hewhoobeysalot ago

You mean 2001? 9-11 is a reference to skull n bones, i get that "the jews" are the head of the pyramid, but what about all those weird sub-religions that jews made like skull-n-bones, illuminati, SRA (might as well call that a religion) the most memorable thing about skull-n-bones is their initations involves jacking off on dead people, attracting lazies who find it better alterative to murdering a family inside their home. i dont think its fair to lump all jews out or to lump all /white/ people out as being represented by a few hundred fake-ass v/whatever race-rally-makers/trolls-who-think-its-funny-like-ur-mom. UK did 2001.

TrollingForBasss ago

Abortion is worse than 9/11, by millions of lives.

Also, Muslims committing over 1 billion rapes of non-Muslim girls in the last 10 years is worse than 9/11. Did anybody over the 20,000 sex slaves identified in Malawi last week? No.

Still, 9/11 was bad.

Doglegwarrior ago

There is something truly amazing about 9/11... i know its bullshit obviously the offical story is a lie. 54 percent of americans do not believe the offical story and the rest of the world the numbers can go up into the 90 percent range of non believers. That being said thats not the weird part. Ive been listening to owen benjamin he talks about wizards and spells and how they are real. Well my friend was drunk and at a bar and he started ranting a little loud about how stupid people are for believing 19 arabs pulled that off.

THIS IS WHEN I WITNESSED the spell live and in person.

You could feel a aura of weirdness in the bar it was like someone took a giant shit in the bar it was like some evil force was in the room no one would speak it got quiet as my friend ranted. Minor small rant about chuck yager couldnt have flown a plan the way cesna trained arabs did into the pentagon. You could fucking sense people mentaly checking out not looking at him avoiding the subject. Who ever pulled that shit off put a spell on a vast majority of the american people. I witnessed it and it is fucking crazy.

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99887766 ago

Jews are 9/11

Momerath ago

I miss hpop.

Walk1 ago

Well, they facilitated Arabs to do it, as is the case with Jews, they use pawns to take down people and to have them do their dirty work; its either that or they are busy turning people into robots and doing their bidding for them.

MadCatTimberWolf ago

Funny I didn't know Jews like to yell Allahu Akbar and then kill themselves.

Laserchalk ago

Look into the USS Liberty and the dancing israelis.

RemoteViewer1 ago

shhhhhhh The Jews don't want anybody to know this.

Quicktor ago

When castrating and hanging Jews becomes a hobby and not a crime, you'll know the awakening is truly upon us...

petevoat ago

The greatest atrocity lol

The entire modern history of human kind is an atrocity

B166-ER ago

If you want to seem educated around peoole who have been awake for a while, it's important to make the distinction between zionists and Jews. Otherwise you sound like those niggers in 2019 bitching and moaning to all white people about reparations.

ThePatriot ago

We should start calling them what they really are instead of saying Jews. They're Luciferian worshipping Zionists. That use the Jewish religion as a shield to claim antisemitism against any critism.

Diverscale ago

I do believe tons of facts are unknown about 9/11, but going so far as saying ''muh jooz'' did it, we'd have to get evidences first. Lots of parties could have participated in that shit.

agodgavemethisland ago

Lucky Larry Silverstein ain't Saudi Arabian. Everybody knows that.

R4G3 ago

"Pull it."

t. larry silverkike

NosebergShekelman ago

Oy vey NO WAY!! It was the jesuits and they had help from the redneck nazi's!! Think of the 6 million, shalom, praise baby dick blood and israel

1Sorry_SOB ago

I haven't seen anything remotely like real evidence they did. I SUSPECT many people knew in advance that something big was going to happen that would coincide with plans to make the public sympathetic to deep US military involvement in the region.

hankylanky ago

That's one of those theories that is so fucking twisted into knots it can only be believed by the most ignorant motherfuckers on earth.

hafen ago

Low effort, low quality thread. No infograph, video link, nothing. Would you deny that many satan worshipping non-jews making up secret societies also appear to have consented?

9 words dosen't nearly do the event justice.

XSS1337 ago

The Jews have comitted atrocities during every persons life .... only until we scrubb them from the earth May we be free of their Usury and manipulation .

The Jew wants destruction so he can rebuild in the name of Israel.

