ZeZezinger ago

They're trash and subhuman, no rational society would choose to live alongside them.

maxoverdrive ago

Niggers are niggers. No matter what neighborhood they come from or what they've accomplished, they're sub-human half-breed trash who need to be either deported or shoved into the ovens kicking and screaming. They will never be the equal of whites, and it's time we treated these scumbags as they truly are: raping, torturing, thieving murdering animals in a vaguely human form. Until we recognize that they aren't truly human (and never will will) we'll be always bound by our "compassion" and *empathy" - which these sub-human swine don't deserve, ever.

NoKiddin ago

All your posts on here are things we all already know.

GishKnots ago

I've just never been able to talk about this stuff out loud before with other people

NoKiddin ago

I know the feeling... the world has become an awful place for normal people, where we aren't free to say anything anymore. Come to our sub, /v/niggers. :)

Aleste2 ago

Some are fine. I know some good hearted and intelligent black people. But the majority is a waste of oxygen.

GishKnots ago

I can agree with that

oneinchterror ago

That thing has more issues than albinism. Fuck.

Whitemail ago

Niggers seem to produce universally disliked behavior and are despised by all non-niggers that have experience with them and even some uncle tom negros that can't stand the destructiveness of their own kind.

Whitemail ago

You're not allowed to not like them. It's going to be illegal one day like it is in most of Western Europe.

GishKnots ago

You're probably right

boekanier ago

A few years ago, a black was a rarity, but now (I'm in a small west-european town) you see them more and more in the streets. At this rate we whites quickly become a minority. The Plan works.

Marku1 ago

i feel disguised when i smell them, i suppressed it for a long time, because shitlibs and their brainwashing...niggers stink

BlackManOnVoat ago

I don't like most black people either.

and that's ok.

Hell most other black people who don't act like idiots don't like black people.

I only get upset when I realized that we're a destroyed and broken community.

No, I don't blame white people for this, I mostly blame the overgrowth of government, the welfare state, and corrupt politicians, all in collusion with media and entertainment. Then there's the family court system

GishKnots ago

I shouldn't even say that I don't like black people, thats actually not true because the fact that they are black doesn't bother me whatsoever. It just seems that most (not all) black people have bad attitudes, have no respect for themselves or anyone else and are very lazy. Point being it's their attitude I hate not their skin color.

Jujubean ago

Have you tried them with Ketchup?

GishKnots ago

No but i will

IvoraP1ne ago

I don't like em cause growing up i had to fight them constantly. Fuck them if they don't like me well then i certainly don't like them

H8teraid ago

And that’s ok.

Blondie_Hitler_1 ago

Welcome Brother!

GishKnots ago


BumFightChamp ago

All the black people at the jobs I worked at were all super cool.

Keyword: working black people.

GishKnots ago

Aka exceptions to the rule

mrgreenjeans9 ago

there's not much to like.

ShitPostMcGee ago

Maybe if we bred the smart slaves together we wouldn't have these problems.

GishKnots ago

If there ever was such a thing

Cat-hax ago

I don't hate black people just niggers.

25Lighters ago

You can pay for school but you can't buy class.

lordvain2 ago

From what I understand, Asia agrees. Well we probably shouldn't kill em so just be careful around them.


For me its the disrespect. Black people have no concept of respect. Whether its disrespecting the environment by littering wherever they please, or disrespecting others with their loud, boisterous behavior in public; niggers just dont belong with us. They just fuck up what we are TRYING to build.

GishKnots ago

We've had them shit in our elevators

GishKnots ago

Yes exactly, and they do litter like crazy

SporadicX2 ago

I do not associate with niggers.

Artofchoke ago

That's fine. If you aren't actively fucking them over and making their lives more difficult, you're righteous.

GishKnots ago

I treat everyone good even those that I do not like

Apply_Filters ago

I've been treated badly by individuals of every race. And I've been treated fairly and generously by the majority of all races, too.

I must say that there are a LOT of younger blacks who fall for the "white man is bad" syndrome being shoved down ALL of our throats lately. And we all know that a LOT of young whites are also falling for this too.

