middle-path ago

I've always been the one thinking about throwing others down there.

Metanoiac ago

This is known as the Imp of the Perverse. See wiki here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Imp_of_the_Perverse

cantaloupe6 ago

That's probably similar to "the call of the void."

Not-Lesbian-i-Swear ago

Huh. Thought I was mentally ill or something. Didn't realize it was a common thing. Thanks for posting.

Phantom42 ago

Apparently thinking with a voice is rare though.

I do it, seems many actually don't. Strange.

Not-Lesbian-i-Swear ago

Sometimes I even have two voices conversing/arguing. I once told a couple gals at school and they laughed and thought I was crazy. It's not crazy or delusional in my opinion, though.

In this case, I guess we're talking about something one level up - the type of voice or what the voice is saying to do. Now that, that does seem crazy, as well as unhealthy and wrong to me, but people's explanations of how exploring unwanted situations fosters repulsion makes sense.

selpai ago

The prevalent theory is that your mind intermittently generates a hypothetical scenario, and triggers a sensation of revulsion so that you know not to do that. Kind of like a psychological reinforcement against self destructive actions. Pregnant and postpartum women often experience this and are ill prepared for the dissonance. They think something's wrong with them, but it's natural and very common.

SquarebobSpongebutt ago

I remember experiencing this when i was first learning to drive.

The old, just ease over into oncoming traffic feeling will make you pay attention real quick like.

selpai ago


robabo ago

kind of normal if you think your cucked

Dougal_McHaggis ago

Methamphetamine plant medicine completely cures unwanted thoughts.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Dude.. it's babies.. They make everyone want to kill them. And then they make you all goo goo in love with them and then you want to kill them again. Their fucking con artists.

notanexit ago

They're little jews. Take, take, take but will then make a funny movie and you forget about it for a second.

SquarebobSpongebutt ago

One of the beautiful things of having sibling a generation behind you (seriously I have a sister almost 20 years younger than me and just like 5 years older than my youngest) is that you get to enjoy the babies and send them home when you start having hte "kill it with fire" thoughts. Kind of like grandkids but at a younger age.

cantaloupe6 ago

Ah dude you got the babies...

KimBellend ago

I have a trick that usually works for these, especially when they are memories. I just imagine spraying over the top of them with a can of white spray paint so then I can't see them any more. If the thought tries to come up again, I just give it a bit more spray where it is showing through the old coat of paint.

Actually works.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

I imagine myself on the bank of a river. Thoughts are leaves which pass by. Sometimes I find myself drowning in the river with leaves all around me. I remember where I am and I swim back to the bank of the river.

If I want to examine a leaf, I must first fish it from the river. If I go in the river, I always float away from where want to be. Sometimes I just let the leaves dry on the river bank.

Sometimes I step in the river and float.

crazy_eyes ago


nomadriders ago

Just think that your airline pilot is probably having these thoughts too.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

One of many reasons I'm not getting in a plane unless I'm the pilot.

copper_spartan ago

Maybe that's what happened with this guy.

nomadriders ago

Pretty much what made me think of it.

TheSeer ago

Have you found God?

SuddenImpact ago

I read a book on intrusive thoughts once that gave an example of a pastor who had to leave the church because every time he said the name "Jesus Christ" in the pulpit he would think in his head "sucked my dick last night."

crazy_eyes ago

Thats funny, did he ever slip up and say it outloud?

SuddenImpact ago

The book never said if he did, but I myself have that fear with the word "nigger"...

crazy_eyes ago

I say nigger freely now a days, 4+ years on this website will make that seem normal. It is normal. Some reactions I get are outrageous though, people are nuts

SuddenImpact ago

I'd like to be able to say it freely as well, but my environment puts some pretty stiff penalties on that. If you don't mind me asking, what's you environment that you can say it so freely? One where open carry is legal LOL?

crazy_eyes ago

Just in social circles when im with my friends

SuddenImpact ago

Cool. Good on you for showing them that's okay (and maybe nudging them toward the truth a little...).

crazy_eyes ago

Yeah, I agree, some of them are not internet users and get all of their news from over the air TV, they freak out the most

SuddenImpact ago

get all of their news from over the air TV

Damn I bet they do freak out!

crazy_eyes ago

You wouldnt believe. They hate Trump and they think im batshit crazy

SuddenImpact ago

I read a book on intrusive thoughts a while ago. The author said the cure is not to give them any emotion. Don't get upset about having them. Just let the thought pass through an go its own way.