The Jews want a retarded enemy aka the Muslims in the next battle after the white man is gone. Come he’ll of high water the Jew will advocate to destroy and control vs diplomacy and peace.

Burn the Balfour Declaration and end this madness.

goatmensch ago

They started WWII, among many other wars.

middle_path ago

I think 9/11 was they day I learned how apathetic I really am to great tragedy. Not trying to be edgy, but I remember having to pretend to care. It's sad, it's totally fucked. But I didn't know those people and people die every day all around the world. If anything I was selfishly concerned there would be more attacks near DC.

77777 ago

Nobody died 9 11

thebearfromstartrack ago

I STILL want to know what was the average daily occupancy of WTC versus the occupancy (casualty total) of 9/11. To setttle the rumor about no Jews went to work there that day. Should have been a lot of them there normally right?

SlapRackPull ago

Jews of jewish faith are much different than the lucifer loving zionists that claim Jew to hide behind antisemitic BS. Zionists could give two fucks about Jews and those who practice Jewish faith.

Ken_bingo2 ago

Fuck off kike. They all worship the same demons.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Zionists are people that WANT to "help" speed the end of the world to RIGHT NOW. Right? As opposed to allowing God's plan to unfold on its own.

Fancy451 ago

Pfft my grandfather was from Dresden and my grandmother was east german. Filthy casual.

wokeasfook ago

Not even their top 10

RollinDaGrassTyson ago

The greatest atrocity of your lifetime... so far

watts2db ago

that were fully aware of

Threeeyedhawk ago

They stormed Jericho, unprovoked, and killed every man, woman, and child. I wouldn't put it past them.

poptical-illusionist ago

The Israelites did as God told them. the Jews were the Edomites and other non Israelis. The Old testament is arranged so badly it's hard to make sense of what's happening.

Threeeyedhawk ago

"The Israelites did as God told them..." according to the book they wrote about themselves.

poptical-illusionist ago

Good point. It's the only reference material I have on that one, that I know of. I still have a lot of books to read.

8H9E20R12O5S19 ago

Never Forget and remind your children 9-11 was an inside job.

poptical-illusionist ago

We all know that one for sure! I found the link to the informative video

SlapRackPull ago

they killed the decedents of the fallen angels that bred with humans, be glad we had many years without the half breeds and their evil. unfortunately, their back.

gabara ago

they killed the decedents of the fallen angels that bred with humans,

No, even their fictional account credits the great flood, dumbass.

FecalDemiurge6000 ago


aryanchristian51 ago

They sure as hell did. AND, I'm bout ready to do somethin' about it !!!!!

draaaak ago

Sure you are, kike.

hafen ago

Member for: 22 hours

Honey_Pot ago

aryanchristian51? Lol, there is no way he is a spook. /s

wokeasfook ago

Make white women great again.

Fuck me I'd settle for 'good again'.

kammmmak ago

And a (((few))) made fucking billions from it.

obvious-throwaway- ago

9/11 doesn't shine a candle on WW2. So many people were lost to the world all because of the Kikes. We must find a solution to this problem. A final one.

nomadriders ago

Big pharma is a much bigger atrocity. Hell, the entire Jewed healthcare system.

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

Kikes did:


Opiod Epidemic / Scam Healthcare Prices


The Holodomor

WhitePaladin ago

Nestle too, even fucking nesquik has soy.

Threeeyedhawk ago

Read labels, people! So many things have soy. I was about to buy some Panko bread crumbs until I saw they were made partially with soy flour.

Nietzsche__ ago

The biggest push is to milk every retirement through end of life heatcare until the point they milk the taxpayer. Few have the guts to end life when their time is up.

KingOfTheCorpses ago

Forcing others to witness and foot the bill for your slow, dishonorable death through incontinence and frailty is far greater a sin than ending things while you can still hold a weapon.

Whitemail ago

Doctor assisted finishes would be better. Schedule a day and check out of life in your sleep.

I guess some people might be interested in YODO, so they'd prefer to go out with a bang.

KingOfTheCorpses ago

I would gladly pay into a program that airdrops real men that are ready to die into the most godforsaken places, armed with enough ammunition and supplies to make a difference. I can't imagine a better way to go, personally.

Goys-R-Us ago

What about eternal return Mr. Nietzsche? For who can ever really die?

GoatyMcGoatface ago

I am not counting white replacement because that was enacted before I was born