capnflummox ago

I don't think that is a slice of pizza, but it sure is damn funny...

Two_Soup ago

Must have shitty friends. I've watched out for and made sure that my friends get home safely when we're out drinking. If someone's too drunk you take them home, not leave them in a streer.

TheWheelofTime ago

I love watching a group of them work together. It's amazing how tough life can be when you can't just flirt, randomly accuse men of sexual harassment or cry your way out of everything. The hard bitches are separated from the soft very fast.

wt1984yb ago

I met a on Tinder recently and she seemed normal enough at first. One thing led to another and on our second date we messed around. Before we did I asked her if she has been tested. She looked at me and said “you think I have STDs?”... like what i said was ridiculous. Like an idiot, i decided to trust her. She made herself seem prudish.

About a week following, she tells me she’s been sleeping with other guys and doesn’t want anything serious. Tells me she slept with a guy the week before we hooked up and after. She tells me she’s been banging so many guys she’s actually worried for her health. She told me “I think you hate sluts”.... slut-shaming... like being a slut isn’t something to be ashamed of these days.

I am so fucking pissed off you cannot even imagine. This slut put my health and life in jeopardy so she could find sexual gratification. Disgusting cunt. I got tested for STDs right after she told me this. I tested negative but now I’ve been waiting for 5 weeks to do another HIV test to make sure this disgusting slut didn’t give me it. Disgusting cunt.

I should have been more careful but Jesus fucking Christ. Is every chick slut or psycho these days? No decent fucking women. Delete Tinder for fucks sake. That place is a vector for sluts.

Supershorty ago

Damn, that fat ass of hers looks so very kickable. Like is should have a target that says "ram foot here."

daydreambeliever ago

My grandfather at 25: Combat marine home from WWII, attending Georgetown on GI Bill, Married, 3 kids, working 2 jobs to support his wife and children. Contemporary man at 25: Spends an average of 3 hours a day playing video games, may work but mostly without any passion, addicted to porn, uses words like "terrifying" to describe buying a home or car. May or may not drink soy lattes.

I'm not sure how this problem gets fixed. Men are so beta now and women are deeply resentful but unsure why. In many ways women look to men to lead and what they're seeing among their peers is downright depressing. The same is true for men, they look for women to lead them spiritually and many women are now a vacuous mess. This is what happens when God gets lost - we all get lost.

The entire contemporary culture - men and women - have grown up conditioned to worship the creation and mock the Creator. Yoga has replaced religion. Estrogen has replaced testosterone. Everything is out of balance and disordered and so in closing, let's give this girl a pass and a prayer - that she's woken up in every sense of the word.

ratsmack ago

People just don't get how Christianity was the basis of all European cultures that drove the white civilization to greatness... and now we are abandoning it.

Aprioned ago

Consider it done /v/ContemporaryWomen

ratsmack ago

It would definitely be a good contrast to v/TraditionalWives... Maybe @Empress would like to take that one on. :)

15903289? ago

Oooh, I like it!

fusir ago

The man presides over the home. There is a difference between presiding and running.

kammmmak ago

So you're white.

ContentNausea ago

Does this mean im stunning and brave for being unemployed and watching tv all day?

Kleemin ago

small chance she was drugged shit happens fairly often. Years ago I was out with a friend and we were talking to this group of 4 girls and only one really engaging in conversation with me. So as her and I are chatting this guy walks up and says to her "hey Rebecca here's that drink I owe you" and hands her a drink. She takes it and doesn't even say "thank you" or anything and the guy just stands there waiting awkwardly. She stands there holding this drink in awkward silence then offers it to me, I picked up a "he's a creep" vibe from her so just downed the whole drink in front of him and gave him a nod. That was my 3rd drink of the night and at that time I had a very high tolerance to liquor.... I don't remember anything after about 10 minutes from that point, woke up on my buddies couch and he asked me how I got shitfaced so fast. Yea dudebro Don Juan definitely tried to dope that girl.

6gorillion ago

You mean large chance she did drugs as well as drink too much alcohol.

Kleemin ago

yea.... i said small chance it was slipped to her, large chance shes a whore

Tallest_Skil ago

small chance she was drugged shit happens fairly often.

Not according to any research, really.

6gorillion ago

It's similar to people on Halloween freaking out about razor blades in apples. Try and find a real case of it ever happening, I am pretty sure it hasn't, yet people have this weird obsession with it. People really do get drugged, but it's exaggerated so much it's on the level of caramel apples at halloween for sure.

Also have you ever tasted GHB? Unless you are fucking wasted, you are gonna taste that shit in your drink.

BumFightChamp ago

Meh, no I know a lot of girls that get this shit faced regularly.