The more you give a thought emotion, the more it lingers, so getting upset over some intrusive thought will just make it worse. I found this to be true.

Doglegwarrior ago

In islamic communities i can see a guy with a bottle of acid and going through these thoughts then at the end smashing the goass vile of acid into his girlfriends face then saying allah ackabar! And smiling.

middle-path ago

So like Britbongistan then?

MetalAegis ago

I think it's pretty sick minded to entertain intrusive thoughts to their ultimate conclusions. When I sense an intrusive thought welling within I shout with my inner monologue "NO!..." ...and move on.

Apply_Filters ago

Yeah, I'd say a problem with intrusive thoughts is the result of not cultivating self control and mental discipline. The two very things that a liberal world knows jack shit about.

SquarebobSpongebutt ago

There are two ways to defeat them. One is the method above. The other is to allow them to complete them on your terms then dismiss them. The real sign of mental issues is when you can't control what they do at all and continue to have them pop up out of nowhere and finish even if you try to stop them.

Apply_Filters ago

I would propose that having self control and mental discpline in this sense, requires or assumes that one has a well developed ability to quickly judge a random thought to be a waste of time or "counter-productive". Then you dismiss the thought and move on.
(It's very simple in theory yet it requires more than a little attention, time and effort to develop.)
But once on the road to building this ability, life becomes easier and more productive.

You end up having a lot more time to focus on getting good things in your life accomplished, both inside and outside.

DeepSteak ago

This is actually a form of neuroticism stemming from introspection, which is good. When you obsessively focus on what thoughts are "wrong think" it causes the mind to generate them.

Getting pleasure from thoughts can cause them to be generated, as can being repulsed by them.

25Lighters ago

In with the good Out with the bad

Redcobra ago

I definitely agree it’s the thoughts we act on that count!! Every body (even gnashing I’m sure) has some pretty fucked up shit float around from time to time.ive heard (I forget where) something along these lines before but the comic rendition simplified the concept. Well fucking done.

Adminstrater ago

It's good to be able to say your thoughts too. Nothing bad comes from talking. Bad comes from bad actions.

thantik ago

Nothing bad comes from talking.

Sorry. No. This is why we have the 5th amendment.

Phantom42 ago

And, soon, mandatory execution for Marxists.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Maybe you think those kinds of thoughts are normal because you house demons? I would pray to be delivered from those demonic intrusive thoughts and try to spend less time consuning jew media and other things that are not good for the soul.

theoldguy ago

spend less time consuning jew media and other things that are not good for the soul.

You mean like obsessing about trannies?

14WordsToFreedom ago

the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Maybe you

matthew-- ago

I think a lot of it comes from feelings of self loathing, depression, stress, etc; and it gets worse the more you try not to think about it (pink elephant effect).

Everyone has their demons, and have thought about things that are truly horrible at one point or another. Having these thoughts are not a reflection of yourself, but more on circumstances in your life, ie thinking about suicide when you are depressed. The important thing is to simply accept that you're human, and not perfect, let it go, and don't act on them.

You seem religious, to approach it from that angle: even Jesus had temptation or thoughts when he went into the desert and was tempted by the devil, or when he prayed to god before he was crucified. In reality, the temptations by the devil were most likely manifestations of his own mind, and are present in every human being, for without evil, there can be no good. Again, what matters is not what is going through your mind, but how you act upon it.

Phantom42 ago

I think a lot of it comes from feelings of self loathing, depression, stress, etc; and it gets worse the more you try not to think about it (pink elephant effect).

Just fuck my shit up brother....

That explains a lot.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

If you knew anything about Jesus and His teachings you would know that thoughts can be sins.

matthew-- ago

Thoughts cannot be sins because they are involuntary. You can't control what you think about, or what pops into your head.