Stop feeding the flames of division. Yes, you have had your negative experiences, as have we all.
And yes, you don't want anyone to forget that you just don't like black people.

I just have to say my share.
Some of the kindest, most generous and caring people I have ever met were black.

ZeZezinger ago

Look at this shill... Are we supposed to ignore the 20 IQ gap and all the criminality just because you had positive experiences with them?

Apply_Filters ago

Did I say that?
If we are going to put words in each other's mouths...
Are you actually suggesting that ALL white people are geniuses or that there are no white criminals in prison at this moment?

I'm not asking anyone to "ignore" anything, but only to think bigger, and deeper.

ZeZezinger ago

You said:

Stop feeding the flames of division.

As if there's other solution than divison.

Apply_Filters ago

The only solution is division? Interesting.

I'm a shill?
I hardly post. I would imagine a shill account would be advocating particular points of view far more actively than I.

GishKnots ago

I'm just speaking about my experiences and I have every right to do so. I also happen to be right

Apply_Filters ago

"I'm just speaking about my experiences and I have every right to do so."

I know, I said as much, if you read my post.

And I am just as right as you, perhaps far more so, since I am not clouded with hate nor do I have a divisive agenda.

GishKnots ago

Im more righter than you

Apply_Filters ago



I think its interesting that no matter what the career is everybody has a story about how niggers make their job a huge pain in the ass. Even a garbage man I know has nigger stories. He says he can always tell its a nigger house because they refuse to use trash bags.

I hate niggers because they are niggers

Alphaqwrong ago

I grew up on a small island with one black family. Every knew them, they were like celebrities. Nicest family I ever met, tbh.

GishKnots ago

Just remember it's the exception that makes the rule

hillaryisabitch ago

I've been around blacks in situations I had no control. My parents had me go to inner city schools in the third worst school district in my state. I have seen the human side in some black people, I've seen blacks that were white in every way. I've dated a black girl when I was 18 for a year, she was the whitest black girl I've ever known.

That said, now that I'm older, I've realized that all the black people I was using to justify "not all black people" was because they were mix breed. A lot of American blacks have European blood in them, with European temperament and intelligence. These good blacks were good because they were mixed. Usually within two generations the children of these mixed blacks end up with the temperament and low IQ problems that plague full blooded blacks.

GishKnots ago

And one thing I think you'll notice is that most of the "good" blacks recognize the problems within the black culture and dislike most other black people. I dated a white black chick once too!

draaaak ago

I'm not making any suggestions about what people are supposed to do, I'm identifying suspicious behavior when I see it. It's been my experience that legit new and old goats don't behave this way. When users do act this way, it usually appears they are trying to "poison the well", while also farm rep, voats, and plausible deniability, which works, until someone spots them, then they disappear.

A good example of this is u/ThisHasToFuckingStop, who deleted his account after 2 days because he was spotted and called out as a shill. His CCP was still positive, but his cover was blown, so he abandonned his account, and made a new one (not how legit goats behave). I talk about this user in this recent post in v/protectvoat. And I am beginning to suspect that OP may actually be this user.

SandHog ago

I think you are on point. u/Murdan and u/DeepSteak from your thread on pv stood out to me as well. A couple other suspicious accounts that I noticed today in this thread are u/Talpiot_Bot and u/cruckery.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @draaaak.

Posted automatically (#25026) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

cruckery ago

Interesting - other than being a new account, what was suspicious about my comments? Did you watch any of the videos I linked? I doubt any JIDFers would be posting them lol. Maybe if the Muslims have formed an equivalent.

draaaak ago

u/Talpiot_Bot caught my attention too.

That link goes to a Gizmodo article, I think may have copied the wrong url.

Thanks for the heads up. Now check this out. u/DeepSteak is now trying to get users name the Jew and dox themselves in public.

SandHog ago

Fixed the link.

