Doglegwarrior ago

Ya i mentiones jews as well and voat not liking jews lol.

Doglegwarrior ago

I did they responded i was surprised it was from a human and not a copy paste message.

totaldrivers134 ago

i like coffee

sore_ass_losers ago

I'll have a large cappucino with whole milk please.

BlackPistolCoffeeCo ago

i will fuck them in the chamber

MrDarkWater ago

Yeah, give them your email address

eongoat ago

If they heard from enough Navy Seals maybe they would change their minds

FreeBreivik ago

DMCA is for copyrighted works not trademarks:


frenemy ago

done, they are experiencing a high volume of email currently. i wonder why.

theoldones ago

i shamed them for being dishonorable warriors that didn't stand by the principles they fought for.

SearchVoat ago

Please leave searchvoat out of this

tendiesonfloor ago

[email protected]









Super_Cooper ago

They are on Amazon. We could launch a negative review campaign and really fuck them.

hangry ago

oooh let's do so

samy90a44 ago

Meh..... Never bought anything from BRCC. An I probably never will either. I will stay with my good ole Folgers or Maxwell House right off the supermarket shelf prepared in my retro Drip Percolator thank you.

hangry ago

HA....just posted an update. They are Jews. Well, considering the fact that my COO and I are both Jewish, I have a huge issue with people who compare us to or accuse us of being Nazis." Black Rifle Coffee Blog March 27, 2018 ·

cantaloupe6 ago

It's just slander from legacy media - anyone right of Mao is a heretic.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @draaaak.

Posted automatically (#18134) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

draaaak ago

And now it's clear what's going on here.

Every. Single. Time.

hangry ago


Rotteuxx ago

And that explains it all !

hangry ago

Indeed it does. Jewkike virtue-signalling

Goys-R-Us ago

Oy vey, the goatim know!

Spud4ever ago

Not so much , sent a email to them asking why they didn't ditch the lawyers and simply talk to VOAT, and my email was forwarded twice (assuming their company sent it to 2 lawyers)!

hangry ago

Hey, just posted, the owners are Jews. I posted it to v/JewsHateFreeSpeech. Go figure.

budhahead ago

I contacted them. No cuss words or threats. I emphasized how they are supposed to be a 2nd amendment company and they are currently attacking a 1st amendment platform. I also, pointed out how the owner of voat has been trying to contact them to straighten things out and show them how the account is gone but can’t even get past the receptionist. It’s incredibly unfair to punish a platform for the arbitrary name choice of a user. Especially when the account is already deleted. There will be no black rifle coffee drank in my home unless the owners show @puttitout some respect

hangry ago

You sir, are the hero voat needs.

Aldebaran7937 ago



Gay is right and you are an expert on that lifestyle sir

Aldebaran7937 ago

Am a girl nigger.


Well okay but still u could have been into strapons so I was only 75% off

Aldebaran7937 ago

Nigger shut the fuck up before I hit you so hard that you are going to bleed from your fucking hair you fucking homocunt. Get your keyboard and shuv it up your anus to get you off you demented holefucker.


Whoa, you have spirit.

You married?

budhahead ago

Thanks:) to be honest....I owe @puttitout a lot. Ive grown a lot as a person due to this website. I may not post much but I lurk everyday since beta....if I could figure out how to donate easily without having to learn crypto I would love to help support this site financially....but since I cant and don’t know how this is the only way I know how to get involved and help.

SocksOnCats ago

It’ll be interesting to see their response - if any.

hangry ago

I'm told they also have a Facebook site

speedisavirus ago

For what, defending their trademark?

thewebofslime ago

I summed up the argument against here, citing other platforms' standard operating procedures on the matter.

showbobandvagene ago

The account was already deleted.

speedisavirus ago

The profile is still there. You can go to the profile's page.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

So fucking what?

How is a deleted account on a social media platform infringing on their coffee trademark.

BentAxel ago

I'm not up to speed with the comments made by the user, if someone was using my business name and was even saying things I do agree with, I'd be pissed. First action would be change the username, second would be remove all mentions on my name with their comments. If I agreed with them or not, its identity theft. What's lost for them to come back and type out something that could make the company look like shit after spending a shit ton of marketing?

