sufficientlydusty ago

Theres so many idiot posts in here its pathetic.

KillallFaggots ago

They seem be used by srs to organize down vote brigades.


The ability to speak anonymously is important for free speech by eliminating the ability for others who disagree to retaliate against you if they disagree or if it makes them look bad. This has been shown to be true over and over again throughout history. The cultural impact of 4chan, 8chan, and wikileaks in keeping the focus on truth and exposing the lies and propaganda of the jews, globalists, and msm is the most modern example of this.

If there was some rule that every meme had to have the name and address of the creator in it's exif data then nobody would and every post was marked with the same then nobody would make them because then they would be harassed irl for it. The most damaging thing that people can do is dox someone, which is why even reddit prohibits it. Obviously that's not what you're asking for, I am using that as an example to support the idea that each incremental step away from anon posting has a deleterious effect on free speech.

It's fair to dislike how some people use anon posting. I think that as long as voat remains dedicated to free speech we need to keep it.

middle_path ago

I think that's fair, but isn't just signing up with a username and password (no email necessary) pretty anonymous as it is? Not to mention all the alts people make.


Yes. I think it is still deleterious to free speech to force people to make anon alts and probably isnt the best for the site either. In practice I think that it would encourage mods to ban users and play username whack-a-mole instead of just enduring the anon posts as an inevitable side effect of valuing free speech above everything else.

middle_path ago

I did like another poster's idea of making it so the anon posts can't cross over. Like if they couldn't ping other users by default.

We may actually get useful content out of anon subs this way.

LDIP ago

Is 4chan cowardly?

middle_path ago

No, but 4chan is all anon. So there is no harassment of individual users because there are no user names except for tripfags. They also lack an upvote or downvote system, so it's really all a false equivalency.

LDIP ago


gabara ago

Agreed. Remove anon from Voat.

SearchVoatBot ago

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muffalettadiver ago

Useful for quarentine outside regular subverses.

PuttItOut ago

Anon subs are an example of a solid idea being abused. Just like chat. Just like old mod permission handling. Just like...

It's why we can't have nice things.

I still think they serve a purpose. Kinda.

gabara ago

What if every 10th anon post "randomly" wasn't anon and would reveal to poster?

SearchVoatBot ago

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andrew_jackson ago

This is stupid, even by your usual standards. Really, really dumb. Planned random security failures?

TheSeer ago

Don't know if voat should be taking ANY suggestions from the Forum Slider-in-chief.

gabara ago

Prove it or go to the dick.

TheSeer ago

Oh right, I forgot, it is just to combat all that 'goreposting' that has showed up on the front page uuhhhh, never.

gabara ago

No proof. You gay.

TheSeer ago

Yeah man, whatever helps you sleep at night. Ruining a free speech platform, under the guise of posting 'cutesy' animal pics. Genius move.

gabara ago

u mad, lol

N3DM ago

And can't be edited or deleted! I'd still use them

middle_path ago

Oh yeah, they do serve a purpose. I always thought having the option to post anon in a non-anon sub is nice. And if the sub owner is sick of it getting abused, he can just turn it off.

Now I'm blocking like one anon subverse every few weeks.

Joe_McCarthy ago

It is also a potential venue for doxxing. I had some nutzi use it to call me a pedo once. Anon subs and downvoting are both things I could do without.

In terms of atmosphere there also needs to be greater emphasis placed on civility in interpersonal contact. Too many think 'free speech's coupled with internet anonymity is a license to act in the worst way possible. Actions that face to face might get a guy punched in the nose. I'm unimpressed with pleas to 'authentic' conversations when dudes act like cartoon characters.

middle_path ago

In terms of atmosphere there also needs to be greater emphasis placed on civility in interpersonal contact.

I've seen very few internet communities have this as the norm. And those that are normally number under 30 active users.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Probably because like most everything on the internet there is anonymity or semi-anonymity. Doesn't mean Voat should be animal house.