Yeah, that's fucked up. I wonder if it's Little fans or maybe just typical lefty fags getting active since the the campaigns are just kicking off?

draaaak ago

u/Talpiot_Bot actually sounds a lot like the TrumpNPC faggot I hunted for a while. Here's my list of his alts. His attitude and comment structure is very similar, but it's hard to say for sure. This comment makes me second guess this though.

Talpiot_Bot ago

That’s a good point- we do have a similar cadence. Especially the space between points.

I can’t imagine we are the only two people who use that as a brief pause.

draaaak ago

It's not the only indicator, but I think you're probably someone else anyway.

Talpiot_Bot ago

We both make fun of orange man good- I can’t fault him for that. And whew I am relieved.

draaaak ago

Just pee your pants? How long you been holding it?

Talpiot_Bot ago

Why do you think that dude with 30 alts is JIDF if all he does is call out jews in like every comment?

You really think some Jew is sitting behind a key board blaming everything on his own people?

draaaak ago

Yup. Shills try to imitate those they wish to infiltrate so that they can "poison the well". They always over do it though, which is how they get caught. It's the "fellow white people" approach to shilling, but when adapted for use on voat, turns into "my fellow nigger haters", etc.

Talpiot_Bot ago

Somebody call the voat police- this guy has a suspicion.

SandHog ago

You smell funny.

Talpiot_Bot ago

Lol ok man. FYI your link doesn’t lead to anything I’m involved in, are you sure the link is correct?

SandHog ago

Lol godamnit. Fixed, thanks. You guys are both new and posting all over that obvious propaganda thread. That's why I say you smell funny.

Talpiot_Bot ago

Talking about how a president is financed by and surrounded by Jews is not propaganda

SandHog ago

Nope. It's not. That meme is though.

Talpiot_Bot ago


SandHog ago

Go read the articles I dropped the links in that thread. The meme took the facts out of context and spun it into an attack. That user has a reputation for doing such things.

memememema ago

The thing I will be honest about. When i see a black guy. There are two responses.

They either have the civ building gene or they don't. The reaction both physically and socially is fucking amazing. Like I smile at them immediately when they have the gene and pretend smile when they don't.

vastrightwing ago

It's ok to hate. I can't control your emotions. As long as your actions are within the law, like/dislike, love/hate anyone you please.

GishKnots ago

I dont hurt anyone and i treat all people good

Helpanda ago

Your observations and sentiments are typical. You are not alone.

StudSupreme ago

African blacks can be very, very cool. Caribbean blacks as well, although less than the African ones.

Nadeshda ago


Thrus2 ago

You don't willingly fight a battle starting out surrounded, you fight a battle with allies around you and with the enemy in front of you and a path of retreat available.

Tallest_Skil ago

There is no path of retreat. You have no allies. Running away solves nothing.

Base311 ago

Why are you against white communities sticking together?

Tallest_Skil ago

Why are you against reading posts before replying to them?

Base311 ago

"You have no allies.". That's D&C shill tactics and you still didn't answer question.

Tallest_Skil ago

There is no path of retreat. There is nowhere to retreat to. There are no allies. Whites won’t even fight for each other; who do you expect will fight with us, and why would they do that. Running away solves nothing. Go Balkanize somewhere else.

Base311 ago

Ok thanks for answering. It depends on what your ultimate goal is. To me, I see no point in staying in an area where you are the only white person when you have an option of moving to a whiter area.

trevmon ago

everyone upvote me so i can downvote comments on this cucked site

GishKnots ago

Ok here you go

Nadeshda ago

Down votes are earned, you have earned one! Well done!

trevmon ago

give another like a good little bitch

Nadeshda ago

No u!

Beorn ago

Black women will not look me in the eye. I am a 6ft+ straight white male with a large beard. They hate me. I will never order food from one, for starters. I would never let one babysit my kids.

GishKnots ago

Hell no

trevmon ago

most white people are terrible. but ALLL black people are

GishKnots ago

I can agree with that.

modsrcuntz ago

Welcome to the club

MasonxMace ago

A lot of them grew up with a chip on their shoulder because their grandparents would hammer into them how evil the white people are and how you should never trust them.