RonBennington ago

So what if my username on Reddit or even here was something like AcmeMarket123 or PaneraBread07 or MichaelJordon23. I don't see the difference. It's not identity theft or anything. What they should have done was created their own username and create a post stating that the other is an imposter and would have gotten some business from us.

BentAxel ago

Not everyone can register the name to be first, the trademark does provide the avenues to be able to call this out. Regarding your points, I think if the other user separated themselves with a number or like your example, it would be easier to delineate, though as I understand it, the name is like for like.

RonBennington ago

Fuck it, I'll never buy their coffee

speedisavirus ago

This is all just people being fucking stupid. This company hasn't done anything wrong by defending their image and trademark against someone masquerading as them.

DasReich ago

Here's their phone number.


hangry ago

Thanks for the info!

Derpfroot ago

If you hold a copyright, you may not selectively enforce it. If you do, you can lose it. So they may not even care about his, but they kind of have to so they can keep the name. Copyright law is broken, and has been, and always will be.

thewebofslime ago

They already deleted their reddit account of the same name. they do not have the same name on their Twitter. So, if what you are saying is true, they already voluntarily gave up their right to defend their DMCA.

Derpfroot ago

I just wanted to get across that jumping on them immediately may not be warranted because of that. But of course, if they are being fags, then fuck 'em.

Veridic ago

Trademark and copyright are different. The name of the company is a trademark.

hangry ago

They could have passed by voat and the defunct account and no one would have ever known the difference.

Derpfroot ago

I know. . .I know.

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

the inner jew rises

combatveteran ago

They're probably all Trump supporters. I'll continue using them since they probably don't hate me and my family the way Starbucks hates me and my family.

hangry ago

They probably are, and as a customer you would make a point by expressing your displeasure, if you are displeased. Voat is one of the last free speech places online...they should be supporting us not threatening us.

Honey_Pot ago

Respectfully done using official email. We all make decisions.

hangry ago


FecalDemiurge6000 ago

The DMCA request was for "", not "". It can be safely ignored.

turtlesarepureevil ago

you fucking retard. learn how to read.

@hangry way to go accepting shit at face value numbskull.

ruck_feddit ago

Except the sticky has a picture that does say

turtlesarepureevil ago

makes absolutely no difference.

Fibbideh ago

Not to you, but to a lawyer, it does.

turtlesarepureevil ago

The trademark was infringed. No one is arguing against that.

Attempting to put on a band aid after a throat has been slit is akin to hope for you.

Fibbideh ago

And putt doesn't have to do anything until they send the request to the correct website.

On top of this, as ChiComs pointed out here. The trademark was NOT infringed. It is a limited use trademark which only applies to the following.

  1. Beverageware, namely, insulated coffee and beverage cups, mugs; thermal insulated container for food and beverages

  2. Coffee; ground and whole bean coffee; expresso beverages; coffee beans; ground coffee beans

  3. Coffee roasting and processing

  4. Online retail store services featuring coffees and beverageware; wholesale distributorships and wholesale ordering services all in the field of coffee; on-line ordering services and on-line retail store services all in the field of coffee and beverageware

A username on Voat is none of these.

ruck_feddit ago

Except letters together make words.

you fucking retard. learn how to read.

Goys-R-Us ago

Or you could say, nope, you're wrong and here's why...

You're a douche-bag just like black rifle coffee guy.

hangry ago

@PuttitOut good point here.....

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

ack. sorry. I just saw "" at the bottom. Didn't notice the "" at the top.

RampancyLambentRaven ago

Las Vegas and Thousand Oaks. That's why and you know it.

KoKansei ago

Whoever authorized that DMCA should be fired immediately.

A company that bases its entire image on being right wing friendly attacking VOAT for of all things copyright infringement? What were they THINKING?

samy90a44 ago

Sounds like we were set-up from the get-go if you ask me! This smells like a typical underhanded jew smear campaign to get fellow Patriots fighting amongst each other to me.

Rotteuxx ago


showbobandvagene ago

Yep. thats the kicker.


