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GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

School shootings are psyops

Mumbleberry ago

@puttitout obvious self upvoting is obvious

MadWorld ago

One specific comment stood out from the rest: It was buried deep at the end of thread and was upvoted around 35 minutes, check the timestamp.

Mumbleberry ago

Quite telling is that all it's comments after being called on this today don't have 12+ upvotes

MadWorld ago

It also tried to mix in comments from /v/NormalPeople, his private subverse, to make the vote farming less obvious.

Mumbleberry ago

True, but I thought votes in private subs didn't count.

MadWorld ago

True, but I thought votes in private subs didn't count.

That was why he did not bother to upvote those comments.

Mumbleberry ago

Also quite telling. Can't expect many smarts from a flat erf fool.