GishKnots ago

That's probably why they're all racist too

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

Something is a little off with this post and the commentors...

GishKnots ago

Why? Truth hurts?

coucou ago

You are free to dislike some people. I also don't like people who behave badly. I wouldn't mind living in a world where all people are nice and like-able! Paradise on earth!

draaaak ago

The only thing OP knows how to do is be a shill.

draaaak ago

Please read my edit.

Vaginal_Sandstorm ago

Say it with me, faggot....


otherwise, you are preaching to the choir...

GishKnots ago

Fucking filthy disgusting niggers. I'm definitely not afraid to say it I just don't overuse it because that takes away its power

HollaKost ago

Most are niggers, so it's ok to dislike them. There are a few that are ok and don't act niggarish.

GishKnots ago

And the ones that are okay don't like black people either.

Doglegwarrior ago

I played junior college basketball then division 2 basketball i have been around the worst and best of thr black spectrum of people. Literaly the biggest thing is if their dad stuck around black dudes that have a strong father figure are usualy ok. Shaquell oneal is a good example his step father was strict and helped him be more of a normal person. Just my two cents but from real world experience there are some good normal black dudes. Especialy if you go in the south and in the country small town blacks that work on farms or with animals are closer to white republicans then most white people if you thinknof all the faggot lefty liberals..

You would much rather go to a country black bar b q then go to a new york liberal party 100 percent. You will drink beer, talk guns, be christians, talk sports, talk hunting.

If you went to a 5th avenue new york party you would be surronded by faggots kikes linerals and in general self hating whitez and JEWS! Disgusting

GishKnots ago

There's definitely some good ones but they're the exception to the rule generally speaking.

Doglegwarrior ago

I honestly dont think it is as bad as the internet would have you think. That being said i was a teacher in houston the bad areas are much much worse then people are led to believe so it goes both ways. Driving through the wards of houston at 2 pm is an eye opening experience.

melissastricklin ago


con77 ago

sick of their shit

un1ty ago

I think all races can come together in unity to hate on obnoxiously loud and fat black women.

GishKnots ago


whysosensitive ago

Most of these accounts are new.

peacegnome ago

they are tribal, and look after "their people" first. I am actually curious where the child of a coal-burner's allegiances lie; would they actually side with the white mother, or would they throw them under the bus for being white.

They are also (((told))) that they should hate non-black people, and that it is acceptable for them to mistreat and take advantage of them. They just need to be put in their place, remove quotas (especially tax funded ones) ; and any policies that treat people based on their race/background.

TheFritoBandito ago

I think Chris Rock summed this up nicely in the past...

"I love black people, but I sure hate niggers"

Chris Rock - Black People VS. Niggaz (Bring the Pain 1996)

Joe_McCarthy ago

Was in a restaurant last night. Lots of Mexicans around speaking Spanish - but speaking in normal volume. Nigger walks in and starts yelling at the hired help. And by yelling I don't mean he was abusing them. He was just loud. Niggers are LOUD. They annoy by talking loudly. I've never lived around large numbers of them but my understanding is that living in a black neighborhood is noisy. Going to court in a black area is noisy. Lots of LOUD niggers talking in the halls.

So though I don't like their skin color there is more to dislike about them than their skit colored skin.

whysosensitive ago

You're likely controlled opposition.

lerker ago

shut up nigger

whysosensitive ago

Get fucked

lerker ago

no thank you nigger

whysosensitive ago

Lol I'll bet I'm more white than you are faggot

vladtep ago

Only when we reach pure skin hate can we save ourselves as a race.

Make this your goal.

If you see a black man unfairly accused, just smile and say "yeah, I think he did it".

Because that's what they do to us.

Being racist for "reasons..." just doesn't fucking cut the mustard.

vladtep ago

I don't like the skin color either and I don't find the need to become a race of mongrels because some yid decided either.

Bobbiesdammit ago

Yup. They feel like their better than you and God forbid they have a higher up position since they'll send all their work your way. Did industrial cleaning while I was in hs and my friends father was our boss. He worked with us and shared the load and was reasonable about breaks. He left and nigger took his position and would bitch and moaned while being gone 7 out of the 8 hours. When the big boss showed up he'd say he did it all. Needless to say I never worked with him again.