And if they get drugged, they did it themselves.

wt1984yb ago

Some dude drugged me about two years ago when I drank a drink he made intended for my girlfriend at the time. I had one drink and I was totally fucked up and felt off for the next week. I realized I was drugged when we went back to my place and I realized I was dizzy as fuck, tired, and couldn’t walk straight. People are fucked up.

MikeyMo123 ago

I picked up a "he's a creep" vibe from her so just downed the whole drink in front of him and gave him a nod.

Wait, what?

Kleemin ago

she obviously didn't want to interact with him. She gave me the drink to piss him off, I drank it to be a dick.

MikeyMo123 ago

So you drank something that was given to a girl by a guy that you got a creepy vibe from? Kinda strange and reckless.

Creggieb ago

Pouri it out while maintaining eye contact

MikeyMo123 ago

That would be better than what that cuck up there did. Either pour it out or set on the bar and stab him in the fucking throat. Either of those would be better than being a faggot and drinking something you think is drugged.

He's lucky, if it actually happened, that the chick either: 1. Didn't call him a cuck and went with "creepy" guy anyway or 2. He was an obstacle to her and he took himself out of the equation and the "creepy" guy woo'ed her panties off because she is clearly a slut for even accepting the drink to begin with.

Mayhawk ago

White Knight Syndrome strikes again.

pinklb_q ago

Agreed. There’s a millions ways to not drink that drink and somehow... she still drank it. Very smart. 10/10.

Charilko ago

The worst thing that happened last century was a bunch of dried up lesbians convincing all of us that this kind of behavior was somehow empowering.

prettymuchbullshit ago

That guy looks just like Ward Cleaver.

wokeasfook ago

This is those who sleep the deepest

MaunaLoona ago

Watch her do this in a more diverse country.

mudbear ago

its not just drink, bitch is on something else.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

The pizza makes the picture ten times better.

ExpertShitposter ago

I wouldn't mind a pizza pillow right now.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

She is peacefully recouperating in the rally position... Not that I'd ever recommend doing that in yoga pants in Britbongistan. I give her two and a half out of five stars... Mostly for not being a lumpy fugbutt.

ssaneuntilproven ago

You know I’m single.. not because that but because I’m opposite... men want easy access.

mudbear ago

Dont tar all with the same brush. men have base instincts, and many dont think with their heads nor want an actual relationship. If they insist on fucking right off the bat, you get an easy litmus test. you say no and give them an easy out, they take it and leave they werent worth your time. they stay and hold out, then you get someone who will stick around for more than pussy.

When looking for a long term partner, consider whether you would have liked that person as a Father, a Brother or a Son. If you say no to one or more of those things, then walk away. if you say yes to all, you may have found your soulmate.

Father because he could be to your children, son because he could be the role model for yours, and brother, to see if he is the kind of person that would be respectable among your peers. If you think with your heart like this instead of your hormones, you will have better luck.

ssaneuntilproven ago

I agree,, how can I not.. substance over disintegration

canuhunter ago

That works if you haven't already fucked someone on the first date before.

I'm upfront about my complete lack of desire to form a relationship with some of the worst quality women on the planet.

Phantom42 ago

Seems like you'd be single forever then, considering the absolute state of the modern "woman".

canuhunter ago

Fine with me.

theHubrisOfMan ago

The behaviors of women determine the behaviors of men. By ruining the western woman the real goal is the destruction of the western man. They started with blacks and now they idolize the broken savage and hope whites will follow suit in the US.

PhilKDick ago

Everyone just wants their own slice of the American dream!

hungir_strike ago

It's fucking sad. My heart aches for the riift between the sexes. We all feel it but tragically, most don't identify it.

Phantom42 ago

Your heart aches, mine is functioning fine.

Girls my age are worthless and degenerate whores. All they're good for is sex and even that is being taken from them very quickly.

hungir_strike ago

Sure your heart's functioning properly, bud? Cos it doesn't read that way.

Phantom42 ago

Explain. Is it my harsh outlook on "women" (I dare give them the title only to spare harsh language)?

hungir_strike ago

Your assessment of modern women is correct.. Maybe do some "you" time. World ain't ready for people sometimes.

Lynch_Tree ago

What a great rape victim for some feral shitskin.

Soyboy69 ago

If shes passed out on the street dressed like a whore she is only a victim of her own idiocy.

uvulectomy ago



KVD ago

Excellent analysis.

truthwoke33 ago


They lack this

flubbdubb ago

carefuly everyone, we got a badass here

truthwoke33 ago

That's not all that much. I know alot of dudes who could drink me under the table.

jewsbadnews ago

Still not asking for it you fucking incels! reeeeee!!!

Mayhawk ago

Tried to go to a houseparty awhile back, only food was cold thin pizza. Mostly college kids playing Cards Against Humanity and pouring excessive rounds of cheap tequila. By 11pm I was in the running with one other dude for the blonde party slut. By 11:30 I was almost passed out seeing double. I left with my hand still on the floor and deposited an orange puddle at the bottom of the stairs, and I still managed to walk my ass home in one piece.


