SearchVoatBot ago

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think- ago

We also knew that the arsonist who allegedly set fire to a curtain at Comet Ping Pong must be an actor - and now it turned out he was.

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall

draaaak ago

Obvious shill posting a PDF link... yeah, not clicking that shit.

ThisHasToFuckingStop ago

Same old shills, same old techniques. Censorship through fear mongering. Either that or you're too stupid to know how to open the most widely used document format around. Too stupid to know that pdf viruses are exceedingly rare, and I would much easier exploit your system and access your Loli porn by XSS your ass.

The cries of 'newbro' and 'pdf virus' are tired tropes by those who remain willfully ignorant and want others to do the same.

I have been sharing this link on voat for a year now. Do you think if there was a virus in it that nobody would have flagged it or reported it?

This scaremongering shit is lowbrow and evidence that you are dangerously stupid.

This has to fucking stop.

draaaak ago

Shut up kike, nobody cares.

BentAxel ago

Throwaway account? Can't remember usernames? My first thought to this.

ThisHasToFuckingStop ago

Most of my accounts quickly become stalked by bots. Censorship by external forces engaging in routine and organized forum sliding is common on here. I have a list of triggers they don't like.

This has to Fucking Stop

BentAxel ago

Yeah, 3.2 years here. No need to create any other accounts. So, what else ya got?

draaaak ago

Tough being a faggot kike shill, isn't it?

PoundSign_999 ago

Yeah we can smell lies better than anyone. Since it doesn't get us as anywhere, maybe we should just enjoy the ride without trying to drive from the backseat like everyone else in this country.

I'm not advocating complacency. I'm advocating for mirth.

Gorillion ago

True, but didn't Putt change the guts of Voat recently, resulting in older accounts not being re-accessible unless you attached an email addy for password retrieval?

I got around it using the change-password pathway, but it was literally only a few days between the announcement/warning and him actually doing it. As much as I like Voat, I ain't giving them an email for "password recovery" purposes. And like many older Voaters I'd long since lost my log in details.

Very easy for OP to be someone who missed this and ended up having to make a new account.
That said, his submissions follow a certain template/shtick all ending with "This Has to Fucking Stop".
A bit suspicious, even though the text references current happenings, rather than the broad brushstrokes shit you might expect from a fake "woke" right winger or AI.

OP, who were you in a previous incarnation?

rkfs ago

I'm fairly certain I don't have a email connected nor changed password and I can still log in and use my account. When did this happen and how the fuck did I manage to miss it completely?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

See, you remember your password instead of relying on auto-fill.

rkfs ago

Ah right, yeah, I don't trust autofill whatsoever. So it was only autofill being removed for log ins I take it then.

I guess I read it and never bothered to care in that case.

Gorillion ago

Well, I think CNN knew these things were cons long before we did, since they were likely in on the Think Tank meetings that dreamed them up.

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

This. Don't kid yourselves otherwise. CNN sells bullshit

hans_wormhat ago

His post is nothing but the Voat version of Virtue Signalling.

Now, before anyone gets all "member for 8 hours" on me, I'll have you know I've been here since the Pao incident! Does anyone else here le BTFO the degenerates? We're so baste and redpilled.

con77 ago

2 weeks

Whiteflourguy ago

Not sure if they are Trolls but we sure have had a couple Nigger Lovers and that shit is not right. ALL NIGGERS SHOULD DIE

BoraxTheFungarian ago

You know what I think? CNN did know...

doginventer ago


kneo24 ago

This looks like OP delivered and isn't a faggot.

doginventer ago

It was bound to happen sooner or later :p

Shekelsteinblatt ago

Kamala Harris (pres candidate who will win according to Ann Coulter) sponsored/created a bill for "Anti-Lynching" and a few days later, this guy, who appeared at her announcement ceremony came up with this false-flag. This is the real story, she hangs out with some bad hombres.

Norm85 ago

There is a difference between knowing and admitting. CNN almost certainly knew that the Smollet story was fake from the start, but ran with it for as long as they could get away with.

draaaak ago

This feels like another GibzMeDat account.

sguevar ago

Seems relevant to the warning I did here about @Murdan.

CowWithBeef ago

We knew it was bullshit months before Trump got elected. We knew it was Seth Rich who leaked Podesta's emails, and we knew Israel had vastly more influence on the election.

kneo24 ago

I have yet to see anyone not be a faggot in regards to this.

Der_Untergang ago

I won't be. I deleted multiple accounts over the years. I've though about burning this one too until i realized you can only read comment history so far. You can only go back so many pages from the front page too.

8H9E20R12O5S19 ago

Many have been here and changed accounts because of the JDIF downvoating brigade. Seems like a stupid thing to lie about maybe OP has had multiple accounts.

Terminally_Confused ago

Just a note to the newcomers who just arrived here.

Oh jesus you guys have been saying that for years, you're not special because you liked it before it was cool, shave your fuckin neckbeard and take off the suspenders.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Said the member for 15 hours...

