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draaaak ago

I'm not making any suggestions about what people are supposed to do, I'm identifying suspicious behavior when I see it. It's been my experience that legit new and old goats don't behave this way. When users do act this way, it usually appears they are trying to "poison the well", while also farm rep, voats, and plausible deniability, which works, until someone spots them, then they disappear.

A good example of this is u/ThisHasToFuckingStop, who deleted his account after 2 days because he was spotted and called out as a shill. His CCP was still positive, but his cover was blown, so he abandonned his account, and made a new one (not how legit goats behave). I talk about this user in this recent post in v/protectvoat. And I am beginning to suspect that OP may actually be this user.

SandHog ago

I think you are on point. u/Murdan and u/DeepSteak from your thread on pv stood out to me as well. A couple other suspicious accounts that I noticed today in this thread are u/Talpiot_Bot and u/cruckery.

draaaak ago

u/Talpiot_Bot caught my attention too.

That link goes to a Gizmodo article, I think may have copied the wrong url.

Thanks for the heads up. Now check this out. u/DeepSteak is now trying to get users name the Jew and dox themselves in public.

SandHog ago

Fixed the link.

Yeah, that's fucked up. I wonder if it's Little fans or maybe just typical lefty fags getting active since the the campaigns are just kicking off?

draaaak ago

u/Talpiot_Bot actually sounds a lot like the TrumpNPC faggot I hunted for a while. Here's my list of his alts. His attitude and comment structure is very similar, but it's hard to say for sure. This comment makes me second guess this though.

Talpiot_Bot ago

That’s a good point- we do have a similar cadence. Especially the space between points.

I can’t imagine we are the only two people who use that as a brief pause.

draaaak ago

It's not the only indicator, but I think you're probably someone else anyway.

Talpiot_Bot ago

We both make fun of orange man good- I can’t fault him for that. And whew I am relieved.

draaaak ago

Just pee your pants? How long you been holding it?

Talpiot_Bot ago

Why do you think that dude with 30 alts is JIDF if all he does is call out jews in like every comment?

You really think some Jew is sitting behind a key board blaming everything on his own people?

draaaak ago

Yup. Shills try to imitate those they wish to infiltrate so that they can "poison the well". They always over do it though, which is how they get caught. It's the "fellow white people" approach to shilling, but when adapted for use on voat, turns into "my fellow nigger haters", etc.