Blehblehbleh73 ago

I struggle with this too. I used to be full blown libtard, black people had it the hardest and bullshit like that. I start to work with different races and realize the stereotypes are true. Eventually I get HERE and now it takes reminding that there are a few good black people, but like you say it's not many. Can't even talk about this shit outside of the Voat bubble, not really. People are too "tolerant".

1Sorry_SOB ago

Americans have been propagandized since birth to be tolerant of Africans.

Othmar_Regin ago

I got nothing (generaly) speaking against Asians or Native people but shit-skins disgust my sensibilities

vladtep ago

I do, they constantly work against us.

But I believe that asians should be asked politely to leave.

The injuns...they've done enough.

Itsdone63 ago

I've said many times the skin argument is a red herring designed to make "racists" seem like ignorant morons. If blacks acted 100% like whites but the only difference was skin pigmentation and no other genetic differences, then yes being racist would be foolish but life is not so simple and this red herring has been successfully put into the prominent position of why people are "racist".

Letting them get away with saying it has anything to do with color was a mistake. MLK was a dumb mother fucker, I've never judged you by your skin until I saw the content of your people's character.

whysosensitive ago

That's why a lot of the accounts are new. I agree with you 100%.

1Sorry_SOB ago

As trite as this sounds, How do you tell the good ones from the bad ones?

1Sorry_SOB ago

I don't blame black people for being the way they are. I've enjoyed the company of many black adults. We're just different. I no longer believe we can bridge the gap and get along.

drstrangegov ago

What you have a problem with is thug culture. I can relate.

kammmmak ago

The black part just helps to identify the usual.

draaaak ago

2 day old account, farming voats, rep, and plausable deniability by preaching to the choir about niggers... hmmm.... familiar strategy...

YoHomie ago

He's posting something that's getting some replies, he's responding to people and engaging other's replies... What the fuck do you want? Is he supposed to suck your dick for upvoats?

draaaak ago

It's ok, you don't understand the strategy.

BlackManOnVoat ago

Shills hide in plain sight.

I've been saying this for a while.

Yes there are racists, but seriously, a LOT of the "racists" here are shills, pretty much libtards who say what they "THINK" racists say and act. At first it's hard to see becuase the rhetoric is shocking, but after a while you see certain things, and it becomes clear.

It's in the shill's BEST INTEREST that Voat be "filled" with "racism" a lot of people seem to forget how hard they tried to take voat down (maybe they even successfully got Atko to leave but that's my tin foil hat theory for the day) in it's early days

"if you can't beat em' join em'" "The best way to stop a revolution is to take control of it" things along these lines.

What should be done though?

Nothing. Yes, Nothing.

People will need to INDIVIDUALLY figure this out for themselves. Then decide what they really want to pay attention to.

They'll have to ask themselves what happens if you go along a certain path of thought long enough. Am I saying to hold hands with black folks and sing songs and skip in the rain? no. The Black Community has been poisoned, and the poisoners are using that poison as a weapon.

Look. The shill companies are NOT stupid. In fact they are VERY smart. You can BET that they will take every angle possible and abuse the hell out of it. It's up to each individual to spot people spouting bullshit and watch out for it in the future to make sure it doesn't influence you, that's all you can do.

Blittzzo ago

How is he a shill? I agree with everything he says and its not like they're coming on too strong or overdoing it.

draaaak ago

You are exactly the person he is attempting to take advantage of.

Nadeshda ago

Maybe they got paid, maybe they are shilling, but now we have their number ;)

NosebergShekelman ago

My wife's boyfriend will not be happy to hear about this.

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

Oy vey noseberg what are you doing we have to keep the chosen's blood pure!

ExpertShitposter ago

oyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy veyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy oyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy veyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy oyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy veyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy oyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy veyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy oyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy veyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy oyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy veyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy oyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy veyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

NosebergShekelman ago

I dating a shiksa right now. If I were dating a jewess woman I would not do this.