B-------D ago

I remember Voat back in the day when I first came here after being banned on Reddit for saying nigger. Those were the days. You would be like WOW 8 UPGOATS! thats HUGE! ha ha. Then The Great Ellen Pao migration happened and everything changed. Now there were goats and faggots and nigger faggots and kikes (where there are niggers there are kikes) and fucking hell it was crazy then they all turned tail and left. Then it was all Fat People Hate. For like a year man that was the front page of Voat. Making fun of fatties. Then Trump declared and shit got wild again. Fatties were not completely safe but they were not the target. Then they came... and came and CAME! Reddit and general censorship just smashed into Voat and it was like this endless job of saying "Nigger" and then beating the shit out of anyone who was pissed off. Then explaining to them what FREE SPEECH is when they show up from reddit after their board was banned and and try to ... get this... Ban speech and get boards banned from the site!!!! No one even cares about fattys any more. That was a luxury worry Hell, now we are fighting for our lives! Fattys welcome! Ha ha Then comes Q and shortly thereafter Great Awakening and QRV. Then Moar bans on Reddit. What a fucking mess. Welcome newfags and please understand that this is a Free Speech board and your fucking feelings are my door mat and I like to piss out that front door when I am drunk. Expect me to piss on your feelings here... on Voat, one of the last places on earth where I still can.

-The history of Voat by a guy who's name looks like a penis.

MrPim ago

This looks pretty accurate to me.

CameraCode ago

Shill until proven guilty. OP is a nigger faggot.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Qew ain't got nuthin on us! Nuthin!

Crensch ago

Truth. Needs verification.

xenoPsychologist ago

why cant voat just run the media and government?

Crensch ago

I like this idea. Flesh it out with which goats get which job descriptions.

xenoPsychologist ago

dont really know enough goats well enough to make such a call, but i bet a lot of us would do well in such positions.

Crensch ago

Maybe @kevdude or @Vindicator could, or know someone that could/would and make it entertaining.

xenoPsychologist ago

would make an interesting whole post in and of its self, i think.

B-------D ago

I will be the minister of Reproduction...

xenoPsychologist ago

well, thats just terrible.

B-------D ago

Yeah I wanted to make sure I got it ... all in there... See, there I go again.

xenoPsychologist ago

all you really needed was the tip.

B-------D ago

Very nice

Derpfroot ago

We should be on the government payroll to think logically for them. Because at this point, they need it. We all know many similar stories of the past and how they worked out. Knowing history can make it seem like you can predict the future because you've seen the story played out before.

B-------D ago

I like this. It would be great to be able to meme all day and still be able to buy food and such unlike now ha ha.

Osmanthus ago

Nah, I suspect we were conned, and are still being conned.

Not only is the Russian collusion story bullshit, its all bullshit, just a TV show and a bed-time story. What 'facts' can you actually confirm except from media reports? None! None at all!

It seems clear that they're all controlled opposition. The fights the politicians have are fake. The court cases are fake. For example, notice that Paul Manafort and Roger Stone have the same judge! Also Rick Gates and the 12 Russians accused of hacking the DNC. Fake judge, fake cases. Rosenstein was appointed by Trump, he and Mueller are both republicans from way back. Cohen, Trumps own lawyer.
Its not even like the Qanon people have been lead to believe, because the Clinton's and Bushes and Obama and Comey and Holder and the whole list of them are in it together. This is why nothing logical ever happens, like Mueller raiding the presidents lawyer's office and getting away with it! That was ludicrous!

They've got it all sewn up. And they play the people for rubes because we are rubes. Is there any other explanation for how it could be that the head of the WWE (fake wrestling) is in the presidental cabinet? They are master showmen making fake drama.

Here is a clip of Jesse Ventura spelling it out.

Der_Untergang ago

It's not just fake, it's fake and dangerous. Push too hard against the narrative and you'll get taken out. Be too good of a thinker and you'll get taken out. The world doesn't want free men.

B-------D ago

Dude... THEY LIVE. You gotta see it man. Torrent it for free dude its so worth it. Its a fucking documentary my man. You are ready.

midnightblue1335 ago

Its a fucking documentary my man.

I remember Roddy Piper or someone else from the movie saying exactly that on a panel at some convention.

fuckmyreddit ago

While I appreciate the work of taking apart lies, I doubt that wasting your time on a diversion like Smallut, or whatever his name is, is the best use of our time and bandwidth.

MrPim ago

No real time was wasted here though. It was pretty obvious just based on his reported story. W details like still wearing the noose and still carrying his sandwich when he got home. Honestly just the fact that he went out in sub zero weather to get a sub instead of using the room service at 2am or whenever is a huge red flag. No one spent any real time investigating, it fell apart for us.

racistbigot ago

if you couldn't tell the niggerkikefaggot's story was bullshit immediately, then your parents ignored the results of their prenatal down syndrome test.

sane ago

Voat is not controlled by the (((media))) with a corrupt agenda.

baneofretail ago

Voat is the hurt locker. Anything untrue is quickly disassembled and hoisted upon pikes for all to see. We force you to face uncomfortable truths to see the light.

I, myself, am uncomfortable facing that the power structure and type of socialism he put in place is a better form of government than what we've done in the us.

B-------D ago

Lets make this AKWARD...