hewhoneverobeys ago

U r a jews.

hewhoneverobeys ago

next you, and the hundred other dumbfucks, are going to be upvoting stories about incest.

hewhoneverobeys ago

Hellloooooo. troll into the mic, dumbfuck.

hewhoneverobeys ago

shut the fuck up. I mean troll harder please. your troll is too soft i can bearly hear you.

hewhoneverobeys ago

then why are whites are always going into fits of autistic rage?

Ocelot ago

Never being angry about anything is the sign of a low-testosterone fag who won't protect his people.

Also, commit suicide for this retarded comment.

hewhoneverobeys ago

My skin color is: fuck you. Also i was talking about myself. I always go into fits of rage all the time.

hewhoneverobeys ago

your mom had a lower IQ and more violent tendencies then whites, last night.

hewhoneverobeys ago

lol @ 107 upvotes racist.

Ban_Circumcision ago

Yeah we also admit 800k of them LEGALLY each year. Top three LEGAL immigrants are from Mexico, China and India

rektumsempra ago

wtf are (((you))) talking about? the parts they've built so far are huge and covered in layers of razor wire.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

She's the Secretary of Homeland Security.

I don't know if she's into cornhole tasting.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


No, that's a couple months ago in Calexico. Kirstjen Nielsen opened a new section of wall.

Motoko ago

There's sections of it up already in the worst spots.

fhaqyu ago

ahhh SyriansAreTerrorists SyriansFuckCorpses . using the age old shill tactic of calling someone what you really are. nice try schlomo

how much money does your boy trump send to israel? how much to shitskin immigrants really cost the american tax payer.

I'm all about what's easiest to do to ease the burden on American's. Israel costs america far more than immigrants, so end Israel's leeching off this country, America is already a better place.

gabara ago

The wall is in your mind.

Proxima ago

Gabara = paid jew shill

gabara ago

Rent free.

agodgavemethisland ago

And you're paying interest to an Ashkenazi "Federal" "Reserve" for what reason again?

basedmangod2015 ago

you arent. best you're getting is more border agents. which honestly is probably a better use of that money

analfaveto ago

I like people who write past participles correctly. Have an upvoat.

Musaab ago

Your cities will fall one by one. Your men are weak, your women are ours.

hewhoneverobeys ago

please take the women. These fat baby slanging, dumbfucks.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Musaab ago


Swallowdaredpill ago

In you dreams Mohamed

Proxima ago

No they wont you ignorant sand nog

Musaab ago

Keep fooling yourself. It's already happening.

whysosensitive ago

You're still a nigger so doubtful

NeoFuturist ago

Imagine believing that ZOG would allow there to be a wall on the southern border.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

All their false flag shit, where they shoot up crowds of people to have their invasion and take away guns. Their latest thing. Same thing. Only now they're using an idiot killing himself. And a 7 year old they sacrificed so they could spin more shit against border protection.

Well at least the blood being spilled seems to be lesser in number.

talmoridor-x ago

When you build it. The government won't do shit.

QMaster_Jack_Tunney ago

Hahahahahaha! Your country is completely owned by jews, Donald “ZOG Emperor” Trump is the most jewish president of all time.

Hydrocephalus ago

Well the senate republicans had a bill all ready to go but those gosh darn democrats just won the house so I guess they'll have to keep doing nothing for the jext two years.

bushka ago

How they must laugh at us.

gentronseven ago

Funny how republicans in congress are so crooked and beholden to the illegal immigrant lobby (Koch, dairy, lobbies etc) that they literally do nothing every time they are elected.

edistojim ago

thats a fact.

moviefreak ago

Stop making Voat look bad with your jewish political blah,blah. You probably like to suck cocks.

Share something of value instead, asshole licking idiot as you are.

