ArcturianDeathTrap ago

Good. Young girls are cute. The AoC law is new, and unnatural. Mind your own business. Theres no heaven and no hell.

Durm ago

Sad times

obvious-throwaway- ago

This is some satanic masonic shit right here. What the fuck do we do?

Probably the same thing we did when they gunned down a bunch of white people attending a country concert in Las Vegas, nothing.

moviefreak ago

Spread the word and start carry concealed. We are at war with the most evil force in the history of mankind, don't kid yourself.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Sounds like turning anyone in does nothing except get you killed.

So stop turning them in.

Handle it yourself.

Attac ago

Link to her nudes please

Hand_of_Node ago

The way to stop them is obvious, but it requires stepping outside most peoples comfort zones.

TheSeer ago

First of all, protect your children. Secondly, spread the word. Don't depend on the justice system, the financial system, to solve it for you. Don't think you are going to vote/elect your way out of it. Don't think the media is going to spread the word FOR YOU.

ThinkAboutIt1488 ago

You can't just go dealing with people based on accusations... If your gay and you were abused a child, you know who your abuser is and you can deal with it personally. Could you imagine being a child star who was abused. Their whole identity is based on the favors they recieved for their abuse. If they turn against their abuser or kill their abuser they could possibly lose everything... keep your mouth shut and you get rewarded. It would eat you up inside, no wonder so many of them die from drug overdoses.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

It's not that simple. Satanic Ritual Abuse as a child can hide the abusers from the abused in some ways. But then again these are the people often perpetrating as adults. It's a big clusterfuck of blackmail and peer pressure at a young age with feel good rewards that has your head in a noose if you talk by any decent percent with rope at hand. So you keep shut. Many go on to serve for more rewards from the satanic system of oppression. Their consciences are seared at a very young age.

Corpse_washer ago

Oh, but there is one. Only there is still too much to lose.

shadow332 ago

RockmanRaiden ago

Share far and wide. Another casualty.

kobold ago

timing is key. probably have to do with the vatican summit on sex abuse. this is bergoglio taking care of business and sending a 'strong message' to the participants of the summit. i am pretty sure this is how the jesuits approached the council of trent and everything else for that matter, by murdering and intimidating all their opponents.

While Survivors Gather In Rome Prior To Vatican Summit On Sexual Abuse, Pope Says Critics Of Church Are "Friends Of The Devil"

so the whole summit is for nothing, means nothing, prolly a whitewash.

theHubrisOfMan ago

How do Catholics not see that this man is the anti-thesis of Christ? The Jews and Jesuits are opposite sides of the same evil coin. It’s like alpha and beta approaches to evil.

LampshadeMaker ago

I bet it was speedballs.

fightknightHERO ago

When Hitler said "A satanic power has infested our nation" he meant it literally

these kikes are fucking crazed Demons hellbent on destroying anything that's pure and good

their mere existence is an affront to nature

dudelol ago

Hitler was a Jesuit pawn. All of his books were written by jesuits and published out of jesuit publishing houses.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

I’ve heard this crap before and there’s no good evidence that points to him actually being a pawn. Context matters.

dudelol ago

You wont watch, cause your hate makes you blind.

Hitler stalin churchill and fdr all jesuits.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

So trust in jewsus right buddy? Lmfao

dudelol ago

Jews are just one tribe of Israel

LampshadeMaker ago

Kill yourself, Moishe.

dudelol ago

Truth hurts doesn't faggot.

I forgive you, and the name is דָּוִד

fightknightHERO ago

nice shilling there יהודון

dudelol ago

/v/RomanQuestion sry bud my name is דָּוִד

DeadBeatNigger ago

Sanhedrin 64b. Jews are allowed to slit the throats of children, drain their blood into a vessel, sprinklw it in several places on an altar, and then burn the body.

Gopherurself ago

And must be stopped. Their existence that is.

LampshadeMaker ago

One day, Hitler will be revered by all. I want to believe.

TheSeer ago

Except for the whole meth addict vegetarian that inadvertently helped in the creation of the state of Israel part.

theHubrisOfMan ago

Don’t disrespect their god emperor Adolf. And don’t for a second bring up the fact that under his leadership 6.8 million Germans were killed while Jew refugees were kept safe in guarded camps.

LampshadeMaker ago

(((Don't fight back, fellow white men)))

TheSeer ago

I want to believe! We got us an X-Files fan boy here!

LampshadeMaker ago

What the fuck else was he meant to do with their jew garbage whilst also keeping German christcucks onside? Gas them? What would you have done differently?

TheSeer ago

So Hitler's involvement with the Thule Society, in other words occultists just like their Kabbalah-following Zionist allies, was the fault of Christians? LOL

LampshadeMaker ago

The Thule Society was concerned with freeing Europeans from dune coon cultists. I can appreciatr why you have an issue with them, cousin fucking Paki.

TheSeer ago

Kabbalah is Jewish mysticism, idiot.

LampshadeMaker ago

Which has fuck all to do with the Thule Society, Turkroach.

TheSeer ago

"The head ideologue for the Nazi Party, Alfred Rosenberg, was proven to be Jewish"

"Rosenberg was first introduced to Adolf Hitler by Dietrich Eckart and later held several important posts in the Nazi government. "

"Rosenberg is considered one of the main authors of key National Socialist ideological creeds, including its racial theory, persecution of the Jews (note: NOT ZIONISTS), Lebensraum, abrogation of the Treaty of Versailles, and opposition to what was considered "degenerate" modern art. He is known for his rejection of and hatred for Christianity"

"Nazi Party – joining in January 1919, eight months before Adolf Hitler joined in September. According to some historians, Rosenberg had also been a member of the Thule Society, along with Eckart"

"In January 1934 Hitler had appointed Rosenberg as the cultural and educational leader of the Reich"

You want some more education, or you ready to go off and do some learning on your own? I would suggest you start with researching 'pincer movement' and then move on to 'argumentum ad hominem, a fallacious argumentative strategy'.

LampshadeMaker ago

You're peddling tired old kike shill nonsense that has been thoroughly debunked online for years. Rosenberg was a virulent anti-semite. Naturally, he despised Christianity as did Hitler as they could see how it was being used by kikes as a yoke. You're abrahamic swine and your time is coming to an end.

TheSeer ago

You are so oblivious you have to be Hasbara. So you are now saying what, exactly? That the Thule Society had no influence on the Nazis? Or that it wasn't based on Kabbalah?

Corpse_washer ago


goatsandbros ago

It seemed fishy how quickly everyone jumped on this fag.

Corpse_washer ago

Poor bitch