TheFlameOfTruth ago

It has previously crossed my mind that Trump was a way to pacify an increasingly awakened conservative and patriotic half of the country. We were becoming too aware of who the real threat comes from and Trump kept the lid on, slowly releasing pressure. Seems more and more likely he's that distraction.

petevoat ago

Concernfagging at its best

JesusRules ago


NosebergShekelman ago

oy vey Trump folded and signed the bill, snuck in hundreds of millions more for israel, and the Qtards are still loyal hahahaha They are the best useful idiots us jews have ever seen!! Trump could unite with Pelodi and say yes to full amnesty and the Qoomers would applaud and say "its part of the plan 54D chess". hahahaha

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Mathematically impossible? Every permutation calculated and planned for?

Yeah okay if this is a mastermind plan brought to you by the Alpha Goy Military (AGM) it says a lot more about their capabilities than it does about the audience's. no wait its just 5D chess to get israel everything they need so that afterwards the normies wake up to the federal reserve we just gotta sink a little lower first. - Boomer prayers.

jollux ago

stickied on /v/ShitQtardsSay


Don't be to hard on them though, I can get the savior-archetype, its very nice to think that someone is taking care of all the dark shit out there and you don't have to worry or feel the terror of the situation.

jollux ago

They're not children, they need to stop acting like it.


I don't disagree, but... Honey/carrot instead of stick? :}

throwaway1498 ago

What an honor! WWG1WGA

jollux ago

wagawaga patriot

Murdan ago

LMAO, so much truth it hurts.

Anson ago

Did the Trump organization acquire the Q brand?

MrShekelstein ago


I wonder (((who))) this could be?

throwaway1498 ago

Haha, you're a dummy.

MrShekelstein ago

keep trying retard.

all shills go to jail along with their masters.

Murdan ago

You're accusing throwaway1498 of being a Jewish subversive when it is obvious the only subversive people around here are ones telling white people to do nothing, everything will be okay, as if there was trust.

Tranix ago



VandalayIndustries ago

Ya right?

Sessions was a good guy, he’s gonna busy this wide open, now I’m guessing Q is saying same about Barr.

It should be obvious to anyone but the most emotionally invested that Trump is surrounded not by patriots, who are watching out for him and us, that Trump is instead surrounded by traitors and scum, whispering in his ear to sign shit bills, and to advocate for swamp creatures to fill cabinet positions.

There is no peaceful way out.

All the judges, politicians, and government workers are not going to let what’s best for the average American get in the way of their plans to change the electorate so they will have an easier time fucking us over.

luvgabe ago

Hey, signing the appropriations bill is just Trump playing magic 4-D chess! eye roll


Nice gif PATRIOT.


smbnf ago

Is that what cnn taught you? Did they teach you anything about the budget reconciliation act when we hit the debt ceiling in 2 weeks and the appropriations are no longer relevant?

CrudOMatic ago

We're getting 55 miles of bollard fence. In two weeks, the Dems will drop that to 20 miles and no border patrol.

We got cucked hard. Time to start handing out redpills in person, because the savior ain't gonna save us.

TheSeer ago

It has been obvious since AT LEAST April 2018, and there were already serious doubts long before that. Saving Israel for last? I mean, who ever came up with that should get a cash prize and a prison sentence. Because either that was blatant disinformation, or it was complete treason.

SchwazaRifleCoffeeCo ago

I consider it a funny joke.

heroinwinsagain ago

Q's plan revealed

Samchay6 ago

Q predicted this...

TheUltimateQuakerII ago

Have you trusted the plan and prayed to (((Q))) today goyim?

Anson ago

Did the Trump organization acquire the Q brand??

TheTrigger ago

OH SHIT! OMGNO, I'M SO SORRY! I was too busy going where the one was!!!

Wheatstone ago

Want to deprogram your friends rather than "trust the plan" and wait for a saviour?

Teach them what narcissistic abuse and mind control is. Get them studying it and they will deprogram themselves.

Here is four pages to get them started!

This will disempower and expose the controlling psychopaths that are destroying our world. They will run for cover on their own if we do. So why wait for Q?