MadWorld ago

For the record, @eunpiacere just died.


heygeorge ago

Lol, they linked an email address to their account. Maybe they shall rise someday.

mmoates ago

This is simply not accurate. I post from many different sites including fox, ap, nation one news, dc chronicle, the narrative times, daily caller, and more.

Mumbleberry ago

Fuck off, spammer

Grindelwo ago

ignore soap box, they are going to destroy voat

Rotteuxx ago

Just like @eunpiacere with

Not surprised to see that SCP whore @tendiesonfloor now also spamming the same redstate clickbait site.

And then @Punacare @Wakeupunzi & @carefulme spamming that Blazing Press YT channel, those 3 alts used to spam that 3D Trump chess set with upvote brigades.

kneo24 ago

Being an SCP whore is how you control a narrative. Just because it's Voat doesn't mean there aren't a lot of idiots here who are duped by whatever status they mentally give to large points like that. There are also a lot of idiots who just upvoat whatever fits their worldview just because it could possibly be true.

Rotteuxx ago

Like that rednationstate post yesterday claiming Pelosi proposed "electronic dogs".

Anyone with an ounce of logic who listened to what she was saying would've figured out she was comparing new drug & weapon detection technology to "electronic dogs" as it has the potential to replace border patrol crossing K9s.

Fuck logic, we can deform what she said to make her sound even more senile than she actually is ! Woot, to the front page we go !!!

heygeorge ago

A lot of people are really so stupid as to fall for it, yet they bandy about their smug superiority just like they had donned a pussy hat because actblue told them to on Facebook.

Mumbleberry ago

kneo24 ago

heygeorge ago

Yeah, I frequent there. But sometimes it’s important to let the greater Voat know how they are being manipulated.

kneo24 ago

I can't argue with that. Well, I can, but I'd be a fool to do so.

heygeorge ago

Of course you would... Much like the people who are duped by snake oil salesmen.

kneo24 ago

That snake oil has kept my snake skin boots nice and shiny!

MrPim ago

I keep my snakes well oiled like the owners manual says.

heygeorge ago

I see

MrPim ago

I don't want to void my warranty.

drstrangegov ago

needs more super male vitality