Kippering ago

The USA will pay billions to make Israel's Wall Ten Feet Higher before they get started on America's own borders that's the way things are working now, globalism the Saudis, the Britbong Empire, the Globalist Marxist Commies and EU, the Jews and others still have influence... all of them are now inside USbanks, United States Companies, even spy and steal US technology and drag the USA into wars... and I suppose in a way its like the tail wagging the dog. .... I'm sorry to say but I feel Trump is also part of the system, he is however different to other puppets and at least he is slowing things down. But South America, the Mexicans, Cubans, Africans, Euro Mafia smuggler types will continue putting people in, smuggling, making money from human trafficking and also Temples and Churches are involved, the Lutheran, the Roman Catholics, the Evangelical Christian, the Protestant, the Israeli style charity, the Jewish 'non porfits' the jihadi moslem islamo sisterhoods, anything 'help' or 'aid' Soros invests in all of these groups are involved in the movements of people which could end up making the USA like the jihad invasioin of Eurabia and the EU mess. It also does that help that up high on that map you have Fag Trudeau a girly man which wants a re-run of the old Britbong Empire with subjects from all over the world, one thing sandrats do not like the cold and you have the whole sunset ramadan ... ram-a-van into people ...where they have to fast during some lunar cycle...sometimes it can fall during a long evening where they have to not eat for a full day ....so basically the jihad will try to enter warmer countries ...Canada however provivdes them a second option and it is very easy to cross the border into the USA from Canada, it is basically Length: 8.7 million yes MILLION miles, most of it unguarded so you more or less walk across it. Trump has only slowed things down, there is a shit ton of work to do, if you want to see a policy that works look to what countries like Japan do to their jihad 'refugees' in less than 40 mins they are dragged and flown out of the country.

Swallowdaredpill ago

Its 8.7 million meters Idiot, which is roughly 5,400 miles

Shitapple_samsquamsh ago

When are we getting ANY meaningful move against illegal immigration? If we cant get a wall then simply poison the well they are coming to drink from. Arrest any business owners hiring illegals. Offer a rewards program for reporting illegals to ICE. Stop them having access to welfare. End birthright citizenship. Tax the living hell out of money sent back to mexico / south america.

SushiMasa ago

Stop with the legal illegal shit. It has never mattered. It's all about demographics. If they were all given amnesty they would still ruin the country.

Shitapple_samsquamsh ago

I agree with you completely. I do NOT want them legally either. But right now, we have to stop the fucking flood before we can even begin to mop up the mess.
Remove ALL incentive for them to come here. Lock down the border. And when migration is something you want to happen, be EXTREMELY careful on who you let in. It is obvious right now that the plan, as it stands, is to allow as many shitskins into the country unimpeded and without any recording of numbers in order to facilitate a demographic change without the native population becoming fully aware it is happening. Both republicans AND democrats are part of this plan.

eongoat ago

so true, they all vote democrat and democrats want to open the flood gates on all the valley people while they sit in their houses on top of the mountains

SushiMasa ago

It's got nothing to do with who they vote for. They'd let them in if they were conservative. They let them in because they have low IQs and high criminality.

honeyshovingbikes ago

Fuck man preach.

SushiMasa ago

I will accept my new title as Fuck Man the preacher.

The future is 100% demographic. We know this now. There are of course millions of outliers around the world - individuals who do not have the major characteristics of their groups. Unfortunately, due to regression to the mean, the outliers will never be particularly relevant. This is why Poland is nice and Nigeria is not. I'm sure there's a few bad people in Poland.

Hydrocephalus ago

I'm all for a bounty system.

gentronseven ago

I prefer this bounty system, bring in a black haired, non-white (but I repeat myself? Can whites even have black hair?) Scalp and receive $1000 cash.

Bring in a severed hook nose, receive $10,000.

Oveass ago

They are using cosmetic surgery on the nose these days

Malagant ago

Where do I sign up?

thantik ago

White people can have black hair. They just can't have brown eyes.

throwaway52 ago

Saxons overwhelmingly had brown eyes, you low-IQ piece of shit, haha.

thantik ago

They weren't REAL white people! White people have green and blue eyes you brown eyed africana. Making excuses to why your bloodline has congoloid blood in it.

Ocelot ago

Caucasians do have brown eyes.

QXQ ago

lolwut? Hitler had brown eyes.

Merlynn ago

Do we have to take them in alive?

C_Corax ago

All of which you proposed is the better solution. As long as there is an incentive to come they will, wall or no wall.

jollux ago

What wall?

edistojim ago

The wall Trump CANNOT build unless approved and funded by Congress.

clamhurt_legbeard ago
