DeadFox ago

Because then white men are disarmed and not killing their nigger boyfriends when he tries to rob people

0011000100100111101 ago

i can smell that through the monitor.

LettItBurn ago

Clown World.

GloriousDestiny ago

That hair though, pew pew

Drunkenst ago

Increase the piece

Illusory ago

I hate to admit it...but I'm actually impressed. That is, assuming this is real.

Whiteflourguy ago

nasty nigger hair

0rion ago

Holy fuck...that thing is hideous.

Her hair looks ridiculous as well.

edistojim ago

Sheboons. Nobody can figure this shit out.

Holonomic ago

This looks just like that angry nigger dude in that new ghostbusters flop.

Marklewistrava ago

Women's defense base

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

School shootings are psyops

Mumbleberry ago

@puttitout obvious self upvoting is obvious

MadWorld ago

One specific comment stood out from the rest: It was buried deep at the end of thread and was upvoted around 35 minutes, check the timestamp.

Mumbleberry ago

Quite telling is that all it's comments after being called on this today don't have 12+ upvotes

MadWorld ago

It also tried to mix in comments from /v/NormalPeople, his private subverse, to make the vote farming less obvious.

Mumbleberry ago

True, but I thought votes in private subs didn't count.

MadWorld ago

True, but I thought votes in private subs didn't count.

That was why he did not bother to upvote those comments.

Mumbleberry ago

Also quite telling. Can't expect many smarts from a flat erf fool.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago


Mumbleberry ago

"The tranny faggot is upvoting himself" FTFY

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Prove it. Why are you so concerned with fake internet points that dont matter?

Mumbleberry ago

Why are you trying to defend your actions, if you don't care about the points?

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

@puttitout Submissions: This user has upvoted 23123 and downvoted 23125 submissions.

Comments: This user has upvoted 30909 and downvoted 30888 comments.

30k downvoats and only reason she doesnt have more is cuz she needs more upvoats first.

Mumbleberry ago

And what does that have to do with you self upvoting your bizarro world ideas?

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

The numbers speak for themselves. And @puttitout supports power user shill downvoat brigaders that does nothing but silence unpopular opinions. Which goes directly against voats stance on free speech.

Mumbleberry ago

Downvoting idiocy is what the feature is for.

theoldguy ago

Some say downvoting is to cut down on posts that aren't germane to the subject at hand, so in STC's case they're equivalent.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

See this @puttitout ? Anti free speech. 30k downvoats is the most retarded thing ive ever seen. Youre a fraud "free speech" supporter since you let these shill shenanigans take place.

theoldguy ago

30k downvoats is the most retarded thing ive ever seen.

Yes it is. Have you ever stopped to consider why that might be just you? All we know you by is your posts and we judge accordingly, just like every other voater, most of who get reasonable numbers of upvotes. You're in @edgelord666 and @JohnCStevenson territory for good reason.

Mumbleberry ago

Your (and your alts) submission history is the most retarded thing on the interwebs

theoldguy ago

Why are you so concerned with fake internet points that dont matter?

Must be something to it or you wouldn't upvote yourself.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Prove. It.

theoldguy ago

Don't worry, little tranny, we will.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Because its not possible for 14 people to not belive school shooting psyops. Riiiiighht

theoldguy ago

Judging by the ccp of your other 60 alts, it's a bit of a stretch to believe you suddenly have a dozen fanbois following your every post.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Prove it.

theoldguy ago

You don't accept proof of any kind when the cognitive dissonance kicks in.

TheWheelofTime ago

She is known as the SuperWeave Tac 50. She is going to be the main heroine in Marvel's upcoming Black Panther 2: Race Pimps.

Kleemin ago

This would be DC's version of black panther, and you know it.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Turning your hair into retarded ridiculous shapes. This is about all black women are good for. What an amazing accomplishment!

Korinthian ago

It's not their hair. Niggers shave their heads and wear wigs.

BigFatDaddy ago

I refuse to believe that thing is female.

enginedriver13 ago

I refuse to believe that thing is human.