TheTrigger ago

What, you got something against free goyim fetuses? Wait until the rabbi hears about this!

WesternCarnival ago


ThoughtTheDragon ago

One thing I do like about them though is their tendency to rebel against pantywaist orthodoxy, to rage against the machine. They'd make good allies against the joos.

Crisco_McFlow ago

I used to believe in equality between the races until I was almost mugged by a group of niglets and spics. I say almost because I had to fight them off with my knife. That's when I woke up and started paying attention. They should've killed me, when the race war comes I will cleanse my community with a smile on my face.

AbjectSubstance ago

That's when I woke up

Seems like you were pretty racist if you were dreaming about being mugged by such a diverse group.

DurkaMuhammadJihad ago

I don't have anything against the African race. I also don't have anything against rattlesnakes. With both groups, I just don't want to be around them and can't risk my family being hurt by them. I know there are decent black people that aren't niggers, Just not that likely. Just like there are docile rattlesnakes that won't hurt anyone. I'm not going to go around picking up snakes, or leaving them in my daughter's crib, hoping to find that "good one."

Move to a white dominated area and your life will be so much happier. You can forget about black people and their arrogant aggression.

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

Generally, harmful snakes and harmless snakes can be distinguished by color.

lerker ago

Move to a white area and deal with all that crime? lol

AbjectSubstance ago

Fiiiiine move to a yellow area and have 0 crime.

jollux ago

zero reported crime**

MNisLOST ago

I know there are decent black people that aren't niggers

Very true. Not all blacks are niggers. But the problem is, all blacks will create niggers, given enough time. I always point to studies that show black children raised by wealthy black parents are less likely to be successful than white children raised by poor parents, or that black children raised by college-educated black parents are less intelligent than black children raised by high school-educated white parents.

The problem is greater than skin deep.

AbjectSubstance ago

The problem is greater than skin deep.

THe WhItEs DiScrImINAtEd AgAInSt blACkS BeCAuSe THeY Had DifFErENt SkIN.

jthun2 ago

yes, which is the problem with people who say 'we will only take women and children as refugees'. Those women and children will eventually turn out a population of violent savages.

Splooge ago

But the problem is, all blacks will create niggers, given enough time.

Wow. Right on the money. Well done.

dontmindthemess ago

I’ve said it before. Black people hate niggers too.

DurkaMuhammadJihad ago

The problem is greater than skin deep

Absolutely. What can you expect from a group that didn't evolve to form civilizations. This isn't an insult either, just an observation. Almost an excuse actually. Like it's sort of not their fault that they can't function well in civilized societies. They are genetically adapted to something completely different.

gentronseven ago

Almost like some animals are adapted for life on the savanna or in the jungle and humans are adapted to live in cities.

Yeah, animals will still live in cities if they are given free food and housing, but they can't get those things without human intervention.

TheTrigger ago

Skunks, raccoons, birds, squirrels and rabbits would probably beg to differ. But I get your point.

gentronseven ago

All of those animals except birds also can live in the city thanks to good ol' whitey and his organized trash cans and curated lawns.

Raccoons probably do thrive in ghettos, though, since niggers don't pickup their trash

Legalize-Murder ago

Nobody is racist soley because of skin color, that's the dumbest meme of the ages.

22trilionAsecond ago

Same with the prejudice meme.

Blacks are judge based on their actions. Those who do not live with blacks have not issue with them. Those who live with blacks can see the need for segregation and how damaging it would be to allow blacks citizenship.

The white who lived in south Africa were the first to see the truth yet the rest of the white world could did not believe their claims of how savage the blacks were. Then it was the americans in the south or the USA who got to live along side blacks. They say how harmfully it would be to allow them into the USA. But the whites in the north of the USA saw no issue with blacks.

Now we have people raised on years race mixing propaganda.

ExpertShitposter ago

Its not a simple meme. Its a deliberate plot to make racists look like they are dumb. And it works. I remember when i was a kid, i always thought how "americans are weird", they hate people "just because of the color of their skin". The plot works well on people who never saw a black person IRL, and had no access to free information in the per-interent days.