Don't dox yourselves bros

thewebofslime ago

Or do. If they harass you, just sue them.

Ocelot ago

I'm not enthusiastic about suing Jew companies in a Jew legal system.

combatveteran ago

What's the back story here? Someone please fill me in.

speedisavirus ago

Some faggot was running around here with their name pretending to be them. They defended their trademark and requested a take down. They deleted the profile but because the developers of this site are so incompetent they can't figure out how to hide or change the name of the deleted profile page and therefor have not fully complied with the legal request.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Except their false use of DMCA for mailcious reasons is a crime in and of itself.

thewebofslime ago

Usernames are not part of copyright or trademark. It only applies if they are impersonating the company.

speedisavirus ago

Which they literally were. They were commonly perceived to be of the company.

ruck_feddit ago

Then go back to reddit or Africa or wherever you'd feel more comfortable, faggot.

andrew_jackson ago

This comment doesn't even make sense. All you do is shitpost.

@ruck_feddit @fuckinghell @cameracode

ruck_feddit ago

Every time I remind people you're retarded, you give me 5+ responses, several pings, ban me from v/rideordie, unban me from v/rideordie, involve your alts, and then go back to being retarded. It works every time. If it weren't for the casuals here, you'd be a pariah, a leper, fucking amalek even. Lol. See you tomorrow, buddy.

andrew_jackson ago

And by the way, good morning. Much like the prodigal son, I've returned. You awake yet, Faggot?

@ruck_feddit @fuckinghell @cameracode

andrew_jackson ago

Every time I remind people you're retarded, you give me 5+ responses

This will be your claim to fame on're a minor league troll. Congratulations, chucklefuck.

TheSeer ago

There is no simple way to delete a user from having ever existed, and it was designed like that for a reason.

speedisavirus ago

You don't have to. You just have to update the name in the database. That's the point. Someone wrote the site and has access credentials for the database. Someone has to in order to deploy the site have access to this information somewhere.

TheSeer ago

From what I read, it seems like the user has been made inactive, and had the user name modified. It wasn't enough, somehow. Or at least, Puttitout wasn't able to even talk with them, to see if it was enough.

speedisavirus ago

The name hasn't been changed.

hangry ago

See Putt's sticky at the top of the feed. Nigger Rifle Coffee Company threatened him with ((lawyers)).

fr33europe ago

What did I miss.

One of them just called me out of the blue the other day thanking me for my order

Korinthian ago

They DMCAd voat, and wouldnt give Putt the time of day when he tried to make an amicable compromise. Call them back, tell them youre pissed that a 2A company is trying to shit on 1A, and send an email.

fr33europe ago

Too bad I didn't see this yesterday, I literally had them on the phone

frenemy ago

sounds like you have a reason to call them back.

Rotteuxx ago

It happened a few hours ago, read the global sticky post

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

They sent voat a DMCA over a dead username. Read the sticky.

fr33europe ago

Got it

hangry ago

See Putt's sticky at the top of the feed.

fr33europe ago


middle_path ago

For those who are emailing - remember to be the better man! Don't let a temporary set back for Voat become an even bigger one.

CameraCode ago

Don't do it at all! Don't let them learn from their mistakes, they don't deserve a second chance.

middle_path ago

That's a little overzealous, don't you think?

speedisavirus ago

How is removing a trademarked name from the site under the penalty of law that has been around for a long time a setback.

middle_path ago

The setback is that this is impossible to do on Voat's current model without compromising Voat's original intent. So now a door is open in the possibility of completely ghosting an account, whereas before it was a complete impossibly.

cantaloupe6 ago

What needs to happen is the displayed name is separate from the sign in name although they default to the same - then it is a super easy resolution. When the user signs in they update their username. It's just a temporary issue.

speedisavirus ago

Would you rather the site just be shutdown for violating the law? This isn't hard. The user account is in a database and someone can change it. Change the damn username.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Voat didn't violate the law you fucking faggot.

speedisavirus ago

Voat will violate the law if they don't comply with the request you fucking faggot.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

It is not a violation of the law to refuse to comply with a illegitimate copyright/trademark claim, you're a fucking retarded if you think any time a request for takedown is issued you have to comply when you did nothing wrong.