Grindelwo ago

Strange how these crybaby waaaa waaaa i want to change voat posts appear at Christmas time or times when most of voat is going to be doing vacation holiday stuff or trying to spend time with family... if one was being paranoid one might think voat is getting attacked by (((someone))) at certain times when nobody else is around to keep the roaches in check. I support the anon subs and I have lurked here on voat a long time before I signed up, I support a 4chan old school forum type anon site only because you or anyone can post whatever CIA, KGB, commie, fascist, Iraq WMD conspiracy, who killed JFK conspiracy without getting attacked or mocked or ridiculed, some people btw not just in communist countries or the shithole islamist middle east but Western places as close as Sweden, Germany, Canada and even California can see themselves in trouble and even lose work because of their political opinions. Basically whats happening to voat is a lot of shills are exposing themselves, not every White Western Man here is a White Western Man, not every Black is a Black not every Yellow Asia Man is a Yellow Asia Man... people shapeshift on the interwebz, it could be anyone Jew, mohammedan Arab. Also a certain group of people from both India and Vietnam are paid up to literally spam, hijack and attack the voat website. Another problem are probably the older soap box Bernie fag transexuals, these are reddit era fag jew niggers @middle_path who have done their best to subvert voat and make it more reddit like. and because you middle_path are part of the soap dox community and part of soap box open borders I would also have doubts about you. I welcome everyone to check everyone else carefully, almost everyone has some kind of agenda but generally people come to voat for free speech. It has been noted that soap box ran some kind of spam game and voting farm mafia at voat, there was also an online dispute with the Q Boomers. I think what is generally happening in anon is the voat immune system is attacking itself, which ever shill group wins I guess has to chance to hijack voat but as long as voat's immune system works everything should be ok.

middle_path ago

i want to change voat posts appear at Christmas time or times when most of voat is going to be doing vacation holiday stuff or trying to spend time with family... if one was being paranoid one might think voat is getting attacked by (((someone))) at certain times when nobody else is around to keep the roaches in check.

People like Puttitout? He did make some posts yesterday about changing voat.

Grindelwo ago

I know HeyGeorge or Putt possibly stepped, maybe even was forced to step in for a moment during the Q boomer vs Soap Box bullshit ... but for what its worth did you know soap box has never been banned from reddit, while the gun rights, libertarian subs, european political subs, milliondollar extreme subs, communities who question the degenerate agenda or homosexual agenda in media and critics of islamism have all been banned at reddit ... Soap box has not been banned at reddit, EVER and yet the make the most controversy here at voat, spamming, harassment, porn filth postings, voting farms etc They also have multiple ACTIVE communities across the internet another here , if soap box were to fuck off and disappear back to reddit tomorrow I don't think many people would miss these dumb ass drunken pot smoking tranny nigger jews, they are worthless losers

middle_path ago

You're what happens when people don't understand satire.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I think the main use for the anon subs is for cowards with unpopular opinions to voice them. I personally think that’s stupid on Voat since there’s not only no censorship in the system subs, there is a strong ethos against it in other subs. So there is little to fear about voicing unpopular opinions. However, given the restrictions on using the site if your CCP is too low, there could be a legitimate fear, I suppose.

While the anon subs are certainly used for shilling and other silly purposes, I think it would be just as cowardly for Voat to get rid of them as it is for faggots to regular use them. If liberals and/or trolls want to play around on the anon subs, I don’t see why they shouldn’t be allowed to do so. If there really were a way to harass people not participating in the sub, I could see an issue, but as noted by @Native, you can now prevent being pinged if it gets to be too distracting.

Native ago

And to echo your comment as ambivalent as I am on Q, keeping that sub Anon serves multiple benefits

C_Corax ago

I've mixed feelings about it. Should I one day have questions I need to ask that I don't want tied with my account, I would just make a throwaway for the occasion. And since I'd know who replied I'd be in a better position to judge if they were sincere or just pulling my leg. You can't do that in anon mode.

But I also really like to troll the Qtards. Their golden calf never explicitly told them they had to go anon btw, but I'm glad that they did:)

Trustee99 ago

Textbook Anger Trolling. Nice try

Native ago

OP Isn't a troll nor Angry...

middle_path ago

Shhhh, let the shills reveal themselves.

middle_path ago

That would fix a lot of problems.

Native ago

You can turn off pinging in anon subs from your settings

middle_path ago

Shit, really? How long has this been a feature?

Native ago

no idea. Edit you can also now sticky posts in your subs for x amount of days

middle_path ago

Dang, Putt is a clever little shit.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Been saying this for the past year or so.

Food_Stamp ago

Keeps the boomers corralled for easy trolling though.

middle_path ago

They're easy trolling as it is.

Food_Stamp ago

This is the first time ive ever had access to them. Idk if the subs are anon or not as long as they stick around.