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MolochHunter ago

This is fantastic

and to think Morbo, you got outed when I innocently thought you were just some random chump that SELF ADMITTED sock puppeteer MissleCopterStoped aka Type-o-Neg etc etc was trying to hoodwink

and i took you aside in GOOD WILL to say 'hey you should watch out for that Missle guy he's a manipulator'

and you elected to make excuses for sock puppeteering.

and now you've burned through another account, and resorting to tactics that are making Srayzie have to alter the very rules to mitigate your dishonest and sociopathic fuckery

Morbo ago

Now you're stalking me too. Wow. You must be very triggered if you care so much to follow me around on Voat. That's pretty creepy.