Teledildonicist ago

So just as I thought: a bunch of bullshit.

NoKiddin ago

Paganism = term used by Christians to refer to polytheism. Before Christianity, polytheism was practiced by Romans, Greek, Slavs and Nordics.

Talc ago

It's not even christianity, it's a corrupted version where the words in (the currently popular version of) the book hold more importance than the acts of the principals. That's why I refer to it as christianism.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

If there was one person I could go back in time and kill it wouldn't be hitler it would be constantine.

Eualos ago

Please also kill Churchill and Woodrow Wilson

derram ago :

The Spread of Christianity from Year 314 to 580 - YouTube

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dontforgetaboutevil ago

Lol look at the butthurt christcucks downvoting you.

miguelserrano ago

Hail Wotan.

Dirty_Money ago

I don't even know where to start with this, because there is both so much genetic information and biblical text info.

Tldr: The three sons of gave rise to white Europeans. The paganism is a global symptom. Always was, and still is.

If you buy into it, you are lost.

dontforgetaboutevil ago


Dirty_Money ago

See my reply below

dontforgetaboutevil ago

No thanks, got no use for preachin.

Teledildonicist ago

Pretending to know a lot, ultimatum, hmm....

Dirty_Money ago

No ultimatum. Concern.

Teledildonicist ago

The history is laid out clearly.

Dirty_Money ago

Then you know that the Viking ships are exact replicas of Phoenician ships, down to the striped sails, right?

And the Norse 'gods' are nothing more than the Nephilim of the Bible, from whom the Phoenecians descended?

Teledildonicist ago

Show me some proof please.

Dirty_Money ago

I have to skip for a bit, so I don't have time to find the living museum archeological pics on the ships and the scholarly papers, but here is a temp article showing pics of the two ships. I will also try to find the phd article on actual phoenician ships found burried in Norse soil, as a funerial tribute.

Teledildonicist ago

Thanks, I’m very interested.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Christians don't need history or science or anything that like. The fucking idiots already think they know everything because they have the jew bible.