audit because there's ALWAYS some missing out of their nearly 30 locations and they don't want to lose FFL.

They had me convinced they were saints for writing me a $1k check for a hospital bill I was in tears over (I'm female). I had to push 200lbs of tools through the snow for my job (nobody wanted to help and it had to get done) and fucked up my back terribly. I didn't realize it was to avoid workers comp and paying for all of my medical bills. They said they didn't have it because they were a private business. I believed them because I was an uninformed, naive moron. Here I am years later with nerve damage, severe pain daily and no insurance. And nothing can be done about it since they didn't record my reporting the injury properly, etc.

I could go on and on. They've fucked so many ex employees over in different ways and do so many illegal things. I used to wonder how they could possibly stay in business. Then I realized they're in cahoots with every cop in town (gun deals!!), the entire local PD and legal system. Though, their Jew-buddy lawyers couldn't help them when they got sued by Hardcore Pawn for intellectual property rights. THAT is a fucking hilarious story, and ohhhhh they were not happy having to pay that settlement.

Sorry, little Monday morning rant there. But yes, do not work for the Jew. In hindsight, I realize why there were only a small handful of white, non Jewish family members who were salaried there. They had dirt and money kept them quiet. One guy actually shot himself in the foot cleaning his own gun in the store (idiot) but because he had to carry that gun for protection at that location (we had a couple people shot and killed over the years at smaller stores).... The business owner worked out some kind of life long deal to avoid paying workers comp and having anyone snoop into THAT whole situation.