Biggerpotato ago

That's actually a hell of a statement and a critical point that no one pays attention to. Its not because someone is a particular color, its because of the things associated to that color.

Thrus2 ago

We build our biases about people based on their appearance and the actions of prior people that have similar appearances. Often this is based on how they dress and how they hold themselves. Skin color is a starting point yes but dress and stance break those groups down further. When a broad group is segmented there will always be subgroups that we will know not to interact with. The issue for blacks is that that subgroup to not interact with is a majority not minority. Forming these groups isn't a mater of any type of -ism or being an -ist it is a matter of life experience and basic survival instincts

Beorn ago

Exactly..I am not racist, I hate low IQ thugs of all colors.

25Lighters ago

I hate trashy people

Whiteflourguy ago

As somebody made a meme in the past, They want you to judge on their actions not skin color but get the same results

HST ago

Only black man I've interacted with in the recent past was the one who was shoveling the sidewalk of the local church after some snowfall.

Electrotitty ago

He was stealing snow out in front of a church in broad daylight? The nerve of these people

dontmindthemess ago

Lucky bastard... Not the black guy. You.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Ya, but they are pretty ugly aesthically though, skin color and build. And that is one, among many reasons, I don't want them within the white gene pool. But of course all the other stuff, besides their physical appearance, they are pretty much the shittiest group of people on this planet.

satisfyinghump ago

I am always confused when I see a disgusting street ape black woman claim shes beautiful and white men dont want to date her because they're scared.

Scared of catching some wild monkey disease, maybe...

OhRutherfordBehave ago

White men being attracted to black woman is one of the most unnatural things in the natural world.

jthun2 ago

"but they are pretty ugly aesthically though, skin color and build"

Totally disagree. Compare south african bantu with Jews or Tamils.

The bantu are tall, well proportioned, with good teeth. Orthodox Jews are weak, ugly, bucktoothed, twisted little creatures who look like a rat dropping.

If you think blacks are ugly, you haven't been to africa. Plenty of tall, well proportioned black ladies out there. They just happen to be low IQ and prone to having violent, lazy males.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Wrong they all look like apes. Regardless, they all look like a different species.

trevmon ago

their skin color looks good but yeah the facial features are very ape like, they are less evolved, closer to being apes still, hence why they are from africa. All humans did start in africa but the smart ones moved out as nomads looking for more lands t oconquer, dumb idiots stayed around and never invented wheels

Lynch_Tree ago

And don't forget about the stench!

TrueAmerican ago

Their genes are the best for athletic prowess.

HollaKost ago

I'm being 100% honest when I say they have a stench to them. Mostly noticeable in the women because of their hair. It's a foul and offensive odor.

Anam ago

Coconut oil and melanin.

haveanupgoat ago

The first time I experienced this was when I was a teenager. I was in the dressing room of a store at the mall, and they had those booths with the locking door, but you could see the feet of your neighbor under the wall. I'm in the middle of trying things on when the booth next to me becomes occupied. I can see that she's black. I didn't think anything of it, though, because at that point in my life I hadn't had much experience with them. (Yea, rural midwest, 15 years ago) As she's removing her pants (which I knew because I could see her feet), that's when it hits me. I've never smelled anything like it before...It was like unwashed genitalia and...nastiness. I couldn't believe someone would go around smelling like that. The smell actually hung around for a while after she'd left. :(

It was so bad...now I wonder if she had a VD. I was out shopping with my friend who'd grown up in the suburbs of Chicago, and told her what happened after I'd finished in the dressing room and she was just like, "Yuuuup."

HollaKost ago

Eww! That's just nasty! I once worked with one. Nice enough girl, but she was dirty and stinky. One day she had a small blood dot on her pants from her period. I felt bad for her. The next day. Same pair of pants, same blood dot! I didn't feel bad for her anymore, it was disgusting.

haveanupgoat ago

Yeah, there really is no excuse for it. I did know a black lady and her half-black, half-white daughter growing up. They basically said they can't wash their hair as much because it becomes too brittle as they already produce little oil in their hair. But they could always take a bath! There are shower caps! There's perfume! There's no reason not to clean yourself.

satisfyinghump ago

The poor innocent asians are covering up their noses around them.