Orange? Dude, drink more water Your pee shouldn't be orange

Mayhawk ago

It was the pizza my friend. I threw up.

everlastingphelps ago

I don't touch water. Fish fuck in it.

6gorillion ago

And dey give birth in it. I ain't drinkin no fish jiz and fish birth fluids n sheeit.

SubspaceDistortion ago

He drank tequila all night.. alcohol tends to dehydrate a normal human being..

HillBoulder ago

Yeah but the piss should almost always clear unless you're already severely dehydrated.

Inaminit ago

Tell that to someone on Dialysis.

HillBoulder ago

That gave me a good giggle hahah thanks

BaBs14 ago


Phantom42 ago

I don't think these people realize that one day, this shit is over.

Mayhawk ago

Adults have been drinking together at parties since time immemorial. Did you honestly think you were going to shame me? If you've never gotten drunk even once I'm probably glad not to know you.

Phantom42 ago

Drink, go ahead, but do it in a responsible and adult manner.

Mayhawk ago

No DUIs or STDs here. The whole point was that even on the occasion when I did get wasted I held it together and excused myself before I became a problem. The concern is humorous.

Mayhawk ago

Almost as degenerate as your posting style. Retinal cancer.

I like to have fun. Singles have to mingle.

lord_nougat ago

There just need to be a bus that comes along and runs over that leg, then this would be perfect!

bagano1 ago

They had women like this in the old days too.

Intrixina ago

Women back in the old days who acted like degenerates were rightfully shamed for their degenerate behaviour.

Today, they are glorified.

bagano1 ago

You right. No one is allowed to call them out for it either.

Intrixina ago

I do, on a regular basis. It pisses them the fuck off, too - because I am the polar opposite of their degenerate shit and there's not a damn thing they can do about it.

canuhunter ago

I called a bunch of sluts 'degenerates' and they started reeeeing to the host of the house party I was at LOL

Intrixina ago

Hahaha, yup.

Personally, I only participate in parties where its family and very close friends. I have no need for, nor have I ever, to attend degenerate clusterfucks where whores congregate, and where people get completely plastered.

canuhunter ago

It was a friends party (only really went because of this fact), and as much as I dislike those types of social gatherings, I really do love controlling how people NPCs feel with sound waves that I can produce from my mouth hole

African_Jew ago

Very disingenuous. You wrote that comment knowing that this behavior is much more prevalent today.

bagano1 ago

You right.

boekanier ago

Yes, but now it's a 'epidemic'.

bagano1 ago

Women knew their place back then. Men could make their peace with them and not get blasted all over the news. Look at what's happening with Louis CK; he tells it like it is and all of a sudden, he's the worst person ever. It's bullshit.

phillyjoe ago

Louis CucK is like literrally HITLOR!

Pluviou5 ago

It seems to be a pizza purse, but that doesn't make it any less degenerate.

MeghanMarklePenis ago

Surprised theres no piss stain

lord_nougat ago


matthew-- ago

The pizza just does it for me.

midnightblue1335 ago

Is that actually pizza? I mean... it could be a pizza box or something right?

Any goats care to enhance the footage and determine if that is, in fact, an actual PIZZA PILLOW?

L_Ron_Hoover ago

It appears to be a calzone actually.

SolidFoundations ago

Doesn't look flat. Not pizza.

MeghanMarklePenis ago

I really like the leg positioning its like shes running

FridayJones ago

She's dreaming about chasing rabbits.

Inaminit ago


Splooge ago

"Why am I still single? Where are all the good men?? Ugh adulting is hard lol"

-- Her, probably

hafen ago

-- Her, probably

Weak willed, socially liberal men helped to create this. Stronger, socially conservative men must help fix this. Men & women these days must demand more conservative values from each other.

"Why am I still single? Where are all the good men?? Ugh adulting is hard lol"

Her questions could be answered as follows:

1.) "Because you act like a slut." 2.) "Because the good men are with more monogamously oriented women." 3.) "When you compete with men in the job market, and have children no shit."

Everyone however is partially to blame. Women have expressed frustration over men demanding that they put-out on the first date. Over time, they've succumb to our demands (and the media's programming).

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Hay I tell people they stupid everyday. I'm helping.

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ArcAngel ago

why arent those yoga pants crothchless?

GapingAnus ago

I'm guessing because this image is so old that her neighborhood wasn't majority muslim yet.

Splooge ago

Damn, that escalated quickly.

1moar ago

He is gaping.

Pluviou5 ago

That pizza will be facing a rape charge once she wakes up.

collateral_damage ago

She ain't Woke bro, she fast asleep kekkk