I think what you are referring to are indulging in fantasies, or elaborating on said thoughts. They might be considered sins.

For example, you might have a drudge against someone at work, and one day, something falls and causes an accident, and the the thought might enter your mind, "what if that had hurt or killed the person I'm holding a grudge against?" That's not a sin. But if you then think deeper about how you would set it up to happen; or brainstorm ideas on how to make it happen while still looking like an accident; how heavy the box would have to be; what contents would work best; how you would distract or render busy whoever would be responsible for administering treatment so that your enemy is in as much pain as possible for the longest time; or think about how happy you will be when that person gets what coming to them, well that may be considered to be a sin.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Try actually reading your bible rather than just making stuff up

theoldguy ago

Try actually reading your bible rather than just making stuff up

But the bible itself was made up, what's the difference?

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Mark Chapter 7

20 And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man.

21 For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,

22 Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:

23 All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.

theoldguy ago

Day-uuum! That Mark guy got you covered!

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Matthew 5:28

“But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” 

King James Version (KJV)

theoldguy ago

whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.”

How about looking at a tranny with lust in your heart? Still a sin, right?

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Try using actual scripture to back up your claims. Try looking at Jesus' teachings with regards to sinful thoughts.

snyxxx16 ago

Try using actual scripture to back up your claims.

Your book of jew myths has no power here.

Hail_Odin ago

Jesus being a Jew, of course the concept of thoughtcrime came natural to him. In reality, it is only our actions that matter. Mustering the power to transcend negative thoughts is what can make us great.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Only dumpy freemartins are into fake gods like odin.

theoldguy ago

dumpy freemartins are into fake gods

But you've admitted several time you only weigh 130 lb., (ftm) and you're into fake gods??!!?

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

satan is real

matthew-- ago


So every time anyone gets an evil thought, satan magically appeared, in the flesh, infront of all those people and convinced them to do what they did. This is why people think religious people are retarded. There is no red human-goat hybrid with a point tail that lives under ground. Satan is real in that he is a manifestation of evil that lives inside every human being, and it is up to us to fight him internally as we live our lives trying to be good people.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

satan is real read your bible.

matthew-- ago

I agree with you, satan is "real". My definition of satan is just different to yours.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Truth isnt subjective

matthew-- ago

OK, what's your definition of satan?

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

satan is an entity... do you ask what the definition of Jesus is? No that makes no sense. Who is satan? Well... if you read your bible... you would know that satan is a fallen angel.

theoldones ago

ME: doing something important

BRAIN: "now seems like a really good time to feel immense guilt over some minor social slight from a decade ago"

SquarebobSpongebutt ago


Me: doing something important

Brain: Remember how everybody laughed at you when you did x in fifth grade? Yeah, let's reminisce for old times sake.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

For me it's more like:

ME: doing something important

BRAIN: now seems like a really good time to feel immense embarrassment over some minor social slight I did when I was 8, that literally nobody but me remembers.

ReadPastHeadlines ago

just to correct you: everyone remembers it and constantly dwells on it much more than you do. you don't think about these things when you are are busy and active but when you are in desperate need of the little bit of sleep you can still get if you are able to fall asleep right now. and you never get to contact anyone else involved and don't even remember their name.

shrink ago

It happens to me constantly, but all throughout the span of my life. You remember the dumbest, most useless shit. It'll pop into my head from nowhere and I'll physically cringe from not wanting to remember. It would be great if you could select memories to just purge, there are so many things I'd rather not recall.

notanexit ago

And be doomed to repeat those mistakes in the age of smart phone recordings.

KVD ago


ForTheUltimate ago

Everytime social common sense devleoppements protocols kick in my brian

I'm like.

Brah, ENTP union here, and um, fuck that shit. Careless attitude ftw

still autistic to this day

Phantom42 ago

Ah... I'm an INTJ myself. Apparently I'm often a villain in movies, it only makes sense I'm a Nazi.

ForTheUltimate ago

I'm mainly ENTJ so I dress well for practical reasons