They DO NOT have the right to demand a username be scrubbed from a website, therefore their claim is illegitimate.

By the way "Speedisavirus" is a registered trademark of my company bullshit co, so you're in violation of the law if you don't delete your account right now, also I'm demanding 6 gorillion dollars in damages.

speedisavirus ago

Except they can if it caused ambiguity between entities. Which it did because there were many posts associating that user with the brand. You low IQ faggot.

middle_path ago

Would you rather the site just be shutdown for violating the law?

Where are you getting this idea? I've got Putt's back on this 100%. He needs to do what he needs to do.

You simply asked how this is a set back and I explained.

Goys-R-Us ago

You mean when I deleted previous accounts and asked all of my comments be deleted too, it wasn't really deleted?

middle_path ago

I dunno, man. Ask Putt. He's the one claiming it's an impossibility.

Goys-R-Us ago

@PuttItOut could we get some clarity here?

hangry ago

I emailed, kept it clean.. Challenged them to support the First Amendment as well as the Second. Those fucks.

cantaloupe6 ago

This is what to do --- higher than normal volume of requests - lol. If you note the request id and use Weibull estimators you can find the approx number of emails.

theoldones ago

this motherfucker fought, and became a veteran to piss all over some smaller company behind his wall of lawyers?

what a fucking waste of battle honor.

Fibbideh ago

What else do you expect from a jew?

RampancyLambentRaven ago

Nah man rumor is he was just a cuck cook. He claims to be a veteran but he just cooked everyones meals while i was fucking his wife, sister, niece, and mistress, and high school crush in their shitterholes face first in the dirt tits down ass up in a toilet with my shit and his shit coffee. I even squall nutted on the bitches faces and cummed on their tits and made them wipe my ass while lookin' at a sick Hustler magazine.

My_Name_is_Not_Sure ago

Poetry, sheer poetry.

peacegnome ago

"hustler magazine"

I bet half of the goats don't know what that is.

sore_ass_losers ago

A good thing too.

juicedidwtc ago

a litterary masterpiece! get this goat a (((pulitzer)))

thewebofslime ago

What if there was more to this than that? I sense slime on Dan Holloway.

theoldones ago

im reading claims he was a mere cook for 4 years and didnt fight? not sure how to verify but still

cuzimloony ago

Even a cook volunteered.

hangry ago

A pog rofl that would be rich

hangry ago

My son is a combat veteran and I support them when able, but this shit....over a closed account? I remember the retard - he was a piece of work...but still.

bb22 ago

Ever seen this?

"I have just been called to the phone and heard that Smolny Institute, Bolshevik Headquarters, has formally announced that a revolution similar to that in Russia has begun in Germany. The Bolshevik leaders here, most of whom are Jews and 90 per cent of whom are returned exiles, care little for Russia or any other country but are internationalists and they are trying to start a world-wide social revolution. If such a revolution can get a foothold in Germany where the people are obsequious to those above them and domineering and tyrannical to those beneath them and where organization and system has obtained such a foothold as it never had in history before, I begin to fear for the institutions not only of England but of the Republic of France and the thought arises in my mind whether our own institutions are safe." - American diplomat David Francis from Russia during the Woodrow Wilson administration

Source: David R. Francis, Russia from the American Embassy, April, 1916 - November, 1918 , page 214.

hangry ago

Not that, no...I know about the Jews and the Russian Revolution through other means, and have heard that the Jewish Communists were whom Hitler was protecting the Germans from, but did not know of this.

bb22 ago

I was surprised to learn about it too. The British also knew full well what was going on and reported it to Secretary of State Robert Lansing.

hangry ago

I just checked, as I am wont to do, and it is a real book. The leaders in the West must have watched with wonder and envy at the Communist seizure of power over the people.

bb22 ago

Wilson was a piece of work himself. He was a globalist before the term even existed, with his League of Nations and all that bullshit, so of course he did nothing to stop American Jews from Wall Street financing the Russian Revolution.

hangry ago

He was indeed. The president of Princeton was smarter than everyone else.

Demonsweat2 ago
