SearchVoatBot ago

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Black_Kifle_Koffe ago

Totally not true bro. We are pro freedom! Just not for you. Drink the bean juice.

Black_Kifle_Koffe ago

Me shekels! I mean Disregard that and drink more bean juice!

BobTodd ago

Top tier, straight down the boxes, faggot. Bet that boi pussy was taken right away.

mitoriomyt ago

I have a hard time believing Jews can be vets.

Everybody knows they're cowards who'd hide behind their moms in a fight.

draaaak ago

I hear he was a cook, haven't been able to confirm this yet though.

antiliberalsociety ago

I never invested in them for the same reason I didn't invest in

RockmanRaiden ago

Same. My reason was my gut.

8H9E20R12O5S19 ago

Looks like they pissed off more than half their customers now find out they're Jews. This is probably one of the first attempts at taking down Voat. Outside there's a team of Jewish people working on it somewhere can't have a website full of people that know the truth

BlackRiflezCoffeeCo ago

It would be terrible if we all made new accounts that closely resemble that jew's company name, eh?


BlkRifleCoffeeCancer ago

Can't have goy think for themselves.

Black_Kifle_Koffe ago

Don't do that, just drink more bean juice...bro!

drstrangegov ago

Human bean juice.

BlackRifleCoffeeInfo ago


Omnidempotent ago

This is funny, but let's not make more trouble for Putt

BlackRiflezCoffeeCo ago

That dude knows where he lives.

This is Voat!

*kicks coffee jew down big hole

NosebergShekelman ago

Need to get Pizzagate to look into these fucks because they could be pedophiles like many other jews.

CouldBeTrump ago

We believe in freedom of speech too.

Black_Kifle_Koffe ago

Nothing to see here. Take a break have a hot cup of bean juice. Give us a call test out your freedom of speech! 844-899-9330

jewsbadnews ago

How did you link that with it highlighted?

CouldBeTrump ago

If you highlight text on an archive[.today/.fo/.li/.vn/.md/.ph] page, the URL should be automatically amended to point towards the current selection.

jewsbadnews ago

ah ty

draaaak ago

Whoa.. TIL

CowWithBeef ago

Why are Jews so good at marketing to goys? I have to admit I considered trying their coffee after seeing their hilarious ads. It was overpriced so I abstained (((rubs hands together)))

Black_Kifle_Koffe ago

Our bean juice is reasonably priced. Have you seen the price of koke? Or printer ink. If you think our coffee is over priced please call and let us know !844-899-9330

mitoriomyt ago

Jews are clever tricksters. That's why they're so good at marketing.

"How can we think of new and devious ways to fool the public into giving us more of their money for shit they really don't need?"

CameraCode ago

It's a learning experience. Always research the company, even if they pander to conservatives and say they support them.

draaaak ago

Especially if they pander to conservatives.

GlassesGlare ago

I tried living like this once, but to do so effectively I'd need to obtain all of my own raw materials and manufacture everything myself. Every company has some fucked up shit behind them. It's a matter of finding the least shitty ones that actually offer what you need and want.

draaaak ago

At least they can still count on the boomer market.

MrDarkWater ago

Boomers use k-cups with names like donut shop

BlackKikeCoffeeCo ago

This boomer roasts his own at home. Where do you get yours? Starcucks?

MrDarkWater ago

My roaster was destroyed in a hurricane. Haven't got another yet.

jewsbadnews ago

Q predicted this.

Deathperception ago

Fake and gay.

RockmanRaiden ago

I think its still a funny meme.

One-Way_Bus ago

Jews selling their status as veterans for shekels!

FuckBlackRifleCoffee ago

Well he was one of only fifteen jews in the US military, so quite the accomplishment.

Jews are 2.2% of adult US population and make up >.3% of the military.

Meanwhile 100% of modern US wars go to benefiting Israel.

BlkRifleCoffeeCancer ago

There are alot of jew generals. The crypto jew is a real thing.

Black_Kifle_Koffe ago

Not true. Have you tried coffee? Would you like some? Please call 844-899-9330 and let is know how you really feel.

CameraCode ago

Jews serve in the military at a lower rate than even Muslims. They are the lowest represented religion by far. All the conservatives who love Jews should be bigger fans of Muslims than them.,-should-more-Jews-join-the-u-s-military/

Charilko ago

The Jew we had in my last unit was an insufferable prick.

Jews can’t rely on tribalism to carry them through the military. Nobody gives a fuck. I don’t know if that’s why there are so few of them. What I do know is that this guy was completely uninsulated and he didn’t handle it well. His entire career has been a game of hot potato; unit commanders “firing” him by shuttling him out to a different unit as soon as humanly possible.

DesertFox33 ago

Israel has proven Jews make great Nazi's

Simonsaysgoat ago

Its a good way to make money, betting on whether bullshit like this has a kike behind it. Its almost a sure win every time

8_billion_weiners ago

"bullshit like this"

Like what exactly, dumbass?

Simonsaysgoat ago

Like companies that shouldnt give a fuck about stupid,shit,like,this,but file a lasuit anyway because they are jews. Or any,of the fucking,asinine bullshit that happens on a daily basis that is ultumately being,spearheaded by a jew, are you a fucking voater or what? Fucking,retard

8_billion_weiners ago

You mean protecting their trademark? Idiot.

Simonsaysgoat ago

What trademark? Nobody has heard of them,until this happened. Fuck off with defending a,company,like this, kike lover

8_billion_weiners ago

I heard of them years ago. Shit for brains.

Simonsaysgoat ago


draaaak ago

Credit to @hangry for pointing this out.