HollaKost ago

Now it makes sense why they wear those masks!

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

I always thought it smelled like pepper with a huge waft of BO

TheTrigger ago

That's an incredibly apt description.

Beorn ago

Unless they are the ones who soak themselves in cheap perfume.

TheTrigger ago

Honestly, I prefer those, at this point. Have gotten really good at holding my breath in the elevator, either way.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Dont be so gorillaphobic! The concept of reality is just a social construct, goy.


Dollar_Thief ago

That's a good looking Aryan if I ever seen one!

satisfyinghump ago


The_Savvy ago

I try not to judge people based on appearance alone though, which is why you wind up meeting so many people who turn out to be genuinely great even if they are considered objectively not very good looking or not even white. The problem is when I apply that to most black people it has nothing to do with their looks, it's just their behaviour/ character that makes them shitty.

ThinkAboutIt1488 ago

I think this is true. People who are ugly have to make up for it in other ways, this usually means they have better personalities or special skills that others don't.

Legalize-Murder ago

You're right, there is definitely a physical disgust upon seeing them.

flashrucker ago

Since coming to Voat I've been doing a lot of self reflecting on race. I've never been inherently racist. I even remember as a kid I just always said I don't like trash. You can find it in every race. However, what happenes when an overwhelming percentage of certain races are trash? I can't just turn my head to the facts. I too wish it wasn't this way. But cannot deny the truth.

AbjectSubstance ago

I remember as a kid I hated blacks and asked my dad why we don't just ship them off on a boat and live without them. I was smarter then.

Trousersnake1488 ago

I studied evo bio in undergrad, it is crazy the upside and loops people do to pretend race doesnt matter as a factor.

I wish the contrasts weren't as severe as they are but they are.

Base311 ago

Exactly. It's ok to discuss intelligence gaps in dog breeds or any other animals but not humans. The excuse used is that it's a "complex" topic and race is a "social construct".

oneinchterror ago

The truth is that race as we define it is a social construct. But that doesn't mean that it isn't also real and biologically valid/significant. That's what people seem to not be able to wrap their heads around.

Karbuster ago

Same, i feel that its not just a blanket "all black people are niggers" feeling. Because i have met and respected quite a few in my life, just as i have dealt with plenty of wiggers

Atomized_Individual ago

You can shame wiggers out of their niggery though

vladtep ago

We didn't have wiggers in the 1950s.

Stop as ask yourself why wiggers exist in the first place.

Trying to be relevant to white girls.

BlackManOnVoat ago

Ask yourself why wiggers exist in the first place.

No, actually don't do that, then you'd have to ask yourself why most blacks act against society.

The real answers to those questions are hard to face. As there is a realization that what happened to black can happen to anyone. (and certain parties are trying to make it happen to EVERYONE)

vladtep ago

They're congenital assholes.

Some whites act like wiggers because they think that is what is expected of them.

Most blacks are completely useless and always have been. Africa is the smoking gun, we have the evidence.

flashrucker ago

If one was to make it a blanket statement that would be ignorant. Everything should come down to merit. Unfortunately niggers don't seem to have much merit. Stereotypes exist for a reason

1Sorry_SOB ago

They probably feel the same about us. (Except for our women)

GishKnots ago

Exactly, sometimes we don't like the realities we are faced with but they are the realities nonetheless and it is unwise to pretend otherwise.

puggy ago

Please provide some examples from your experience.

GishKnots ago

Im going to post some later. I keep a work journal and have quite a few stories of instances where I've had major problems with black residence at the upscale apartment buildings I work at. Stuff like them shitting in the elevator not realizing that there's cameras in there.

DeltaBravoTango ago


GishKnots ago

I use voice to text

beece ago

Lets see some videos of that.