What is up with people tagging names in those anon subs? (whatever)
submitted 6.1 years ago by EnterTheUnKnown
Anyone know what is up with that?
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clamhurt_legbeard 6.1 years ago
They're trying to harass the users bring tagged without giving away who is doing it, because they're chickenshit.
Problem for them is, one click on your user settings prevents getting pinged to anon coward subs.
EnterTheUnKnown 6.1 years ago
Appreciate the response. Jesus, how pussy do you have to be. You are on the internet, and using an alias as it is.
Exactly. I specifically tag people into threads when I talk shit about them.
You sir, are both a gentleman and a scholar. I will talk shit to you face to face. If I am on the net, I have the decency to tag. just couldn't imagine being such a cuck, you have to do it from some anon thread.
Then they whine about justifying their cowardice. Wahh, I will be brigaded....
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clamhurt_legbeard ago
They're trying to harass the users bring tagged without giving away who is doing it, because they're chickenshit.
Problem for them is, one click on your user settings prevents getting pinged to anon coward subs.
EnterTheUnKnown ago
Appreciate the response. Jesus, how pussy do you have to be. You are on the internet, and using an alias as it is.
clamhurt_legbeard ago
Exactly. I specifically tag people into threads when I talk shit about them.
EnterTheUnKnown ago
You sir, are both a gentleman and a scholar. I will talk shit to you face to face. If I am on the net, I have the decency to tag. just couldn't imagine being such a cuck, you have to do it from some anon thread.
clamhurt_legbeard ago
Then they whine about justifying their cowardice. Wahh, I will be brigaded....